5 Source Code
The source code of openSUSE is publicly available. To download the source code,
proceed as outlined under http://www.novell.com/products/suselinux/
source_code.html. If requested we send you the source code on a DVD. We need
to charge a $15 or €15 fee for creation, handling and postage. To request a DVD of the
source code, send an e-mail to sourcedvd@suse.de [mailto:sourcedvd@suse
.de] or mail the request to:
SUSE Linux Products GmbH
Product Management
Maxfeldstr. 5
D-90409 Nürnberg
6 Acknowledgments
With a lot of voluntary commitment, the developers of Linux cooperate on a global
scale to promote the development of Linux. We thank them for their efforts—this dis-
tribution would not exist without them. Furthermore, we thank Frank Zappa and Pawar.
Special thanks, of course, goes to Linus Torvalds.
Have a lot of fun!
Your SUSE Team
About This Guide xv