Step 1:
Double click on Setup.exe to start the driver
installation. Follow the onscreen-menu to complete
the installation restart your computer.
Step 2:
After installation is completed, please
Converting different video format to .AMV video
Step 1:
After installing the driver and software
utilities, click Start button, select All Programs > MP3
Player Utilities 4.36 > AMV Convert Tool.
Step 2: Click on the Input File button to select the .ASF
video file you want to convert to an .AMV video file..
Also click on the Output File button to select the
destination path for the AMV video file.
Step 3
: Click Convert button to start converting
process. You will see .AMV video file was converted.
The software can convert .DAT, .WMV, .AVI video
format into .AMV video also.But if the resolution for the
your desired files less than 160x120,you may not
convert it correctly.