! SRS seat cushion airbag operation
1) Driver’s side
2) Passenger’s side
The SRS seat cushion airbag is
designed not to deploy when the
seatbelt for the corresponding seat
is not fastened. For safety, all per-
sons in the vehicle should fasten
their seatbelts.
The SRS seat cushion airbags are de-
signed to deploy simultaneously when the
SRS frontal airbags deploy. For details
about the operating conditions, refer to
“SUBARU advanced frontal airbag opera-
tion” F1-57.
The front passenger’s SRS seat cushion
airbag is designed not to deploy in either
of the following conditions.
. The front passenger’s seatbelt is not
fastened (even when the front passen-
ger ’s frontal airbag ON indicator illumi-
nates while the OFF indicator remains off).
. The front passenger’s frontal airbag
ON indicator is off while the OFF indicator
When the front passenger’s SRS fron-
tal airbag is deactivated by the occu-
pant detection system, the front pas-
senger’s SRS seat cushion airbag is
also deactivated.
! SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag operation
The driver’s and front passenger’s SRS
side airbags and SRS curtain airbags
deploy independently of each other be-
cause each has its own impact sensor.
Therefore, they may not both deploy in the
same accident. Also, the SRS side airbag
deploys independently of the driver’s and
front passenger’s SRS frontal airbags in
the steering wheel and instrument panel.
An impact sensor, which senses impact
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)