PART 1 • English
Stop Time shift
If you want to stop Time shift press EXIT or pq, then a confirmation window appears.
Select Yes to stop Time shift or select No to continue Time shift.
There are 3 different ways to record programmes: Instant recording, recording from EPG
and recording via timer
Instant recording
In viewing mode press 4 to instantly start a record on the current channel.
Press RED (3) to stop recording. If you press 4 again, you can adjust the duration for
this record. Insert the time with the numeric buttons and press OK to confirm, then
press EXIT to remove the message.
From EPG
Press the EPG button to enter the programme guide, than select an event and channel
with the buttons described on screen. Press 4 on an event to plan a timer on this
event. An icon is then displayed beside the planned event. If you want to remove the
planned record you have to press 4 again.
Manual scheduling
You can set a record manually via the Timer menu. For details refer to chapter 5.3.4
Timer Setting.
Note: In case the available free space on the USB device is not enough,
recording operation of broadcast will stop. Maximum available
Time shift setting is 1h. Available record types: TS: Transport
stream including teletext, subtitles etc. PS: Program stream for
playback by PC or another device.
With SRT 5203 you can record a channel while watching another
within the same frequency.
With SRT 5222 you can record 2 channels from different
frequencies to USB device and you can watch another programme
within the same frequency of the last recording.
WARNING: Please consider that Time shift needs min. 0,58 GB free space on
the USB device and an accurate Time shift function is depending
on the speed of the used USB device.
5.5.5 Safely Remove Storage Device
In “Media+” menu, select “Safely Remove Storage Device” and press OK to safely
remove the USB device. Then a message is displayed.