V or je de m Geb rauch üb erp rüf en! ∙
Kind er vo m Gerät f ernh alten . V er bren nungs ge fahr! ∙
∙ Die se s Gerät i s t nicht d afür b es tim mt , durc h Per so nen (ein schli eßlic h Kind er)
mit ei nge sch ränk ten p hysi sc hen , sen so ris che n, od er gei s tige n Fähigkeiten
od er mang els Er fa hrung u nd /ode r mang els W i ss en be nut z t zu werde n, e s sei d enn,
sie we rde n durch ei ne für i hre Sic herh eit zu st ändi ge Pe rs on b eauf sic htigt o de r
erh ielten von ihr Anw eisu ngen, wie das Ger ät z u be nutz en ist.
Kin der so llten beau fsich tig t we rden, um si che rzuste lle n, dass sie n icht m it dem ∙
Gerä t ode r der Verpa ckung s piel en.
Das G erät da r f nicht mi t eine r Zeit s chaltu hr od er mit ei nem s epar aten F ernw irk s y- ∙
s tem b etri ebe n werd en!
Stecker zie hen na ch je dem G ebrau ch od er im F ehle r fall ∙
Re ißen Sie ni cht an de r Netzanschl us sle itung . Sche uern Sie diese nic ht a n K ant en ∙
und kl em men Si e dies e nich t ein.
Die se Einhe it hat e in IP 21 Schut zle vel und i s t geei gnet f ur ein e V er we ndun g im ∙
Badezi mme r aus er in Zon en 1 & 2 (Dar s tellu ng 1 ). Bit te b enut zen Si e die se s Heiz-
ger at n icht in der unm ittelb are n Umgebu ng e ines Bads, e iner Dusch e oder ein es
Swimmingpools .
In Zo ne 3 is t da s Gerä t nur ge st at te t , wenn e s durch ei ne Fe hler s trom -S chu tz vo r - ∙
rich tung mi t eine m Fehl er st rom / Om , der ni cht 3 0m A ub er sch reite t , ge schu tz t si nd.
V erlassen Sie ihr e W ohn ung nie be i eingesc ha ltet em Gerät; ü berz euge n Sie sich in ∙
di esem Fal l im mer , d ass der Scha lte r in d er Ste ll ung OFF ( 0) u nd der Therm ostat auf
die nie drig s te Stufe (*) einge st ellt i st .
Hei zlü f ter wä hrend des Betri ebs in ein er si che ren, ebene n Posi tio n aufstel len, b z w .: ∙
Mit mi ndesten s 1 Meter Abstan d von entzü ndl ichen Ge genstän den od er Möbeln ; ∙
Das Luftausla ssgitter u nbed eckt lassen; K ein Gegen stand darf inn erh al b ein er ∙
Reic hweit e von 1 Me ter vor d em Au slas s git ter vo rhan den s ein;
Niem als di rekt unte rha lb e iner S teck dose posit ion ieren ; ∙
L as sen S ie nicht zu , da ss T iere o der K inde r das G erät b erüh ren od er da mit s piele n. ∙
Ac htu ng ! W ähre nd des B etriebs ka nn d as Luf taus lassgi tter sehr heiß w erd en (übe r
90 ° C);
∙ WI C HTI G: U m Übe rhi t zun g zu ve rme ide n, d as G erät nie a bd ec ken.
Niem als Gege nstände oder De ck en auf das e ing escha ltete Ge rä t legen.
Das G erät nic ht in Räu men b enut zen , die mi t expl osi ven G ase n ode r Dämp fen ∙
gesättig t sin d, die von Lös ungsm it te ln un d Lack en oder entflamm bar en Su bs tan ze n
erz eugt wurd en.
Wenn ei n be schä digt es Kab el au szu tau sch en i st , fü hren S ie die sen Vorgan g nicht ∙
sel bs t aus , s ond ern b ringe n das G erät zu ein er au tori sier t en Rep aratur s tell e, weil
di eser V org ang um jegl iche Besch ädig ungsg efa hr z u v ermeide n, von Fac hperson al
ausge füh rt w erde n muss.
Der H eizlüf t er mus s s o pos itio nier t s ein , das s die An sc hlus sd os e st et s err eichb ar is t . ∙
Die Eins te llknö pfe dür f en unte r keinen Um s tän den f ür Per s onen zu gängli ch sei n, ∙
di e sic h in d er Badew anne od er in der D usche a ufhalt en.
Before operating the heater, please read thes e instructions thoroughly to avoid damage and
hazardous situations. Any use of this heater other than that stipulated in this instruction manual
may cause fire, electric shock or injury , and voids all w arranties.
Warranty does not a pply to any defect, deter ioration, loss, injury or damage caused by, or as a result
of, the misuse or abuse of this heater. The rights dictated by State law are not prejudiced. None of the
terms of t his warranty are to be taken as excluding any conditions or warranties implied by State law,
which cannot be excluded or modified.
Before any operation remove the packaging and check pr oduct integrity. In case of defects or damages
do not try to repair it yourself but con tact your dealer.
Do not let children play with the packaging and prot ect the environment by disposing of the packaging
in accordance with the national regulation s for waste processing.
Please retain these instructions in a safe place for future reference.
For your safety
This appliance is intended for normal household use and not for use in commercial/industrial
enviroment, in vehicles or on board ships o r aircrafts.
This appliance is not intended fo r use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless thy have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their
Children must be under watch to avoid that they could play with the product.
Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continuously supervised.
Children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall only switch on/off the appliance provided
that it has been placed or installed in its intended normal operating position and they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the
hazards inv olved. Children aged from 3 years and less t han 8 y ears s hall n ot plug i n, regulate
and clean the appliance or perform u ser maintenance.
AUT ION — S ome p arts o f t his product c an b ecome v ery hot a nd c ause b urns. P arti cular
attention has to be given where children and vulnerable people are present.
Make sure that your supply rating corresponds to what specified on the rating plate: 230V~,
This unit has an IP21 protection level and is suitable for use in bathroom excluding Zones 1 & 2
(picture 1). Do not use this heater in the immediate surroundings of a bath, a shower or a
swimming pool.
In zone 3, socket outlets are permitted only if they are protected by a residual current protec tive
device with a residual operating current/Om not exceeding 30mA.
Don't leave your home while the appliance is in function: en sure in this case that the switch is in
OFF (0) position and the thermostat is in minimum position (¿ ).
During function, place the heate r in a safe position:
- a t least 1m far from inflammable objects or f urnitures;
- l eaving not less t han 1m of free space in front of the heater;
- not located immediatel y below a socket-outlet.
Do not leave animals or children touch or play w ith the appliance. Pay a ttention! The a ir o utlet
grille gets hot during operation (more than 90°C)
WAR NING: In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the heater. Do not hang anything on
the heater and do not cover it while it’s working. This is clearly written on the cover of the product
or shown by the symbol
Before operating t he heater, pleas e read th ese instructions thoroughly to avoid da mage and
hazardous situations. Any use of this heater other than that stipulated in this instruction manual
may cause fire, electric shock or injury, and voids all warranties.
Warranty does not ap ply to any defect, deterioration, loss, injury or damage caused by, or as a result
of, the misuse or abuse of this heater. The rights dictated by State law are not prejudiced. None of the
terms of this warranty are to be taken as excluding any conditions or warranties implied by State law,
which cannot be excluded or modified.
Before any operation remove the packaging and check product i ntegrity. In case of defects or da mages
do not try to repair it yourself but contact your dealer.
Do not let children play with the packaging and protect the environment by disposing of the packaging
in accordance with the national regulations for waste processing.
Please retain these instructions in a safe place for future reference.
For your safety
This appliance is intended for normal household use and not for use in commercial/industrial
enviroment, in vehicles or on board ships or aircrafts.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) w ith reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless thy have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their
Children must be under watch to avoid that they could play with the product.
Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continuously supervised.
Children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall only switch on/off the appliance provided
that it has been placed or installed in its intended normal operating position and they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the
hazards involved. Children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall not plug in, reg ulate
and clean the appliance or perform user maintenance.
AUTION — Some parts of this product can become very hot and cause burns. Particular
attention has to be given where children and vulnerable people are present.
Make sure that your supply rating corresponds to what sp ecified on the rating plate: 230V~,
This unit has an IP21 protection level and is suitable for use in bathroom excluding Zones 1 & 2
(picture 1). Do not use this heater in the immediate surroundings of a bath, a shower or a
swimming pool.
In zone 3, socket outlets are permitte d only if the y are protected by a residual curr ent protective
device with a residual operating current/Om not exceeding 30mA.
Don't leave your home while the appliance is in function: ensure in this case that the switch is in
OFF (0) position and the thermostat is in minimum position (¿ ).
During function, place the heater in a safe positio n:
- at least 1m far from inflammable objects or furni tures;
- leaving not less than 1m of free space in front of th e heater;
- not located immediately below a socket-outlet.
Do not leave animals or children touch or play with the appliance. Pay attention! The air outlet
grille gets hot during operation (more than 90°C)
WARNING: In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the heater. Do not hang anything on
the heater and do not cover it while it’s working. This is clearly written on the cover of the product
or shown by the symbol
Al lge mein
Dies es Ger ät ist n ur fü r den Gebr auch im Ha usha lt und nich t im Gew erbe bes ti mmt.
Bit te l es en Sie di e Geb rauch sa nweis ung auf me rk sam d urch un d be wahren S ie die se
so rgfält ig auf. Bei Weit ergab e de s Gerä tes an a nder e Per so nen i s t die Ge brauc hsa n-
we isun g mit zu übergeb en. B enutz en Sie das Ge rät wie ang egebe n und beacht en S ie
die Si cher heit s hinwei se. Für S chä den o der Unf älle, di e durch N ichtb eac htung e nt ste -
hen , wird keine H af tung ü ber nom men.
Sicherheit shin weise
Ger ät n ur g emäß Ang aben auf dem T ypensch ild ansch ließe n und betrei ben. ∙
Nur b enut zen , wenn Zul eitun g und Ge rät keine Be sch ädigun gen au f wei sen . ∙
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3