D21m System
D21m Modules 6-9Date printed: 13.08.07
Jumpers: Level (Ch1...8) Two positions each: 15 dBu (factory default) or 24 dBu.
Alignment: RA1...8 The multi-turn trimmer gives fine adjustment of the output level set with
the jumpers. The factory default is +22dBu out = 0dBFS.
If a different output level is required, select the desired range
with the jumper and use the LEVEL trimmer potentiometer to adjust to the
desired level.
Repeat this alignment for all outputs.
Connector Pin Assignment: (25-pin D-type, female)
Pin Signal Pin Signal
1 CH 8 out + 14 CH 8 out –
2 CH 8 out GND 15 CH 7 out +
3 CH 7 out – 16 CH 7 out GND
4 CH 6 out + 17 CH 6 out –
5 CH 6 out GND 18 CH 5 out +
6 CH 5 out – 19 CH 5 out GND
7 CH 4 out + 20 CH 4 out –
8 CH 4 out GND 21 CH 3 out +
9 CH 3 out – 22 CH 3 out GND
10 CH 2 out + 23 CH 2 out –
11 CH 2 out GND 24 CH 1 out +
12 CH 1 out – 25 CH 1 out GND
13 n.c.
Ch 1
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 3
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 5
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 7
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 2
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 4
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 6
24 dBu
15 dBu
Ch 8
24 dBu
15 dBu
Solder/Crimp View
(or Socket View)