In order to make it easier for you to hear your own voice during a phone call, the microphones work to capture
ambient sounds (Sidetone function). If your voice sounds too loud or the sounds in your surroundings are bothering
you, turn off [Capture Voice During a Phone Call] on the “Sony | Headphones Connect” app.
The noise canceling function is effective in low frequency ranges such as airplanes, trains, offices, near air-
conditioning, and is not as effective for higher frequencies, such as human voices.
When the Adaptive Sound Control on the “Sony | Headphones Connect” app is turned on, the wearer's actions, like
walking or running, are detected. The noise canceling function is automatically adjusted and the Ambient Sound
Mode may be activated according to these actions.
To make the most of the noise canceling function, turn off the Adaptive Sound Control, and try to turn on the noise
canceling function manually when you need it.
Related Topic
Replacing the earbud tips
Wearing the headset
What is noise canceling?
Using the noise canceling function
What you can do with the “Sony | Headphones Connect” app
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