Project properties (continued)
Ruler tab, 409
Summary tab, 410
Video tab, 284–286
Project references in media files, 53
3D projects, 125–127
Creating, 37
Default settings, 286
Nesting, 67
Playing back, 68–71
Properties, 38, 284–286, 408–410
Publishing to Web, 71
Renaming, 40
Rendering, 71, 131–133, 365–367
Rotating, 39
Saving, 40, 363–364
Saving as EDLs, 278
Sharing online, 71
Stereoscopic 3D projects, 125–127
Events, 106, 109, 183, 184
Media files, 286–289
Projects, 38, 284–286, 408–410
Tracks, 161
ProType Titler, 275
PSD files, 52
PSP, exporting movies to, 378
Publishing projects to Web, 71
Pulldown removal, 41, 45, 416
Punch-in, 82, 243
Quantizing to frames, 104, 429
QuickTime captions
Exporting, 298
Importing, 293
.r3d files, 60–61, 283–284
RAM cache for previews, 350
RAW camera files, 41, 46
Razor blade. See Splitting events
Exporting captioning files, 298
Importing captioning files, 293
Streaming commands, 99
Real-time rendering, 378
Recapturing offline video clips, 54
Arming tracks, 241
Broadcast Wave Format (.bwf) metadata, 240, 425
Input monitoring, 240, 246, 247
Into a time selection, 242
Into an event, 242
Into an event with time selection, 243
Keyboard shortcuts, 481
Recording (continued)
Multiple takes, 246
Preparing for, 240
Specifying storage folder, 246
Starting and stopping, 241
Using input busses, 244
With input monitoring on, 229
Red Book CD burning, 389, 396
Red eye reduction
In still images, 116
Keyboard shortcuts, 481
Red frames in timeline, 41
RED ONE and EPIC camera files, 60–61, 283–284
See also Undo
Clearing edit history, 94
Last undo performed, 94
Series of edits, 94
Adding as takes, 114
Adding to media files, 114
Deleting, 98
Inserting, 97
Moving, 97
Naming, 97
Navigating to, 98
Overview, 96
Renaming, 97
Ripple editing, 90, 91
Selecting, 97
Snapping, 103
Viewing in media files, 115
Events from groups, 190
Plug-ins from plug-in chains, 304
Track envelopes, 175
Velocity envelopes, 190
Assignable effects chains, 221
Busses, 209
CD layout markers, 393
Input busses, 215
Markers, 96
Projects, 40, 363
Regions, 97
Tracks, 149, 201
3D projects, 131–133
Copying rendering templates, 377
Custom templates, 376
Deleting custom templates, 376
Files for Blu-ray Disc, 373
Files for DVD Architect Pro software, 263, 372
MPEG format, 370
Projects, 365–367
Quality, 285