Overige informatie
Kennisgeving softwarelicentie
De lic enties voor de softwar e die i s toe gepast in dit pr oduct
worden hier onder vermeld. Om vergissingen uit te s luiten,
hebben we hierbij de oo rspronkel ijke (Engelse) tekst vermeld.
F reeRTOS V6.0.5
Copyright (C) 20 09 Real Time Engineers Lt d.
The FreeRTOS.org source code is l icensed by the modif ied GNU
General Publi c License (GPL) te xt provided below.
An exception to this lice nse exists th at can be applie d should you wish
to use FreeRTOS in a work that includes co mmercial or proprietary code
with out bein g obl iged to p rovi de sourc e cod e for the pro priet ary
components. See th e licensing se ction of
http://www.Fre eRTOS.org for full d etails.
Vers ion 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free So ftware Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 0211 0-1301 USA Everyone is permitted
to copy and distribute ver batim copies of th is license documen t, but
changing it is not allo wed.
Pream ble
The licenses for most so ftware are d esigned to ta ke a way your freed om
to s ha re a n d ch an g e i t . B y c o nt r as t, t he G N U G e ne r al P ub l ic Li ce nse is
int ended to guar antee your fr eedom to share and chan ge fr ee softwa re-
-to make sur e the software is free for all i ts users. Thi s General Pub lic
License applie s to most of the Free Softwa re Found ation's software and
to any othe r program whose author s commit to using it. (Some othe r
Free Software Foundation softwar e is covered by th e GNU Lesser
Gener al Public Lice nse in stead .) You can a ppl y it to your progr ams, too.
When we s peak o f fre e sof tware , we are refe rrin g to freedom , not price.
Our Gener al Publ ic L icen ses a re desi gned to m ake sure tha t y ou have
the freedom to distribute copies of free so ftware (and charg e for t his
serv ice if you wish) , that you rece ive sou rce code or ca n get it if you want
it, that you can change the so ftware or use pieces of it in new free
programs; and th at you know you c an do these things.
To protect yo ur rights, we ne ed to make restri ctions that forb id an yone
to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rig hts. These
restricti ons translate to certain responsi bilitie s for yo u if you di stribute
copies of th e software, or if you modify it.
For exa mple, if you distribute copies of su ch a program , whether gratis
or fo r a f ee, you m ust give the r ecipie nts all the rights that you have. You
must make sure that they, to o, recei ve or can ge t the source code. And
you must show th em these terms so they know their r ights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) co pyrigh t the software, and (2)
offer you this license which gives you legal permission to co py, distribute
and/or modif y the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that
everyon e understa nds that there is no war ranty for this free software. If
the software is modified by so meone else and passed o n, we want its
recipients t o know that what t hey have is no t the original, so that any
probl ems int roduce d by oth ers will not ref lect on th e or igin al authors'
rep uta tion s.
Finally, any free program is threatened consta ntly by software patent s.
We wish to avoid the danger th at redistri butors of a free p rogram will
individ ually obtain pat ent licenses, in effect making t he program
propriet ary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must
be licensed for everyone's f ree use or not li censed at all.
The prec ise term s and condition s for copy ing, di stribution and
modificati on follow.
0. This Licen se applies to any progra m or other work which cont ains a
notice placed b y the copyright h older saying it may be distrib ute d
under the terms o f this General Public License. Th e "Program",
below , refers to an y such program or w ork, and a "w ork based on the
Progr am" m eans eit her t he P rogra m or any deri vati ve w ork u nder
copyright law: that is to say, a work containin g the Program or a
port ion of i t, ei ther ver bati m or wit h mod ific atio ns an d/or trans lat ed
into another l anguage. (Hereinafte r, translati on is included wi thout
limitation in the term "modification".) Each l icensee is addressed as
"you" .
Activities oth er than copying , distribution a nd modification a re no t
covered by thi s License; they ar e outside its scope. The act of
running the Pro gram is not restr icted, and the o utput from the
Program is cover ed only if its co ntents constitu te a work based on
the P rogra m ( indep endent of havi ng be en m ade by run ning the
rogram ). Wheth er that is tr ue depend s on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distrib ute verbatim copie s of the Program's
source code as you receive it, i n any medium, provi ded that you
conspicuously and a ppropriately pub lish on each copy a n
appro priate cop yright notic e and disclaime r of warranty; keep intact
all the noti ces that refer to this License and to the absen ce of any
warranty; and give any other r ecipie nts of the P rogram a copy of th is
Licen se along with th e Progra m.
You may charge a fee for the phy sical act of transferr ing a copy, and
you m ay at y our option offer warr anty prot ection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thu s forming a work base d on the Program, and copy and
distribute su ch modifications or work under t he terms of Section 1
above, provided th at you also meet a ll of these co nditions:
a) Y ou must cause the modified files to carry p rominent notices
stating that you changed the fi les and the dat e of any change.
b) You mus t c ause any wo rk t hat you d istr ibu te or publ ish, th at in
whole or in par t contain s or is d erived from the Program or any
part thereof , to be licens ed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of t his License.
c) If the modified pr ogram normally reads co mmands interacti vely
when run, you must c ause it, when st arted running fo r such
interactiv e use in the most o rdinary way, to p rint or displa y an
announ ceme nt i nclud ing an a pprop riate co pyrigh t not ic e and a
notice that there is no warranty (o r else, saying that you provide
a warranty) a nd that users may r edistribute th e program under
these conditi ons, and telli ng the user how t o view a copy of this
License. (Excepti on: if the Program itself i s interactive but does
not normally print such an annou ncement, your work ba sed on
the Program is n ot required t o print an announcement.)
These requir ements apply to the modifie d work as a whol e. If identifia ble
sections of t hat work are not derived from the Program, and can be
reaso nably considere d indepen dent and separ ate wo rks in themselves,
then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
distr ibute them as se parate w orks. B ut when you dis tribute th e same
sections as p art of a whole wh ich is a work base d on the Program, the
distribut ion of the whole mu st be on the terms o f this License , whose
permissions fo r other licen sees extend to the entire whole, an d thus to
each and every p art regardless o f who wrote it.
Thus, it is n ot the intent of this secti on to claim rig hts or contest yo ur
rig hts to work writ ten en tire ly by you; rathe r, th e inte nt is to exerci se the
right to control the distr ibution of derivative or collective works based on
the P rog ram.
In addit ion, mere aggregation of a nother work n ot based on the Pr ogram
with the Program (or with a work bas ed on the Program ) on a volume of
a stora ge or distribut ion medi um does not bri ng the other work un der the
scope of thi s License.
3. You may copy and d istribute the P rogram (or a work ba sed on it,
under Se ction 2) in obj ect code or exe cutab le for m und er t he terms
of Se cti ons 1 and 2 a bove provi ded that you also do one of the
followin g:
a) Accompany it with the comple te corresponding machine-
readabl e source co de, which must be distribut ed under the t erms
of S ect ions 1 and 2 a bove on a mediu m cus toma rily use d for
software in terchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, va lid for at least th ree years, to
give any th ird party, for a charge no more th an your cost o f
physicall y performing source d istribution, a complete machine-
readable copy of the correspond ing source code, to be
distribu ted under the ter ms of Sections 1 an d 2 above on a
mediu m custom arily us ed for s oftware i nterchan ge; or,
c) Acco mpany it with the infor mation you received as to the offer to
distribut e corre sponding source code. (Th is altern ative is
allowe d only fo r noncom mercia l distribut ion and only if yo u
received the program in object code o r executable form with such
an offer, i n accord with Su bsection b above.)
The source code fo r a work means t he preferred form o f the work fo r
making modific ations to it. Fo r an executable wo rk, complete source
code means all th e source code fo r all modules it contains, plu s any
associated in terface defini tion files, pl us the scripts u sed to control
compilation and installatio n of the executable . However, as a special
except ion, the source code distribut ed need not include anything that is
normally dis tributed (in ei ther source or bi nary form) with the major
components (compile r, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the execu table runs, unle ss that component i tself accompanies
the e xec utable .
If distribut ion of executable o r o bject code is made by offering access to
copy fro m a de sig nated plac e, t hen offer ing equi vale nt acc ess to copy
the source cod e from the same place counts as distr ibution of the
source code, e ven though third parties are not co mpelled to copy the
source along wi th the object code.
4. You may not copy , modify, sublicen se, or distrib ute the Program
except as expre ssly provided und er this License. Any attempt
otherwise t o copy, modify, su blicense or distri bute the Program is
void, and will automati cally termina te y our rights und er this Licens e.
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