13. Glossary
* bar: unit of pressure and equals exactly 100,000 Pa. This pressure value is very close
to that of the standard atmospheric pressure.
* lime (Calorie): is expressed by the amount of heat necessary to increase one degree
centigrade the temperature of one gram of water.
* Cava: place where the sealing cord is placed.
* cm (cm): unit of measurement.
* CO (carbon monoxide): It is a slightly flammable, colorless, odorless and very dangerous
gas due to its great toxicity.
* CO2 (carbon dioxide): Gas on the one hand necessary for plants for photosynthesis and
on the other emitted into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.
* Combustion: is a process of obtaining energy. Combustion is basically a chemical
reaction, and for this to take place it is fundamental the existence of three elements: fuel,
oxidizing and ignition temperature.
* Oxidizing: is the chemical that fuels combustion (essentially oxygen), fundamental in
the combustion process.
* Fuel: it is everything that is likely to combust, in this specific case we refer to wood.
* Creosote: chemical compound processed through combustion. This compound is
sometimes deposited in the glass and chimney of the recuperator.
* Energy Efficiency: ability to generate high amounts of heat with the lowest possible
energy - causes less environmental impact and reduction in the energy budget.
* COemissions: emission of carbon monoxide gas into the atmosphere.
* CO emissions (13% of O2): carbon monoxide content emitted into the atmosphere.
* kcal (Kilocalorie): multiple unit of measurement of the calorie. Equivalent to 1,000
* kW (Kilowatt): Unit of measurement corresponding to 1,000 watts.
* L/h: liters per hour.
* mm (mm): unit of measurement.
* Pa (Pascal): standard unit of pressure and voltage in the International System (SI).
The unit is named after Blaise Pascal, an eminent French mathematician, physicist and