Anti-theft coding
When the unit is switched off and the ignition key
has been removed, the ashing diode 8 will show
that the radio has anti-theft coding.
The anti-theft coding will electronically prevent
unauthorized persons from operating the unit if it
has been removed from the vehicle.
Convenience radio coding
For technical reasons, the convenience radio cod-
ing is not available for all vehicle models.
In the past one had to recode the radio manually
every time the unit was removed or when the
vehicle battery had been disengaged.
That has all changed with the new convenience
radio coding function: Once the code number
has been input in the radio it will then be stored
in the vehicle!
If the current supply has been interrupted the radio
will automatically compare „its“ code number with
the one stored in the vehicle. If the code numbers
are identical the radio will be ready for use after
just a few seconds.
It is therefore no longer necessary to disengage
the electronic lock manually!
If the code numbers are not identical, however,
because the radio has been tted to another ve-
hicle, for example, the electronic lock will have to
be disengaged manually.
In teh event that you did not receive the secu-
rity code for your radio, this is because your
car is equiped with the convenience system
of coding for which this code is not needed. In
the battery is disconnected and then re-con-
nected, rst of all switch the ignition on with
the key and then, after this, the radio. Should
you nevertheless wish to have the security
code, please contact your Škoda dealer.
Cancelling the electronic lock
If the radio was installed in another vehicle,
„SAFE“ will appear in the display after the radio
is switched on.
To cancel the electronic lock, you must enter the
correct code number.
It is essential that the following steps be carried
out in the correct order:
l Turn on the radio - the word „SAFE“ appears
in the display.
l „1000“ will appear in the display after approxi-
mately 3 seconds.
If, however, „SAFE“ is still shown - together
with a small „2“ - in the left of the display,
the radio is blocked! The radio must remain
switched on for 1 hour to lift this block.
l Input the code number attached to the code
card using the station buttons 9.
Use button 1 to input the rst digit of the code
number, button 2 to input the second digit,
and so on.
l Then press either the search or the manual
setting rocker switch for longer than 2 seconds.
Release button!
l A frequency will be shown automatically shortly
after the correct code has been input.
The radio can now be used again!
Incorrect Code Number
Should you inadvertently input the incorrect code
number in attempting to release the electronic
lock, the word „SAFE“ will appear in the display
- rst ashing and then permanently.
You can now repeat the entire cancelling proce-
dure once. The number of attempts will be shown
in the display.
If you input another incorrect number, your ra-
dio will be blocked for approximately one hour,
i.e. the radio cannot be turned on. This will be
indicated through the small „2“ in the bottom
left of the display. After an hour, the radio must
remain switched on, the display with the number
of attempts goes out and you can cancel the
electronic lock as described above.
This cycle - two attempts, one hour lock - will
remain the same.