• IP address It is the router’s LAN IP address (Your LAN clients
default gateway IP address).
• IP Subnet Mask Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN
• 802.1d Spanning Tree: Disabled by default. If the 802.1d Spanning Tree
function is enabled, this router will use the spanning tree protocol to prevent
network loops.
• DHCP Server: Enabled by default. You can enable or disable the DHCP server.
When DHCP is disabled no ip-addresses are assigned to clients and you have
to use static ip-addresses. When DHCP server is enabled your computers will
be assigned an ip-address automatically until the lease time expires.
• Lease Time: One Week. In the Lease Time setting you can specify the time
period that the DHCP lends an IP address to your LAN clients. The DHCP will
change your LAN client’s IP address when this time threshold period is
• IP Address Pool: You can select a particular IP address range for your DHCP
server to issue IP addresses to your LAN Clients. The default IP range is ~ If you want your PC(s) to have a static/fixed
IP address, then you’ll have to choose an IP address outside this IP address
• Domain Name: You can specify a Domain Name for your LAN or just keep the
default (sitecom.router).
Device Status
View the router’s current configuration settings. Device Status displays the configuration
settings you’ve configured in the Internet Settings and WiFi Settings sections.