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Simrad ER60
Scientific echo sounder application
Operator manual
Scientific echo sounder
Operator manual
About this document
Rev Date Written by Checked by Approved by
28.09.04 RBr LNA LNA
Revised for new software version 2.1.0.
© 2004 Simrad AS. All rights reserved.
ISBN 82-8066-011-9
The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.
Simrad AS shall not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or
consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this
No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or otherwise
copied without prior permission from Simrad AS.
Simrad AS
Strandpromenaden 50
Box 111
N-3191 Horten
Telephone: +47 33 03 40 00
Facsimile: +47 33 04 29 87
Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
1 Application description
This chapter provides a very short description of the ER60 Scientific echo
sounder. Refer to page 1.
Thevariousvi ews presentedbytheER60Scientificechosounderareexplained.
Refer to page 2.
3 Operational procedures
This chapter holds a selection of common procedures covering the key
functions of the ER60. Refer to page 15.
4 Menus
The ER60 is operated using a set of menus, short-cut menus and dialogue
boxes. This chapter lists the menus with page references to the applicable
dialogue boxes and/or functions. Refer to page 41.
5 Dialogue boxes and functions
This chapter holds reference information describing the dialogue boxes and
functionsindetail. Thetopicsare listedinalphabetical order. Referto page46.
This chapterdetailsthevariousdataformats andinterfaces. Referto page132.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
APPLICATION DESCRIPTION 1................................
General 1................................................
DISPLAY VIEWS 2..............................................
Introduction 2.............................................
Display organisation 3......................................
Main menu 4.............................................
Toolbar 5................................................
Status bar 6...............................................
Channel windows overview 7................................
Depth 8..................................................
Single Target Position 9.....................................
Single Target Histogram 10...................................
Echogram 11..............................................
Scope 12..................................................
Colour scale 13.............................................
Numerical 14..............................................
OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 15................................
Introduction 15.............................................
Power on/off 16............................................
Basic operations 18.........................................
Transceiver installation 20....................................
Data recording and playback 21................................
Calibration 24..............................................
Noise measurements at sea 36.................................
MENUS 41........................................................
Introduction 41.............................................
Drop-down menus 42........................................
Short-cut menus 44.........................................
DIALOGUE BOXES AND FUNCTIONS 46........................
General 46................................................
Alphabetical list 47.........................................
About 48..................................................
Add User 49...............................................
Annotation 50..............................................
Bottom Detection 52........................................
Bottom Range 53...........................................
Calculation Interval 54.......................................
Cascade 55................................................
Close All 56...............................................
Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Colour Scale 57............................................
Colours 59................................................
Configure Statusbar 60.......................................
Configure Window 61.......................................
Contents 62...............................................
Data Source 63.............................................
Delete Layer 65............................................
Depth Output 66............................................
Echogram 67..............................................
EK500 Datagram 73.........................................
Environment 77............................................
Ethernet Output 78..........................................
Exit 79...................................................
File Output 80.............................................
HAC Datagram 85..........................................
Hide View 86..............................................
Histogram 87..............................................
Horizontal Axis 88..........................................
LAN Port setup 89..........................................
Layer Properties 90.........................................
Load Setting 92............................................
Log In 93.................................................
Log Out 94................................................
Motion 95.................................................
Navigation 96..............................................
New channel 100............................................
New Layer 101..............................................
Normal Operation 102........................................
Numerical View 104..........................................
Ping Control 105............................................
Port Management 107........................................
Print 109...................................................
Print Preview 110............................................
Remoting 111...............................................
Replay 114.................................................
Save Settings 115............................................
Serial Port Setup 116.........................................
Single Target Detection 117....................................
Surface Range 119...........................................
Tile 120...................................................
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Toolbar 121................................................
Tooltip 122.................................................
Transceiver Installation 123....................................
Transducer Parameters 126....................................
Trawl 127..................................................
User Properties 128..........................................
Users and passwords 129......................................
Warnings 131...............................................
DATA INTERFACES 132...........................................
Overview 132....................................................
Numeric type definition 133.........................................
Raw data 134.....................................................
Overview 134...............................................
Data encapsulation 135.......................................
Configuration datagram 136...................................
NMEA datagram 138.........................................
Annotation datagram 139......................................
Sample datagram 140.........................................
Data subscriptions and remote control 141..............................
Introduction 141.............................................
Overview 141...............................................
Requesting server information 143..............................
Connecting to server 144......................................
Keep connection alive 146.....................................
Issue commands on server 147.................................
Subscription of data 150......................................
Parameter management 155....................................
Disconnecting from server 158.................................
Data subscription types 159..........................................
Introduction 159.............................................
Bottom detection 160.........................................
Target strength detection 161...................................
Sample data 163.............................................
Echogram 165..............................................
Targets echogram 166........................................
Integration 167..............................................
Targets integration 168........................................
Parameter description 170...........................................
Introduction 170.............................................
Descriptions 170.............................................
Application description
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Simrad ER60 scientific echo sounder application is
designed for fishery research and incorporates the following
primary features:
Transceiver operation control
Sensor input control
Information display (echograms and numerical data)
Data output and record control
Replay of previously recorded data
Important notice
Windows 2000, XP and Windows are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
Echo sounder software version
This manual complies to echo sounder software version 2.1.0.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
This chapter provides a brief overview of the information
displayed by the ER60, and how it is organised.
Display organisation, page 3
Main menu, page 4
Toolbar, page 5
Status bar, page 6
Channel w indows overview, page 7
Channel windows
Depth, page 8
Single Target Position, page 9
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Echogram, page 11
Scope, page 12
Colour scale, page 13
Numerical, page 14
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
Display organisation
The ER60 display is organised as follows (from top):
Main menu
Tool bar
A number of Channel windows
Status bar
A display with two channels windows is shown as an example.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Main menu
The ER60 Main menu is located at the top of the echo sounder
To operate, click on the menu name and observe the drop-down
menu. Select a new item on the drop-down menu by clicking on
the command.
Commands shown with light grey colour are unavailable in the
present configuration or operational mode.
A detailed description of the commands available from the main
menu is given in the Reference guide.
Related topics
Main menu commands, page 41
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Toolbar is located directly underneath, or next to the main
menu. A number of dedicated buttons allow for easy access to
the most frequently used functions.
Two toolbars may be applied, Normal operation and Easy
operation. The toolbar selection is made by the Toolbar
command on the View menu. Note that Normal operation is
not available during replay.
The functions (from left) and their equivalent dialogue buttons
and controls are listed in the table below.
Easy operation Equivalent Dialogue
Start pinging Start Ping control
Perform single ping Single step Ping control
Stop pinging Stop Ping control
Set ping rate Ping rate Ping control
Start raw data recording Save raw data File output
Stop raw data recording Save raw data File output
Initiate annotation Annotation text input Annotation
Generate event Annotation
Normal operation Equivalent Dialogue
Select channel XX XX
Select mode Mode Normal Operation
Related topics
File Output, page 80
Normal Operation, page 102
Ping Control, page 105
Toolbar, page 121
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Status bar
The Status bar is located at the bottom of the display. It
presents messages from the echo sounder system as well as a
warning field at the right hand side.
The Status bar can be enabled or disabled with the St atus bar
choice on the View menu, and configured by clicking the right
mouse button while the cursor is located within the Status bar
When all information has been enabled, the Status bar will
display (from left):
Current messages
Current Pitch in degrees (P: 0.0°)
Current Roll in degrees (R: 0.0°)
Current Heave in meters (0.00 m)
Event number
Current Speed in knots (7.0 kts)
Distance in nautical miles (1325.439 nmi)
Geographical position (68°26’515 N...)
Recording status (RECORD OFF)
Current time (16:06:36)
Warnings and errors
The Warnings field on the far right side of the Status bar is a
button. When a warning has been issued, the button will be lit
with a colour and a text indicating the nature of the message. To
investigate further, click the button.
Related topics
Configure Statusbar, page 60
Warnings, page 131
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
Channel windows overview
The ER60 Channel window is the main information bearer on
the echo sounder display.
Each Channel window contains the following views:
Depth, page 8
Single Target Position, page 9
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Echogram, page 11
Scope, page 12
Colour scale, page 13
Numerical, page 14
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Depth view comprises the horizontal view directly below
the Toolbar. The view displays the current depth.
If you click the right mouse button with the cursor position
within this view, a dedicated shortcut menu will appear. If you
press the middle mouse button, the Bottom D etection dialogue
box will open.
Related topics
Channel w indows overview, page 7
Shortcut menu, page 44
Bottom Detection dialogue, page 52
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
Single Target Position
The Single Target Position view is normally located in the top
left corner.
This view shows the position within the beam
of the detected single echoes for the current
ping (largest circles) and the three previous
pings (smaller circles), all in the active layer.
The colours used to display this information
are determined from current target strength
(TS) value and the settings in the Colour
If you place the cursor inside the view, a small
yellow label will appear to give you a detailed
readout of certain information. The Toolti p
dialogue defines which information that will
be shown.
If you click the right mouse button with the
cursor position within this view, a dedicated
shortcut menu will appear. If you press the
middle mouse button, the Single Target
Detection dialogue box will open.
Related topics
Channel w indows, page 7
Colour Scale, page 13
Shortcut menu, page 44
Layer properties, page 90
Single Target Detection, page 117
Tooltip, page 122
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Single Target Histogram
The Single Target Histogram view is normally located in the
bottom left corner of the display presentation.
The histogram plot shows a visualisation of the
target strength (TS) distribution for the single
echoes detected in the Echogram view The colours
used to display this information are determined from
the current target strength (TS) value and the
settings in the Colour scale. The statistics are based
on the active layer and the current calculation
If you place the cursor inside the view, a small
yellow label will appear to give you a detailed
readout of certain information. The Toolti p dialogue
defines which information that will be shown.
If you click the right mouse button with the cursor
position within this view, a dedicated shortcut menu
will appear. If you press the middle mouse button,
the Single Target Detection dialogue box will open.
Related topics
Channel w indows, page 7
Colour Scale, page 13
Shortcut menu, page 44
Calculation interval, page 54
Layer Properties, page 90
Single Target Detection, page 117
Tooltip, page 122
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Echogram view will normally dominate the echo sounder
The Echogram contains information
about the acoustical values. The settings
in the Colour Scale is used to present
the information.
If you place the cursor inside the view, a
small yellow label will appear to give
you a detailed readout of certain
information. The Tooltip dialogue
defines which information that will be
If you click the right mouse button with
the cursor position within this view, a
dedicated shortcut menu will appear. If
you press the middle mouse button, the
Echogram dialogue box will open.
Related topics
Channel window, page 7
Colour Scale, page 13
Shortcut menu, page 44
Echogram, page 67
Tooltip, page 122
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Scope view is normally located on the right side of the
Echogram view.
The Scope view provides a logarithmic oscilloscope
visualization of the last ping. The presentation
corresponds to the current settings in the Echogram view.
The Scope view draws a range of horizontal symmetrical
colour lines. The distance from the vertical center axis and
the line colour reflects the received echo scatter.
If you place the cursor inside the view, a small yellow
label will appear to give you a detailed readout of certain
information. The Tooltip dialogue defines which
information that will be shown.
If you click the right mouse button with the cursor
position within this view, a dedicated shortcut menu will
Related topics
Channel windows overview, page 7
Echogram view, page 11
Shortcut menu, page 45
Tooltip dialogue, page 122
Display views
850-164692 / Rev.B
Colour scale
The Colour scale view is normally located on the left side of
the Echogram view.
The Colour scale view visualizes the mapping of echo
strength into one out of 12 colours, light blue for weak
signals and dark brown for strong signals. Basically, each
discrete colour represents a 3 dB range of echo signal
strength implying that the next colour is selected every
time the echo strength doubles. However, as the number of
colours can differ, and dedicated colour schemes can be
used, this is not necessarily correct
A high numeric TVG value displays weak echo signals
properly while the stronger signals saturate into dark
brown colour. A low numeric value displays strong echo
signals properly. Weak signals below the lower limit of the
colour scale are not displayed (the display background
colour is used).
If you place the cursor inside the view, a small yellow
label will appear to give you a detailed readout of certain
information. The Tooltip dialogue defines which
information that will be shown.
If you click the right mouse button with the cursor
position within this view, a dedicated shortcut menu will
appear. If you click the middle button, the Colour Scale
dialogue box opens.
Related topics
Channel window, page 7
Colour Scale, page 57
Shortcut menu, page 45
Tooltip, page 122
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Numerical view is normally located on the far right side of
the display.
The Numerical view provides listing
with all the various parameters
applicable for the current mode and
The following lists are available:
Transducer - Typical specifications
for the active transducer
Transceiver - Typical specifications
for the transceiver
Environment - displays the current
readout from the active sensors
Layers - Current parameters from the
active layers.
If you click the right mouse button
with the cursor position within this
view, a dedicated shortcut menu will
Related topics
Channel w indows, page 7
Shortcut menu, page 45
Numerical View, page 104
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
This chapter contains a number of specific procedures to be
used with your ER60 echo sounder.
Power on/off, page 16
Basic operations, page 18
Transceiver installation, page 20
Data recording and playback, page 21
Noise measurements at sea, page 36
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Power on/off
Use the following procedures to switch the ER60 echo sounder
on and off.
Power on
It is assumed that the echo sounder’s hardware and software are
properly installed and configured.
1 Switch power on.
- The location of the power switches are individually
assigned. The computer has its own power switch. The
transceiver(s) must be connected to separate power
supplies, and should have a remote power switch.
2 Observe the hardware test messages and operating system
start-up messages.
3 Start the ER60 program.
4 If the Login dialogue box appears, enter username and
5 On the Operation menu, select Normal.
6 Once the echo sounder is running, start pinging by
pressing the “arrow” (") symbol on the toolbar.
If no channels appear in the Normal Operation dialogue,
observe the following procedure:
1 Open the Transceiver Installation dialogue box from the
Install menu
2 Check that all frequency channels are properly installed.
3 Open the Normal Operation dialogue box from the
Operation menu.
4 Check the operational mode for each of the installed
channels. Adjust as required.
5 Open the Window menu, and select New channel to open
a new channel window.
Power off
To switch off the ER60 echo sounder, observe the following
1 Select Exit on the File menu.
2 Allow the computer to close all the ER60 software
- If desired, ER60 can be restarted using the desktop
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
3 Switch off the power on the General Purpose Transceiver
(GPT) and other peripherals (if any).
When the ER60 software has closed down, you need to close
down the computer as well.
1 ClickontheStart button in the lower left corner of the
2 Exit the operating system in the normal matter.
3 When notified, switch off the power.
Related topics
Toolbar, page 5
Normal Operation, page 102
Transceiver Installation, page 123
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Basic operations
This chapter presents a number of common procedures
frequently carried out on the ER60 echo sounder.
Changing the echogram settings
To change the echogram settings:
1 Position the cursor in the Echogram view.
2 Click the right mouse button.
3 Select Echogram from the shortcut menu, and observe the
Echogram dialogue box.
4 Make the desired changes.
5 Click Ok.
Changing the range
To change the range:
1 Position the cursor in the Echogram view.
2 Click the right mouse button.
3 Select Range on the shortcut menu.
4 Observe either the Bottom D etection or Surface Range
dialogue box depending on the current setting.
5 Make the required changes
6 Click Ok.
Changing the vertical resolution
The vertical resolution of the echogram increases with a shorter
pulse duration.
Example: A pulse duration of 1.024 millisecond gives a vertical
resolution of 19.2 cm, whereas a pulse duration of 0.256
millisecond gives a vertical resolution of 4.8 cm. If the vertical
distance between two echoes is less than this, the two echoes
will be shown as one
Observe the following procedure to change the pulse duration:
1 Click Operation on the main menu, and select Normal.
- Observe that the Normal Operation dialogue opens.
2 Set the desired pulse duration for each of the frequency
3 Click Ok.
A small value gives the best resolution, while larger values
provides you with a longer detection range.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
Setting minimum and maximum depth
Setting the minimum and maximum depth enables the echo
sounder to search for bottom lock.
Note Setting both Minimum Depth and Maximum Depth to 0 m will
turn off bottom detection.
1 Position the cursor over the depth information in the
Depth view.
2 Click the right
mouse button.
3 Select Bottom Detector from the shortcut menu.
4 Set minimum and maximum depth to the desired values.
5 Click Ok.
Related topics
Bottom Detection, page 52.
Echogram, page 67.
Normal Operation, page 102.
Surface Range, page 119.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Transceiver installation
Use the following procedures to install, modify or delete
frequency channels from the echo sounder set-up.
General Purpose Transceivers (GPT) physically connected to the
echo sounder’s ethernet interface are identified automatically by
the system. When you open the Transceiver Installation
dialogue box from the Install menu, a list will be provided.
A single frequency transceiver occupies one entry in the list.
This entry is identified as a Frequency Channel, and the line
displays the parameters for the channel. Entries in the frequency
channel list are shown in black, green, blue or red colour
identifying its current status.
To install a channel
1 Select Transceiver on the Install menu.
-TheTransceiver Installation dialogue box opens, and
you are allowed to make changes.
2 Click the desired entry (one of the black colour line
alternatives) in the Frequency Channel Selection list.
3 Assign a transducer by selecting a transducer name in the
Transducer Se lection list.
4 Click OK.
To uninstall a channel
1 Select Transceiver on the Install menu.
-TheTransceiver Installation dialogue box opens, and
you are allowed to make changes.
2 Click the desired entry in the Frequency Channel
Selection list.
3 Select the alternative NONE in the Transducer Selection
4 Click OK.
Related topics
Transceiver Installation, page 123
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
Data recording and playback
You can set up the echo sounder to record unprocessed
transducer signals (sample data) and external sensor information
onto files. These files contain the necessary information to
reconstruct the situation during the real survey. The echo
sounder program reads these files during replay.
The recording is prepared as follows.
1 Open the Output menu, and select File.
2 Observe the Output File dialogue open.
3 Select the tab Directory and push the Browse button if
you wish to change the direcory to which the files are
4 Press the Raw Data tab to define how the raw data is to
be recorded:
- Save raw data: Start/stop recording of raw data.
- Range: Select the depth range to be recorded. This
range, referring to the transducer face, is independent
of any other range settings in the echo sounder.
- Echogram data: This is user defined excerpts of the
processed sample data (pixel data), ie the backscatter
value of the targets. The echograms are stored as time
tagged datagrams in separate files.
5 If necessary, limit the maximum size of a single file.
- The current file will be closed and a new file will be
automatically generated when either the Max vessel
distance or the Max. file size limit is reached.
6 Click OK to exit the dialogue.
Start and stop recording
Use either the Toolbar buttons or the Save raw data check box
in the File Output dialogue to start or stop recording of data.
Note on size of stored raw data
The size of the raw data files stored depends on several user
selections. From these selections you may estimate
approximately the total amount of raw data stored in a given
time period for each installed channel using the following
X = B bytes per sample * (8*R) / (c*tau) samples per ping * M
ping per sec * 24 * 3600 sec per day
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
X = Total amount of stored raw data in bytes for one channel
B = 4 (Given by the resolution of the sample data)
R = Selected range in meters (User defined)
c = Sound speed in water in meters per sec (User defined)
tau = Pulse duration in seconds (User defined)
M = Ping rate in ping per seconds (User defined)
Thus, you can affect the amount of stored raw data by changing
e.g. the range, pulse duration, and ping rate settings.
Playback of a single file
The playback is started as follows:
1 Open the Operation menu, and select Replay.
- Observe the Replay dialogue.
2 Select the single file to be played.
- If no file is listed, click the Add button to select. Note
that only one replay file can be listed if this single file
shall be replayed.
3 Click Loop if you wish to loop through the selected file
4 Click OK.
5 Click the Play buttonintheToolbar.
During playback, the ping rate is not limited by the speed of
sound in water. Hence, it is possible to select a higher ping rate
than during normal operation.
Playback of multiple files
The playback is started as follows:
1 Open the Operation menu, and select Replay.
- Observe the Replay dialogue.
2 Click the Add button to select playback files
- You can place any number of files in the list in the
Replay dialogue.
3 Click the first file you wish to play back.
4 Click Loop if you wish to loop through the the files
5 Click OK.
6 Click the Play buttonintheToolbar.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
Even though you only select one file in the Replay dialogue, the
ER60 will play through all of them in the same order as they are
listed. If Loop is enabled, the playback will return to the first
file, and play through all of them one more time. This will be
repeated until the playback is stopped.
During playback, the ping rate is not limited by the speed of
sound in water. Hence, it is possible to select a higher ping rate
than during normal operation.
Related topics
Toolbar, page 5
File Output, page 80
Replay, page 114
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
For acoustic surveys where accurate quantitative measurements
are required it is essential that the echo sounder is correctly
calibrated. It is a safe practice to perform the calibration before
and after the survey. If experiences over time show that no
adjustments are necessary, it may be appropriate to reconsider
the need for frequent calibrations. Simrad recommends that
calibration is performed at least once a year, and in areas with
different summer and winter condition at least twice a year.
Calibration principles
During calibration a reference target with known target strength
is lowered into the sound beam, and the measured target
strength is compared with the known target strength. If it is
necessary to adjust the echo sounder, this is performed
automatically by the ER60 calibration software. Since the echo
sounder is digital right from the receiver front end, no analogue
gain adjustment is required.
The reference target is normally a metal sphere. Simrad supplies
a variety of copper spheres, one for each frequency. The sphere
diameter is selected for minimum temperature dependence.
Preparations and transducer maintenance
The transducer is heavily exposed to fouling. Make sure that the
transducer face is painted after installation, and that the paint is
maintained whenever the vessel is in dry dock. Always use an
approved anti-fouling paint.
Depending on the environmental conditions where the vessel
operates, fouling must be removed from time to time. Failing to
do so will degrade the echo sounder performance. Use a soft
piece of wood and remove the fouling carefully. Afterwards, use
a very fine grade emery paper.
Note Do not remove fouling with a metal tool or wire brush.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
1 Check that the ER60 and all the transceivers and
transducers are installed correctly, and that they are all
fully functional.
2 Measure water salinity and temperature and enter these
data in the Environment dialogue box.
- The sound velocity is automatically calculated by the
echo sounder.
- The corresponding absorption coefficient is calculated
by the echo sounder according to Francois & Garrison,
JASA December 1982.
3 Use the ER60 to check that operation in Normal mode
functions properly for all transducers.
Sound speed (in m/s) (at depth 0 m)
Mackenzie (1981) J.acoust.Soc.Am., 70,807-12.
Del Grosso (1972) J.acoust.Soc.Am., 52,1442-6.
Water temperature (in C)
15 20 25 30
(CD467 / GIF / WMF)
Salinity 0
Salinity 40
Figure 1 Sound
speed in water
The following rigging description is to a great extent reproduced
from ICES report 144.
1 Find a location with calm and sheltered water.
- Avoid areas with large differences in tidal height, as
this gives strong tidal current. Also, avoid areas near
river mouths and harbours with heavy traffic. An area
with little or no fish present is favourable.
2 Ensure that the depth is sufficient for separation of sphere
and bottom echoes.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Frequency (kHz)
Sound absorption (dB/km)
(CD468 / GIF / WMF)
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
from: Francois & Garrison, JASA, December 1982
10 C
200 m depth
pH = 8
Figure 2 Sound
3 Pull a rope beneath the hull from one side of the vessel to
the other.
4 Anchor the vessel.
It is desirable to work in water as deep as possible, consistent
with maintaining a stable platform. Both bow and stern
anchoring or mooring is recommended.
If the vessel is anchored or moored only fore or aft, the wind
will cause it to drift sideways. If the current then attacks with a
different angle, it will make a bad situation even worse. If the
vessel is allowed to move sideways, or if the current runs
abeam, this will normally give larger variations in the echo
sounder performance. This results in poor and not reliable
calibration accuracy.
We recommend the use of winches to guide and steer the lines to
the sphere for its centering in the echo sounder beam. These
winches must be mounted to the deck railing in accordance with
detailed ship drawings.
1 Place the first winch in the transverse plane of the vessel
running through the transducer.
- If the transducer is mounted on one side of the keel,
place the first winch on the opposite side of the vessel.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
2 Place the second and third winches on the same vessel
side as the transducer and at equal distances from the
transverse section containing the transducer and first
(CD481 / GIF)
Figure 3
Rigging a vessel
for sphere
Each winch must be provided with a long spool of 0.60 mm
diameter monofilament nylon line, which is marked with small
swivels at 5 m intervals, beginning 10 m from the loose end.
The purpose of the swivels is threefold:
to unravel rotation of the nylon line
to mark distances on the line
to add weight so that the line sinks in water
Attaching the sphere
1 Locate the rope pulled beneath the hull before anchoring.
2 Use this rope to pull the line from the first winch beneath
the hull to the side with the second and third winches.
3 Attach the appropriate sphere, with affixed loop, to the
three suspension lines.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
For the smaller spheres it may be necessary to add a weight to
keep the sphere stable. This is done via a second line attached to
the three suspension lines. The length of the line must be at least
two pulse lengths, so that the echo from the additional weight
does not interfere with the sphere echo. Immerse the sphere in a
solution of dishwashing detergent and freshwater and lift it
overboard by the fastened lines without touching it. The soap
helps to eliminate air bubbles attached to the sphere.
Lowering the sphere
Lower the sphere beneath the vessel to the desired depth, for
example 25 m, which is determined roughly by counting the
swivels on each line.
The required depth is mainly determined by the transducer beam
width and the vessel geometry. The physical width of the beam,
which increases linearly with range, should be sufficiently great
so that the sphere echo is unaffected by the small movements to
which it is inevitably subjected.
In most cases calibration will be performed at depths larger than
10 m. However, the chosen depth should be limited to ensure
that it is possible to cover the entire beam. The minimal depth
must also be convenient with respect to the vessel geometry. In
particular, if the suspension lines do not hang freely, then
control of the sphere may be hindered by friction or possible
obstructions on the hull. Despite the number and variety of these
considerations, it is seldom difficult in practice to find a suitable
depth, which satisfies all of the above criteria.
Reference target
Simrad supplies copper spheres designed as reference targets for
the calibration of scientific sounders. Copper is selected because
it is a metal which can be made electrolytically with high purity.
The spheres are machined to the perfect spherical form with
great accuracy, and a nylon loop is attached. Except for 12 kHz,
49 kHz and 50 kHz, the sphere diameter is different for each
frequency in order to obtain a target strength with minimum
dependence of temperature (K. Foote 1983). A curve showing
the variation of the target strength follows each sphere.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
Copper spheres
(sound speed = 1490 m/s) (dB)
(*) = same sphere
The curve for the 38 kHz sphere is given as an illustration.
Figure 4 Target
strength of a 60 mm
copper sphere
60 mm copper sphere, 38 kHz
1400 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 1520 1540 1560
-34.5 -34.0 -33.5 -33.0
Pulse duration (ms)
Calibration using ER60
Only one frequency may be calibrated at a time. Thus, you must
uninstall all transceivers in ER60 except for the one you intend
to calibrate. When you have calibrated this frequency you must
uninstall the transceiver, install the next transceiver, and
calibrate this frequency, and so on until all frequencies are
All the different combinations of pulse duration and transmitter
power that will be used during normal operation of the echo
sounder must be calibrated.
First, create a well organised file directory for the calibration
results. Example:
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The same structure can be repeated for the different pulse
durations for each frequency. When you save the calibration file,
create a file name that includes the current date and the current
output power. Save the information as a TXT file. Example:
While the calibration takes place, we recommend that you also
collect a raw data file. Browse the file directory in the Store
dialogue box to locate the correct directory. The raw data file
name will be generated automatically, but you may specify a
prefix. The raw data file is used for replay.
The same procedure can be repeated for each of the installed
Observe the following calibration procedure.
1 Ensure that only one transceiver is installed in the ER60
echo sounder software.
2 From the Operation menu, select Ping control.
3 In the Ping Control dialogue, set Ping rate to Interval
and 1 second.
- This can also be done from the Toolbar.
4 From the Operation menu, select Normal.
5 In the Normal Operation dialogue, select transceiver, and
switch to Active mode.
6 In the Normal Operation dialogue, set the Transmit
Power to the level you wish to calibrate.
7 In the Normal Operation dialogue, choose the Pulse
Duration you wish to calibrate.
8 Right-click in an echogram, select Range on the shortcut
menu, and set the range for one of the echogram views to
cover the range you wish to see.
- This range should include the depth range where you
expect to find the reference target.
9 Check that you see the reference target in the Single Echo
10 Click the right mouse button in the Single Echo view
corresponding to the echogram to open the Single Target
Detection dialogue box.
11 In the Single Target Detection dialogue, click the
Calibration button to start the calibration program, and to
create a new Calibration window.
- The calibration program allows you to record new
calibration data, or read previously recorded calibration
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
12 In the Calibration window, open the File menu, choose
New to open the Record dialogue and to start a new
13 Enter the following data in the Record dialogue box:
a Transducer’s serial number.
b Correct theoretical TS for the reference target.
c Allowed deviation from the TS for the reference target.
(This is a window giving the limits for the system’s
acceptance of single target echoes coming from fish.
The closer to the correct reference target TS the limits
have been set, the more of the unwanted fish echoes
will be rejected. On the other hand, if the echo from the
reference target is too close to one of the limits, the
deviation has to be increased before starting collecting
data. This is because it will always be a certain
variation in TS values when the reference target is
being moved to cover the complete beam.)
d Upper and lower depth limits for the target window. (A
narrow window will have same effect as above,
reducing the possibility of detecting unwanted echoes
from fish.)
e Any comments you may wish to add to the calibration
14 Click OK when you have finished entering data.
The calibration program will now begin recording data.
YouwillseetwoviewsintheCalibration window; a Plot view
and an Information view.
A vertical bar is shown on the left side of each view. A blue
colour indicates that the view is active, while gray colour
indicates a passive view. If you wish to print a view, or perform
other operations connected to it, you must make sure that the
desired view is active.
In the Plot view you will see recorded data plotted as blue and
red circles. Blue circles indicate TS values below the current
beam model, while red circles indicate values above the current
beam model.
In the upper part of the Information view you will see various
information associated with recording of the calibration data.
Lines containing this information all begin with a #. Below this
information, recorded values for each new TS detection are
updated continuously during data recording.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
1 Move the reference target slowly around to record a
sufficient number of data points (>100) evenly distributed
inside the beam. Make sure that a reasonable number of
hits are made close to the center of the beam. This is
important in order to ensure a correct estimate for the Sa
correction parameter.
2 While moving the target you should keep the reference
target within the depth limits you entered in the Record
3 While moving the target and recording of data points
stops, the measured TS value may be outside the limits
enteredintheRecord dialogue.
4 Stop and restart recording as required by using the
Stop/Start command found in the Main menu. It is
recommended to stop collecting data if unwanted fish
echoes are entering into the depth window, and restart
again when disappeared
5 When you have finished data recording open the File
menu, choose Save As to open the Save As dialogue.
6 Choose the directory where you want the calibration file to
be saved, and enter a file name for your calibration file.
7 Click Save to finish.
The calibration program will now use two different models to fit
recorded data, a polynomial model and a beam model.
The Plot view will plot the model along with the recorded data
points. Blue circles indicate values below the model; red circles
indicate values above the model.
The green circles close to the centre axis indicate the points that
have been used when estimating the Sa Correction value.
In the View menu located on the menu bar you can control what
is shown in the Plot view. You can choose between results from
the polynomial model or the beam model. In the View menu you
can also choose the plot type for each of the two models. If you
choose the Polar command you will see a polar plot from
“above”. The other plot types are cartesian showing a slice
through the model. You may toggle between the plot types using
the space bar on your keyboard.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
The polynomial model is a flexible function capable of
modelling complex function shapes. The polynomial model is
onlyusedtocheckinthePlot view that the estimated
polynomial model has the same shape as the shape of the beam
model. If the shape of the polynomial model is very different
from the shape of the beam model, this indicates that either
insufficient data have been collected, or some data points may
be associated with errors (broken cables or channel wires
The beam model is the model actually used by the echo sounder.
The calibration program will adjust the parameters in the beam
model to minimise the RMS-error calculated on the recorded
data points. The adjusted parameters, the RMS-error, and the
data points having maximum and minimum deviation from the
model are shown in the Information view. The adjusted
parameters resulting from the beam model are the parameters,
which can be transferred to the echo sounder and used for the
transducer during operation. Information on data deviation from
the beam model will indicate how well the beam model fit the
recorded data. This can be used to evaluate the validity of the
recorded data points.
The data evaluation should start using the Plot view and the
polynomial model to check the shape of the polar plot. A
circular transducer should have a circular beam and an elliptic
transducer an ellipse, both with only insignificant offset angles.
If a circular transducer in the Plot view shows an ellipse with
approximately 45 or 135 degrees axis, the reason may be one
missing quadrant in the transducer or one missing quadrant in
the receiver. This symptom should also give approximately 2 dB
lower TS, i.e. 1dB lower transducer gain to compensate.
If a circular transducer in the Plot view shows an non circular
shape, and in addition substantial offset angles both athwart and
alongship, this indicates there may be something wrong in the
way the transducer is connected. In this case, you must select
the View menu and check the calibrated beamwidth, offset and
gain values. If one quadrant of the transducer is inversely
connected, the beamwidth will be approximately one degree too
wide, the offset angles will be approximately one degree off
centre in both directions and the calibrated gain can be in the
order of 6 dB lower than the default gain.
If two of the quadrants have been mixed up, the reference
sphere’s movements inside the beam will be incorrect. This can
be confirmed when the reference sphere is suspended in such a
way that you can move it in a specific direction. This direction
is either transversal or longitudinal in the transducer beam.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
However, this is only possible if the split beam transducer has
been correctly installed.
Data editing
In both the Information and Plot views, you may perform data
editing in the sense of excluding or including an accepted single
echo detection. A left or right mouse click will act as a toggle
function for this editing. The model is completely recalculated
for each change.
In the Information view, a suspended single echo will be
identified with an asterisk (*) on the left side of the view.
The Plot view will draw an “empty” circle to indicate
suspension of the single echo entry.
The data deviation from the beam model should for a good
calibration give a RMS value less than 0.2 dB. If unwanted
echoes have been observed during data collection, these should
preferably be removed from the file. If, when collecting data,
fish swim into the layer that includes the reference target, then
note where in the file this happens, and delete these echoes
before the beam data are updated. Data with large deviation
from the calculated curve are may be caused by poor acoustic
conditions or by back scattering objects other than the reference
target. Isolated echoes with large deviation from the calculated
beam pattern can be removed, but when a large amount of the
collected data diverge from the average, this indicates that the
acoustic conditions has been unfavourable. When the RMS
value is in between 0.2 and 0.4dB, this indicates conditions is
not perfect but still acceptable. When the RMS value is higher
than 0.4 dB the calibration is poor, and should preferably be
rejected and not used for updating of the transducer parameters.
Updating transducer parameters
When you are satisfied with the calibration results you can use
the results to update your transducer parameters in the echo
1 In the Calibration window, open the File menu and
choose Update Beam Data to perform this task.
Note This is a serious operation, which will affect the transducer
installation parameters and will thus affect all future results to
be obtained using the current transducer and pulse duration.
Thus, to prevent accidentally use of t his operation, you are
asked to confirm this operation.
The changes take effect automatically the next time you start
normal operations on the echo sounder.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
Previously recorded data
The Calibration program also allows you to work with
previously recorded calibration data.
If you have used the ER60 to record raw data from a previous
calibration session you may operate the ER60 in replay mode
and perform the described calibration procedure as if the ER60
was operating in Normal mode. When operating in Replay
mode you can set the ping rate to maximum since this will not
affect the data quality.
Offline calibration
The calibration program may be run offline without an
operational ER60. To start it, locate the file calibration.exe. If
you have performed a standard installation, this file is normally
found in the following path:
c:\program files\simrad\scientific\ek60\bin\calibration.exe
If you have a calibration file previously generated by the ER60
calibration program, you can import the file in the calibration
1 Open the File menu in the calibration window, choose
2 Select the file you would like to import, and click OK.
3 Examine and edit the previously recorded calibration data.
Edited data may be saved and you can update the transducer
parameters using the imported or edited calibration data. This
also enables you to use different calibration files from different
environmental conditions.
Related topics
Environment, page 77
Normal Operation, page 102
Ping Control, page 105
Single Target Detection, page 117
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Noise measurements at sea
The final result of the noise measurements should be a plot of
the acoustic noise in front of the transducer versus vessel speed.
This plot may be compared with similar plots for other
transducers on the same vessel, or plots from other vessels. It
may thus serve as an evaluation of the transducer location and
the vessel noise radiation. In addition, the noise plot may be a
guide in choosing the vessel speed during acoustic surveys.
Since the propeller pitch and revolutions per minute influence
the noise level, it is important to determine the most favourable
combination of these factors. Normally a slow rotation and a
high pitch give the loer6t noise.
Basic guidelines
The noise measurements should take place at least one nautical
mile off shore, away from other ship traffic and with calm sea.
The water depth should be 200 m or more to avoid propeller
noise reflections from the seabed. The important parameter to
evaluate is the noise directly radiated from the propeller into the
transducer. This noise should be measured at different vessel
speeds, from 0 to maximum speed in steps of 1 or 2 knots. The
vessel’s course must be kept steady during these measurements.
The noise level for 38 kHz with the vessel in deep water and
without sailing should be approximately -145 dBW or lower.
Minor increase can be expected for higher and lower
frequencies. When the speed increases the noise level will
normally increase as well, but a properly designed vessel should
only show a modest increase and mainly when approaching the
maximum speed.
With the settings specified below, the printer may be used to
produce an echogram as documentation for all the installed
transceivers. With some experience it should be possible to
reveal the acoustic noise source from looking at the echogram.
Typical sources may be propeller cavitation, small damages on
the propeller blade, the machinery, or flow-noise. It is a good
routine to save the echogram for comparison with later
recordings. The propeller noise will often be revealed by the
pattern shown on the echogram. The distance between
succeeding high intensity fields in the pattern should correspond
with the number of propeller blades and the rotation speed.
Electrical noise from the ship’s mains supply and electrical
motors will give a pattern with distinct lines on the echogram
determined by the frequency of the mains supply. By choosing a
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
convenient range for the echogram, the distance between the
lines will give a good indication of the frequency causing the
Noise speed tests should be performed after all the frequencies
have been calibrated. All the frequencies can be measured
simultaneously. Thus, you should install all transceivers in
Observe the following procedure.
Initial set-up
1 On the Install menu, open the Transceiver Installation
dialogue. Ensure that all the transceivers are installed.
2 On the Operation menu, select Normal to open the
Normal Operation dialogue. Set the following
a Passive mode
b Maximum transmit power
c Same pulse duration as used during the calibration
d 0.0 m transducer depth
3 From the Operation menu, open the Ping Control
dialogue. Set the following parameters:
a Maximum ping rate
b Switch off all external triggering
4 Right-click in the Echogram view, and select Echogram
on the shortcut menu to open the Echogram dialogue. Set
the following parameters:
a Surface reference
b Sv backscatter
5 Right-click in the Colour Scale view, and select Colour
Scale on the shortcut menu to open the Colour Scale
dialogue. Set the following parameters:
a Minimum level -100 dB (chosen to give a reasonable
ping rate)
b Maximum level -64 dB
6 Right-click in the Echogram view, and select Range on
the shortcut menu to open the Surface Range dialogue.
Set the following parameters:
a Start relative surface: 0 m
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
b Select a range that will provide a noise recording with
at least two or three colours on the echogram.
7 On the Output menu, select File to open the File Output
dialogue. Set the following parameters:
a Same range as in the echogram
b 0 Mb maximum file size
8 Start the echo sounder.
Test loop: Increasing speed
Start the test loop with vessel speed 0 knots.
1 Make a short echogram recording, find the background
noise in the Numerical view, and note down the value.
2 Increase the vessel speed with 1 or 2 knots, and wait until
the speed is stable.
3 Repeat the loop until the vessel has reached maximum
Decreasing speed
Start with maximum vessel speed.
1 Start echogram recording.
2 Disengage the propeller as quickly as possible to allow the
vessel to slow down by itself.
3 Write down the time to tag each 1 or 2 knots speed
4 Stop the echogram recording once the vessel has stopped.
If the noise decreases quickly towards the same level as at 0
knots when the propeller has been disengaged, this means that
the propeller mainly generates the noise. If the noise at
decreasing vessel speed is more or less equal to the noise level
at increasing speed, the noise is probable flow-noise. Usually
the noise is a combination of both.
If the noise is substantial and mainly caused by the propeller, the
procedure should be repeated with different combinations of
pitch and propeller speed if possible, to determine the most
favourable settings.
The echogram recording will give you immediate information
regarding the maximum possible detection range for the chosen
settings. The light grey colour on the echogram relates the depth
where the noise will mask the useful echo from biomass.
Operational procedures
850-164692 / Rev.B
In order to allow the echogram to indicate the depth where the
selected back-scattering is reached, make the following settings:
In the Echogram dialogue box, set Backscatter = Sv
(20 Log TVG).
In the Colour Scale dialogue box, set the desired lower Sv
Example: If the desired lower Sv limit is -70 dB, and at the
same time a signal-to-noise ration of 10 dB is required, the
setting in the Colour Scale dialogue box for 20 log TVG
must be -80 dB. The depth where the light grey colour
appears on the echogram then indicates the maximum depth
where the desired Sv limit is obtained with a signal-to-noise
ratio of 10 dB.
When you select Backscatter = Sp (40 log TVG) in the
Echogram dialogue to record single object target strength, the
desired lower TS limit has to be set in the same way as above.
Example: If the desired lower TS limit is -50 dB, and at the
same time a signal-to-noise ratio of 10 dB is required, the
setting in the Colour Scale dialogue box for 40 log TVG
must be -60 dB. The depth where the light grey colour
appears on the echogram then indicates the maximum depth
where the desired lower TS limit is obtained with a
signal-to-noise ratio of 10 dB.
When the trial has been completed, the corresponding noise
level in dB re 1 µPa can be calculated for the described
The instantaneous background noise is based upon one single
echo sample out of a fixed number of equidistant echo samples.
λ Wavelength = c/f
c Speed of sound (m per sec)
f Frequency (Hz)
G Transducer gain (dB)
SaCorr Sa correction value (dB)
The current transducer gain is found in the Tr ansducer
Parameters dialogue box.
Print the next table, and use it to fill in the measured values.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Ref 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Engine revolutions
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Propeller revolutions
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Vessel speed
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Background noise
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
NL from background
noise (dB re 1 µPa)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Ref 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Engine revolutions
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Propeller revolutions
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Vessel speed
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Background noise
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
NL from background
noise (dB re 1 µPa)
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Noise versus speed
850-164692 / Rev.B
Menu navigation employed by ER60 Scientific echo sounder is
similar to other Windows-based software. Main menu topics
located in the menu bar at the top of the window provide access
to drop-down menus. Menu choices that are shown in grey are
not available for the current operation or operational mode.
Several parameters are also available using short-cut menus
accessed by clicking the right mouse button. For more specific
menu information refer to the menu descriptions listed below.
The ER60’s Main menu provides the following choices:
Each item on the main menu provides a drop-down menu with
additional choices.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Drop-down menus
The following drop-down menus are available from the main
The Operation drop-down menu allows you to control the main
operational mode (Normal or Replay). The following choices
are available:
Normal, page 102
Replay, page 114
Ping control, page 105
Data source, page 63
Log in, page 93
Log out, page 94
Exit, page 79
The View drop-down menu allows you to toggle the presence of
the Toolbar and Status bar. The following choices are available:
Toolbar, page 121
Status bar, page 60
The Option drop-down menu allows you defined certain
general parameters, such as tooltip contents and presentation
colours. You are also allowed to save your current settings. The
following choices are available.
Colours, page 59
Tooltip, page 122
Load settings, page 92
Save settings, page 115
The Install drop-down menu allows you define the set-up
conditions for your echo sounder. The following choices are
Transceiver, page 123
Navigation, page 96
Motion, page 95
Traw l, page 127
Environment, page 77
850-164692 / Rev.B
Annotation, page 50
Remoting, page 111
Users and passwords, page 129
Port Management, page 107
The Output drop-down menu allows you define the
configuration of the output data from the echo sounder. The
following choices are available:
File, page 80
Ethernet, page 78
Depth, page 66
The Window drop-down menu allows you to open new channel
windows and control the arrangement of the windows. The
following choices are available:
New channel, page 100
Cascade, page 55
Tile, page 120
Close all, page 56
The Help drop-down menu provides access to the online help
system. The following choices are available:
Contents, page 62
About, page 48
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Short-cut menus
The short-cut menus are accessed with the right mouse button
when the cursor is located in any of the views. Various menus
are provided depending on the current view.
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Depth view.
Bottom Detection, page 52
Print, page 109
Print Prieview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
Single Target Position
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Single Target Position view.
Single Target Detection, page 117
Colour Scale 40 log, page 59
Print, page 109
Print preview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
Single Target Histogram
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Single Target Histogram view.
Histogram, page 87
Single Target Detection, page 117
Colour Scale 40 log, page 59
Print, page 109
Print Preview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide view, page 86
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Echogram view.
Echogram, page 67
Horizontal Axis, page 88
850-164692 / Rev.B
Range, page 119
New Layer, page 101
Layer Properties, page 90
Delete Layer, page 65
Print, page 109
Print Preview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Scope view.
Print, page 109
Print Prieview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
Colour Scale
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Colour Scale view.
Colour Scale 40 log, page 57
Print, page 109
Print Preview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
The following choices are available from the short-cut menu in
the Numerical view.
Numerical View, page 104
New Layer, page 101
Layer Properties, page 90
Delete Layer, page 65
Print, page 109
Print Preview, page 110
Configure Window, page 61
Hide View, page 86
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
This chapter provides reference information about the dialogue
boxes and major functions used througout the Simrad ER60
Scientific echo sounder. The information is provided in
alphabetical order.
Alphabetical list of dialogues and functions, page 47
Related topics
Toolbar, page 5
Status bar, page 6
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Alphabetical list
The following is an overview of available dialogue boxes and
functions incorporated in the ER60 Scientific echo sounder.
About, 48
Add User, 49
Annotation, 50
Bottom Detection, 52
Bottom Range, page 53
Calculation Interval, 54
Cascade, 55
Close All, 56
Colour Scale, 57
Colours, 59
Configure Statusbar, 60
Configure Window, 61
Contents, 62
Data Source, 63
Delete Layer, 65
Depth Output, 66
Echogram, 67
EK500 Datagram, 73
Environment, 77
Errors, page 131
Ethernet Output, 78
Exit, 79
File Output, 80.
HAC Datagram, 8 5
Hide View, 86
Histogram, 87
Horizontal Axis, 88
LAN Port Setup, 89
Layer Properties, 90
Load Settings, 92
Log In, 93
Log Out, 94
Motion, 95
Navigation, 96
New C hannel, 100
New Layer, 101
Normal Operation, 102
Numerical View, 104
Ping Control, 105
Port Management, 107
Print, 109
Print Preview, 110
Remoting, 111
Replay, 114
Save Settings, 115
Serial Port Setup, 116
Single Target Detection, 117
Surface Range, 119
Tile, 120
Toolbar, 121
Tooltip, 122
Transceiver Installation, 123
Transducer Parameters, 126
Trawl, 127
User Properties, 128
Users and Passwords, 129
Warnings, page 131
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The About dialogue box is accessed from the Help menu. The
current ER60 software version and other related information is
provided here. Press OK to close the dialogue box.
Note that the software version displayed in this dialogue box
should match the software version described in this publication.
The current software version described here is 2.1.0.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Add User
The Add User dialogue is accessed by pressing Add in the
Users and Passwords dialogue box.
This dialogue is used to enter user
information when a new user is added to
the program. The user must be assigned
an access level. These are described in
the User and Passwords dialogue box
Related topics
Users and Passwords, page 129
User Properties, page 128
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
This dialogue box is accessed from the Install menu.
This dialogue allows you to add annotations to the data. The
annotations defined are stored with the raw data as Annotation
datagrams. Annotations are displayed on the echogram if this
feature is enabled in the Echogram dialogue, and also included
on the Statusbar. Annotations can only be added during normal
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Click Text input to enter a free text string. The text is written to
the echogram once you click Ok in the Annotation Text Input
This function enables NMEA Annotation datagrams to be
imported on the chosen port.
This function initiates Annotation datagrams whenever an
event occur. Events may be triggered by external devices, set by
a timer, or initiated by clicking the Event icon on the toolbar.
Number - All events are identified with a number. This number
can be included in the annotation string. Using this feature, you
can manually select the next number to be used, and you can
choose to have the number series increase or decrease.
Text - Use this feature to select which items to be included in
the event generated annotation string.
Timer - Set a time period for automatic generation of events.
Triggering from external devices are made using pins 10 and 19
on the Auxiliary connector on the General Purpose Transceiver
(GPT). Refer to the EK60 Instruction Manual.
Last annotation
This text box automatically displays the latest annotation text
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Bottom Detection
The Bottom Detection dialogue is accessed from the Depth
view shortcut menu.
This dialogue is used to set
the parameters for the
bottom detection algorithm.
Note that only one set of
bottom detector parameters
are valid for a frequency
channel. This means that
changes made in this
dialogue will have effect on
the bottom detector settings
for all depth views for the
same frequency channel!
Minimum Depth -The
bottom detector starts the
search for the bottom echo at
this depth. The detector will
fail in shallow water if you
select a too large depth
value, and the tail of the
transmitting pulse or a large
school of fish may cause
problems if a too small value
is set.
Maximum Depth - The search for the bottom echo extends
down to this depth whenever bottom track is lost. Enter a
slightly larger depth value than the deepest spot you expect to
visit in order to avoid annoyingly long ping intervals every time
bottom track is lost. A depth value of 0 disables the bottom
Backstep Min. Level - After the estimated depth of the bottom
detector, the detected depth is automatically adjusted by
stepping back according to the value of the setting you have
chosen. This allows the echo sounder to verify that the correct
bottom depth has been located. If the value you enter is too
large (close to 0 dB) the adjustments will be very small. The
default value is -50 dB.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Bottom Range
The Bottom Range dialogue box is accessed from the short-cut
menu in the Echogram view.
This dialogue is used to specify the vertical depth range for the
Echogram view.
Surface or Bottom?
The dialogue title and the range settings will be surface related
if the dialogue is opened while the echogram displays a surface
referenced echogram.
The dialogue title and the range settings will be bottom related
if the dialogue is opened while the echogram displays a bottom
referenced echogram.
Refer to the descriptions for the Surface Range dialogue.
Related topics
Surface Range, page 119
Echogram, page 67
Echogram view, page 11
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Calculation Interval
The Calculation Interval dialogue box is accessed from the
Options menu.
This dialogue box is used to
define how often the echo
sounder program will
perform certain calculations.
Several parameters in the
echo sounder are only
calculated once for a set
This interval can be any value for distance, time or ping. Use
the settings in this dialogue to define each of these three interval
A vertical line is displayed in the echogram views whenever a
new calculation interval is started.
Choose if the calculation interval shall be based on distance,
time or number of pings. Choose the interval and the unit
accordingly using the appropriate spin boxes.
Related topics
Numerical view, page 14
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Cascade function is accessed from the Window menu.
This function is identical to the common function available in
the operating system. The active windows are presented in
cascade; ie partly on top of each other with the top bar shown.
Related topics
Tile, page 120.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Close All
The Close all function is accessed from the Window menu.
Once activated, it will close all open windows.
To open new windows, select New channel from the same
Related topics
New channel, page 100
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Colour Scale
The Colour Scale dialogue is accessed from any of the
following views: Single Target Position, Single Target
Histogram and Colour Scale.
The purpose of this dialogue box is to change the dynamic range
of the colour scale. The total number of colours used in the
presentation will be distributed between the minimum and
maximum levels identified in this dialogue. Values above
maximum level are shown using the “max level” colour, while
values below are shown with the background colour.
20 or 40 log
When the dialogue is launched from the Single Target Position
and the Single Target Histogram views, the colour scale
represents colour mapping for the 40Log TVG function. This
TVG function is always used for target strength estimation for
single targets.
When the dialogue is launched from the Colour Scale view, the
TVG function depends on which acoustic variable is chosen for
display on the corresponding Echogram view. This is because
the colour scale view represents the colour mapping for the
Echogram view.
The TVG functions can be either: No, 20Log,or40Log.
Min.level / Max.level - Use the spin boxes or sliders to set the
levels. Altering the maximum or minimum levels will
automatically adjust the colour step.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Colour step - Use this setting to define the range in dB each
colour will cover. Altering the colour step will automatically
adjust the maximum level.
Applytoall- Check this box to make the chosen settings apply
to all views.
Related topics
Single Target Position, page 9
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Colour scale view, page 13
Colours, page 59
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Colours dialogue box is accessed from the Options menu.
This dialogue is used to set colour parameters for the echo
sounder program.
No. of Colours - Set the number of colours to use, 12 or 64.
Echogram Colour Scale - Select the desired colour scale from
the drop-down list. Note that all colour scales except Smooth
Echosounder require that the number of colours is set to 64.
Palette - Select the colour palette for the echo sounder. This is a
personal choice based on the ambient light conditions. Note that
all the colours on the ER60 computer -. even other programs
running on the computer - are affected!
Note Do not confuse this dialogue with the Colour Scale dialogue!
Related topics
Colour Scale, page 57
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Configure Statusbar
The Configure Statusbar dialogue box is accessed when you
click the right mouse button on the St atusbar.
This dialogue is used to select which sensor information to
display on the Statusbar.
Related topics
Statusbar, page 6
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Configure Window
The Configure Window dialogue is accessed from the shortcut
menu in all the views.
This dialogue is used to set
which views to show in the
active window.
Use the check boxes to show
or hide views in the window.
Hiding a view does not
disable it. This means that all
data for this view are still
collected while the view is
Related topics
Depth, page 8
Single Target Position, page 9
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Echogram, page 11
Scope, page 12
Colour scale, page 13
Numerical, page 14
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Contents dialogue box is accessed from the Help menu. It
opens the first page of the context sensitive on-line help system.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Data Source
The Data Source is accessed from the Operation menu.
This dialogue box is used to select where the echo sounder
program shall obtain its data from. It can be used to connect to
an echo sounder program running on a remote computer. This
means that any computer on the network running the ER60
software can connect to the echo sounder computer and run the
sounder independently.
The dialogue displays a list of echo sounder programs running
on the network to which the ER60 Processor Unit is connected.
If the Processor Unit is not connected to other echo sounder
programs, the list will only contain one entry. This single entry
is the echo sounder program running on the local processor unit.
You will not be able to perform installation operations (e.g.
transceiver and sensor installation) on other entries than the
local echo sounder program.
To perform operations on an entry in the list, the entry must be
highlighted (selected). To do this, click once the entry.
Name - This column displays the installation name of the echo
sounder program entry. An asterisk (*) in front of an entry
means that this entry is currently selected data source. Only one
entry can be selected at a time. The installation name is defined
in the Remoting dialogue.
Description - This column displays a short description of this
program. The description is defined in the Remoting dialogue.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
IP address - This column displays the IP address of the
computer running the echo sounder program.
Logged in - This column displays if the you are logged in to
this echo sounder program entry.
User name - This column displays the user name to be used
when logging in to the program. The user name must exist on
the remote application for the log in to succeed. For more
information on adding users refer to the Remoting dialogue.
Access level - This column displays the access level for the user
Change user - Click this button to change the user name used
when logging in to the selected entry. Once pressed, the Users
and Passwords dialogue box opens.
Log in - Click this button to log in to the selected entry.
Log out - Click this button to log out from the selected entry.
Select - Click this button to define the selected (highlighted)
entry as the current data source.
Related topics
Login, page 93
Remoting, page 111
User and Passwords dialogue, page 129
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Delete Layer
The Delete Layer function is available from the shortcut menus
in the Echogram and Numercial views.
Purpose and use
This command is used to delete the active (selected) layer in the
view. The layer is identified with red text in the Numerical
To create a new layer, select New Layer from the shortcut
To change the layer properties, select Layer Properties from
the shortcut menu.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Numerical view, page 14
Layer Properties, page 90
New Layer, page 101
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Depth Output
The Depth Output dialogue box is accessed from the Output
This dialogue box is used to output depth data to a dedicated
communication port on a specified format.
Port - Select which serial or LAN port to be used for the data
Setup - If required, you can set up the necessary communication
parameters for the selected port. Note that the changes made for
the applicable port are global.
Telegram - Choose telegram format on the output stream. A list
of permitted types is available.
Talker ID - Select NMEA Talker ID.
Channel - Select from which transceiver channel and frequency
you wish to export the depth data.
Related topics
Port Management, page 107
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Echogram dialogue box is accessed from the shortcut
menu in the Echogram view.
This dialogue box is used to specify what should be displayed in
the Echogram view, and how sample data shall be converted to
pixel data. You have these tabs:
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Surface Range, page 119
Bottom Range, page 53
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Echogram: Lines
This page is used to specify which lines to be displayed in the
Echogram view.
Horizontal Bottom:
On - The detected bottom depth is shown as a thin line in the
echogram. The line is drawn in the current foreground
colour; black during day and white during night.
Off - The bottom line is switched off.
White Line - A band in the current background colour is
drawn below the detected bottom depth.
Horizontal Trawl:
On - Headrope and footrope depth are indicated by two lines
in the echogram.
Off - The trawl lines are switched off.
Horizontal Scale - Equidistant horizontal scale lines are drawn
inside the echogram in the current foreground colour; black
during day and white during night. A maximum of 50 scale
lines can be drawn. No scale lines are drawn when the scale line
count is set to zero.
Vertical t icks:
None - Tick marks are switched off.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Ping - A short vertical line is drawn in the upper part of the
echogram once every specified number of pings.
Time - A short vertical line is drawn in the upper part of the
echogram once every specified number of seconds.
Distance - A short vertical line is drawn in the upper part of
the echogram once every specified number of nautical miles.
Annotation - Click Text to allow text annotations to be visible
in the echogram. If you click Line, the text annotation will be
followed by a vertical line for improved visibility.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Annotation, page 50
Echogram overview, page 67
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Echogram: Pixels
This tab page is used to specify how sample data are converted
to pixel data.
Each ping consists a given number of data samples, where the
number of samples is set by the current depth range. This
number of samples does not necessarily match the number of
vertical pixels in the Echogram view. The data samples must
therefore be compressed or expanded to fit the number of
available pixels.
In other echo sounders, this function is handled automatically
without allowing the user to control the process.
These options describe the situation when the number of
samples is higher than the number of pixels, and multiple
samples are compressed into one pixel.
Mean - The mean of the samples is used as pixel value.
Peak - The peak value of the samples is used as pixel value.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
This section describes the situation when the number of samples
is lower than the number of pixels, and the sample values are
expanded to pixel values.
Interpolation - Pixel values are interpolated between two
sample values.
Copy - A sample value is copied into multiple pixel values.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Echogram: Type
This page is used to specify which types of information to be
displayed in the Echogram view.
These selections define the range reference. All ranges in the
Echogram view can be referenced to either the surface or the
bottom depth detected by the echo sounder. The current depth
range is specified in the Surface Range and Bottom Range
These selections define the type of acoustic backscatter data to
be displayed in the Echogram view.
Pr (No TVG) -Power
Sv (20 log TVG) - Volume backscattering strength
Sp (40 log TVG) - Point backscattering strength
TS (40 log TVG) - Target strength. Only signals accepted as
single targets are displayed. These values are beam
Sp & TS (40 log TVG) - Point backscattering strength overlaid
with Target strength data
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
EK500 Datagram
The EK500 Datagram dialogue box is accessed from both the
Processed Data Output tabintheFile Output dialogue, and
from the Ethernet Output dialogue box.
This dialogue is used to specify which EK500 datagrams to
output. Note that changes made in this dialogue will have effects
on both Ethernet and file output of EK500 data. The dialogue
box contains three tabs:
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
EK500 Datagram: Datagram
Check the boxes for to select which datagrams to output.
For a detailed specification of the datagrams, refer to the Simrad
EK 500 Operator manual.
Echo Trace Setup - Click this button to specify parameters for
the Echo Trace datagram. The button opens the Single Target
Detection dialogue.
Related topics
Single Target Detection, page 117
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
EK500 Datagram: Echogram
This dialogue box allows you to define the number of surface
and bottom values for the Echogram datagrams.
No. of Surface Values - Select the number of echogram
samples to export in the pelagic part of the datagram.
No.ofBottomValues- Select the number of echogram samples
to export in the bottom part of the echogram.
TVG Type - Specify the TVG type for the data in the
Echogram datagram.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
EK500 Datagram: Range
This tab allows you to specify the range for the Echogram,
Echo Trace and Sample Data datagrams.
Surface Range - Click this button to choose the surface range
for the datagrams.
Bottom Range - Click this button to choose the bottom range
for the Echogram datagrams.
Related topics
Surface / Bottom Range, page 119
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Environment dialogue box is accessed from the Install
This dialogue box
controls the setting of
parameters. These
parameters are used for
estimating range,
propagation loss, and
spreading loss, all of
which are essential
concepts in the echo
The absorption coefficient can be recalculated and displayed for
various frequencies to examine the effect of temperature,
salinity, and sound speed parameters on this parameter.
Use these spin boxes to provide manual values for temperature
and salinity. If you operate in fresh water, set salinity to 0
Sound speed
Tick Calculate if you wish the echo sounder to calculate the
sound speed value based on the specified temperature. If you
select Manual, you can use the spin box to enter a value.
Select the frequency in the top spin box, and read the
corresponding absorption value. This input has no effect on the
echo sounder, it is simply a calculator!
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Ethernet Output
The Ethernet Output dialogue box is accessed from the
Output menu.
This dialogue box is used to
specify the communication
settings for the EK500
Ethernet interface.
Note that additional data can
be output to Ethernet using
the data subscription
mechanisms in the Data
Source dialogue box.
To support programs which use data from the Simrad EK500
echo sounder, the ER60 can output a subset of the EK500
defined datagrams. This dialogue allows you to enable or
disable the EK500 datagram output to the Ethernet.
EK500 Datagram
Use this box to enable or disable the EK500 datagram output.
Click the button to open the EK 500 Datagram dialogue to set
up the individual datagrams.
Communication settings
Remote port - Use the spin box to define the UDP port number
to which the data shall be transmitted. Note that parameter
request (PR) is only accepted on port 2000.
Remote IP address - Use the spin boxes to define the IP
Address of the remote computer.
Local IP Address - If you have more than one network cards in
your ER60 Processing Unit, use this box to select which
network card to use for output data.
Communication mode - Choose Broadcast or Point -to -Point.
Related topics
Data Source, page 63
EK500 Datagram dialogue, page 73
Subscriptions and remote control, page 141
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Exit is accessed from the Operation menu. Use this option to
close the ER60 application. Note that when you exit the ER60,
the echo sounder closes down just like any other standard
application. You can restart the ER60 by double-clicking on the
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
File Output
The File Output dialogue box is accessed from the Output
This dialogue box is used to specify which output you wish to
save to a data file, and in which disk directory the data file(s)
shall be placed.
The dialogue box has three tabs:
Processed Data
Raw Data
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
File Output: Directory
This dialogue allows you to define where the data files are
Browse - Click this button to select where to store the files.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
File Output: Processed Data
Data processed by the echo sounder data can also be stored to
To support programs using data from the Simrad EK500 echo
sounder, the ER60 can output EK500 defined datagrams on
Ethernet. These datagrams can also be recorded onto a file.
Save EK500 - Check this box to choose to save EK500
datagrams to file. Click the button to open the EK500
Datagram dialogue box to set up the individual datagrams.
Save HAC - Check this box to choose to save HAC datagrams
to file. Click the button to open the HAC Datagram dialogue
box to set up the individual datagrams.
Related topics
EK500 Datagram, page 73
HAC Datagram, page 85
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
File output: Raw Data
Raw data files can be recorded by the echo sounder and stored
to file. These raw data files can later be replayed by the echo
sounder for further analysis.
For more information on replaying raw data files refer to the
Replay dialogue box. For more information on the data format
for the raw data files refer to the Data formats chapter. Each raw
data file name has the format:
Save Raw Data - Check this box to save raw data to file.
File Name Prefix - Type any name into the text box. The
chosen name will be used as prefix in all the raw data file
Range - Use this spin box box to define which range to collect
echo sounder data from.
File size
New files will be automatically generated by the echo sounder
program when the specified limit is reached.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Max. Vessel Distance - use this spin box to define a limit (in
nautical miles) for the maximum distance to be contained in one
file. A value of 0 means no limit.
Max. File Size - Use this spin box to define a limit for the
maximum amount of bytes to be contained in one raw data file.
A value of 0 means no limit.
Current File Size - When recording raw data is in progress the
current file size is displayed.
Automatic start
Raw data output can be set to start automatically after a
predefined sailing distance.
Related topics
Replay dialogue, page 114
Raw data format, page 134
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
HAC Datagram
This dialogue box is accessed from the Install menu.
Use this dialogue to set up which HAC datagrams to be
exported. The following HAC tuples are currently supported by
the ER60.
HAC signature (65535)
End of file (65534)
Standard position (20)
Simrad EK60 echo sounder (210)
Simrad EK60 channel (2100)
Ping U-16 (10030)
Ping U-16-angles (10031)
Single targets (10090)
Range -ClicktoopentheSurface Range dialogue. The range
specified is the valid range for all ping and single targets HAC
Sample data - Click to select which sampla data types to
Single Target Data -Clicktoenable,andpresstheSingle
Target Detection button to define the single target detection
Navigation - Click to enable export of position data.
Related topics
Single Target Detection, page 117
Surface Range, page 119
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Hide View
The Hide View function is accessed from the shortcut menu in
all the views.
This function hides the view from which the command was
The view can be re-established by selecting Configure Window
from the shortcut menu in another view in the same window,
and check the box for the view which was initially hidden.
Related topics
Configure Window, page 61
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Histogram dialogue box is accessed from the shortcut
menu in the Single Target Histogram view.
This dialogue is used to set parameters for the histogram
displayed in the Single Target Histogram view.
Max. Percentage - Use the spin box to define maximum value
for the percentage axis in the histogram display.
Resolution - Defines the width of each bin in the histogram.
Related topics
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Horizontal Axis
The Horizontal axis dialogue box is accessed from the shortcut
menu in the Echogram view.
This dialogue is used to set the horizontal display span of the
Echogram view.
Distance - The echogram view displays the specified distance
Time - The echogram view displays the specified time span.
Ping - The echogram view displays the specified ping span.
Check the View size box to specify that the number of
horizontal pixels shall define the number of displayed horizontal
pings (One ping per pixel).
Label - Check the label type used to display the horizontal span.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
LAN Port setup
The LAN Port setup dialogue is accessed from the following
dialogue boxes on the Installation menu: Navigation, Motion
and Trawl. It is also accessed from the Depth Output dialogue
on the Output menu.
The purpose of this dialogue box is to set up the parameters for
LAN (Local Area Network) communication with external
Local IP Address - Select local network card if more than one
is available.
Local port - Specify local port.
Remote IP Address - Select remote computer. If the data
communication is set up to receive data only, this parameter is
not required. If you wish to set up an output for broadcast,
define IP address This is the default setting.
Remote port - Specify remote port. If the data communication
is set up to receive data only, this parameter is not required.
Related topics
Navigation, page 96
Motion, page 95
Traw l, page 127
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Layer Properties
The Layer Properties dialogue box is accessed from the
shortcut menu in the Echogram and Numerical views.
This dialogue is used to edit the properties for the active layer.
Layers are used to calculate various values for a specific range
in the water column. The calculated values can be displayed in
the Numerical view. All single targets detections which are
displayed in the Single Target Position view and the Single
Target Histogram view are detected within a layer.
Start Relative Surface / Start Relative Bottom - This
parameter controls the depth at the upper boundary of the layer,
relative the surface or detected bottom depth depending on the
selected layer type.
Range - This parameter controls the vertical depth range for the
layer. Please note, positive is always downwards. This means
e.g. that a start range relative bottom of -10 m means 10 m
above bottom.
Surface - The range settings for the layer are referenced to the
surface. The layer is downwards limited by the detected bottom
depth if this value is shallower than the specified lower range
limit for the layer. Pings without bottom detections are ignored
in the calculations.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Pelagic - The range settings for the layer are referenced to the
surface. The layer is not downwards limited by the detected
bottom depth.
Bottom - The range settings for the layer are referenced to the
bottom. The layer is downwards limited by the detected bottom
Targets I ntegration - Check the Targets Integration box to
calculate integration values based on single target detections.
Compared with the normal integration (sA) this value can be
used to get an idea of how much of the biomass has been
detected as single targets.
Margin - This is the margin to the surface and the bottom used
when calculating integration values for Surface and Bottom
Sv threshold - This is the lower threshold used when
calculating integration values for the layer.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Numerical view, page 14
New Layer, page 101
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Load Setting
The Load Settings dialogue box is accessed from the Options
This dialogue is used to load previously
saved settings.
Program settings can be saved to files.
This dialogue displays a list of previously
saved setting files. These files are located
in the directory displayed in the File Path
Select a setting file by clicking on the
setting file and choose OK.
Note that installation settings (e.g.
Transceiver and sensor installation
settings) are not saved in the settings files.
Click the file name, and then Ok to
retrieve the file. To delete a settings file,
click the file name and then Delete File.
To retrieve a generic set of standard
settings, select Simrad Factory Defaults.
Related topics
Save Settings, page 115
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Log In
Log in is accessed from the Operation menu. The Log in
dialogue will also appear automatically when you switch on the
echo sounder.
This dialogue is used to log in to the echo
sounder program.
The user name must exist on the application
for the log in to succeed.
Enter user name and password.
Check the Auto login if you want to log in automatically when
the sounder software is started, and thus bypass this dialogue.
Related topics
Log out, page 94
Users and Passwords, page 129
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Log Out
Log out is accessed from the Operation menu.
This function allows you to log out.
Related topics
Log in, page 93
Users and Passwords, page 129
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Motion dialogue box is accessed from the Install menu.
This dialogue controls the
installation of external
motion sensors.
The heave information is
used in the bottom depth
estimation, and also for
display and output of
echogram data.
Display of roll and pitch information can be useful when
replaying previously recorded data files.
Note that heave information may be monitored in the Status
Port - Select input source from the drop down list.
Setup - Press this button to set up the chosen port. Depending
on the chosen port, the appropriate dialogue box will appear.
Protocol - Select data protocol.
Related topics
Serial Port Setup, page 116
LAN Port Setup, page 89
Data interfaces, page 132
Configure Status Bar, page 60
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Navigation dialogue box is accessed from the Install
This dialogue box controls the installation of position, speed,
and travelled distance information from external sensors.
The dialogue provides three tabs:
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Navigation: Distance
The echo sounder receives vessel distance information either
internally derived from speed information, via NMEA
datagrams, or from 1/200 nmi contact pulses.
Source - Select source.
Port - Select the input port.
Setup - Set up the selected port.
NMEA sentence - Select which datagram to use.
Distance - The current vessel distance can be set manually.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Navigation: Position
The echo sounder receives vessel position information using
standard NMEA datagrams.
Port - Select input port for the datagrams.
Setup - Press this button to set up the interface parameters.
NMEA sentence - Select which NMEA sentence to use. Auto
means that all datagrams are interpreted.
Talker ID - Specify the NMEA talker identity (the first two
characters in the NMEA sentence). Use None to accept all talker
Related topics
LAN Port Setup, page 89
Serial Port Setup, page 116
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Navigation: Speed
This tab controls the vessel speed input.
Port - Select input source port from the list.
Setup - Set up the selected port.
NMEA sentence - Select datagram from the list. Auto means
that all datagrams are interpreted.
Manual speed - If speed information is unavailable, click the
box and set manual speed with the spin box.
Related topics
LAN Port Setup, page 89
Serial Port Setup, page 116
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
New channel
The New channel function is accessed from the Window menu.
This command is used to display a new channel window. This
can either be a new frequency channel, or a new view of an
existing frequency channel.
When activated, the command will display a submenu
presenting the different transceiver/transducer channels installed
on the echo sounder.
Displayed channel windows are listed at the bottom of the
Window menu. To view the channel windows, use the Cascade
or Tile commands on the Window menu.
To close a channel, press the “X” at the top right corner of the
channel window. To close all channels, select Close All on the
Window menu.
Sampling, data storage or data output from a frequency channel
is not influenced by opening or closing channel windows.
However, the maximum available ping rate may be affected by
the range settings in a channel window.
Related topics
Cascade, page 55
Close All, page 56
Tile, page 120
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
New Layer
The New Layer dialogue box is accessed from the shortcut
menus in the Echogram and Numerical views.
This dialogue is used to insert a new vertical layer.
All parameters are identical to the Layer Properties dialogue.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Numerical view, page 14
Layer Properties, page 90
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Normal Operation
The Normal Operation dialogue box is accessed from the
Operation menu.
This dialogue is used to define the basic operational parameters
for the installed transceiver channels. Note however, that before
this dialogue is opened, the transceivers must be installed! This
is done using the Transceiver command on the Install menu.
The dialogue box is built like a table, where each transceiver
channel is listed in a row.
Channel - The is column lists the transceivers that have been
installed using the Transceiver command on the Install menu.
Mode - This is the operational status for the channel.
Active - The transmitter and receiver are active (normal
Passive - The transmitter is passive while the receiver is
active. This mode of operation is useful for test purposes, and
when you wish to measure the ambient background noise in
the sea.
Test - An internal test signal (-70 dBW) is generated
internally by the transceiver.
Pulse duration | Sample interval | Bandwidth -These
parameters are interdependant, and can not be changed
individually. However, for each transceiver channel you may
choose from a set of parameter groups.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Transmit Power - This parameter controls the transmitter’s
output power. Output power is limited either to the maximum
rating of the transducer, or the maximum rating of the
transmitter, whichever is the smallest.
Depth - This parameter defines the installation depth for each
Pulse duration
This parameter controls the duration of the transmit pulse.
The table below shows the pulse duration (given in µS)
available for the different operational frequencies.
kHz 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384
12 -- -- X X X X X
18 -- -- X X X X X --
38 -- -- X X X X X -- --
70 -- X X X X X -- -- --
120 X X X X X -- -- -- --
200 X X X X X -- -- -- --
X-axis is pulse duration in
S, Y-axis is frequency in kHz. “x” means that the pulse
duration is available for the given frequency.
Related topics
Transceiver Installation, page 123
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Numerical View
The Numerical View dialogue is accessed from the shortcut
menu in the Numerical view.
This dialogue is used to select which information is displayed in
the Numerical view.
Check the boxes in front of the information you wish to see.
Related topics
Numerical view, page 14
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Ping Control
Ping control is accessed from the Operation menu.
This dialogue is used to control the echo sounder pinging during
both normal and replay operations. All settings in this dialogue
take immediate action.
Note that the majority of operations carried out in this dialogue
box can also me made in the Tool bar.
In Maximum mode, click the Start button to start pinging. This
operation will toggle the button text to Stop, which you can
In Single step mode, click the Single step button to transmit a
single ping.
In Interval mode, set the interval time in the spin box, and use
the Start / Stop button to initiate the pinging.
Start / Stop - Use this button to start or stop the pinging in
Maximum and Interval modes.
Single step - Press this button to transmit one single ping in
Single step mode.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Ping Rate
The Ping rate can be set to either Maximum, Single step,or
Maximum - Select this mode to set the echo sounder to transmit
pings as often as possible. In normal operation the ping rate will
typically be limited by the time it takes for the sound to travel to
the range requested by the user and back. Use the Max ping
range parameter displayed in the Numerical view for display of
this range. For short data collection ranges in normal operation,
the ping rate will be limited by the transceiver’s need to
recharge before a new ping can be transmitted. During replay
operation the maximum ping rate will mainly be limited by the
computer’s processing capacity.
Single step - Select this mode to transmit only a single ping
each time the Single step button is clicked.
Interval - Select this mode to set the echo sounder to transmit a
ping once every set time. If the system is not ready to transmit a
ping due to the limitations described for Maximu m ping rate,
this ping will not be transmitted. Use the spin box to set the time
interval in seconds.
The echo sounder can be set up to either supply trigger to a
remote system, or be triggered by external instruments. Note
that triggering is only available in the Normal ping mode.
Ingoing - Check this box to be triggered by an external
instrument. The ping transmission will be delayed until a pulse
is detected at the source. Select the source using the list box.
Outgoing - Check this box to generate an output signal at the
selected source each time a ping is transmitted. Use the list box
to select the output where the trigger signal will appear.
Related topics
The external triggering system is explained in more detail in
the EK60 Instruction manual. Refer to the Cable layout
Tool bar, page 5.
Numerical view, page 14.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Port Management
This dialogue box is accessed from the Install menu.
The Port Man agement dialogue allows you to control the
properties of each of the available communication channels on
the computer. The ER60 software automatically scans the
computer to locate and identify ethernet and serial line
interfaces. USB interfaces are only recognized if they are
defined to communicate serial data.
Once the software has established a list of valid interfaces, you
can set up and control the parameters. The Port Management
dialogue provides two lists, one for Serial ports and one for
LAN ports.
Serial ports
The majority of the parameters are self explanatory.
Protocol - Each serial line can communicate with more than one
sensor simultanously provided that each sensor use the same
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Sensors - This column is used to identify the external sensor
currently connected to the serial line.
Add - If you have added additional serial lines to the computer
(for example by installing an extra interface circuit board), you
can press Add to identify the new ports. If you have previosuly
released an unused serial port, but wish to bring it back to ER60
use, you must also press Add to include it.
Remove - Once the ER60 has identified and listed all the
available serial lines on the computer, these can not be used by
any other software applications on the same computer. However,
if the ER60 does not need a specific serial line, it can be
released for other use when you select it and press the Remove
Setup - Select a serial line and press the Setup button to
configure the communication parameters.
LAN ports
Local IP - This is the IP number of the network card in your
computer that you wish to use.
Local port - This is local port you wish to use.
Remote IP - This is the IP number of a remote computer. For
point-to-point communication, you must define this IP address.
If you wish to broadcast information, enter IP number For inputs, you do not need to set up this
Remote port - Set up the remote port only if applicable for
point-to-point data export.
Protocol - Each ethernet line can communicate with more than
one sensor simultanously provided that each sensor use the same
Sensors - This column is used to identify the external sensor
currently connected to the serial line.
Add - If you wish to assign a new port to the existing network
card, or add a new network card, press Add to identify the new
Remove - Use this feature to remove ports you do not need.
Setup - Select a LAN port and press the Setup button to
configure the communication parameters.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Print dialogue box is available from all the short-cut
This dialogue box allows you to print the current view.
Note that this is a standard operating system dialogue box. The
appearance may differ between the operating systems, and the
text will be in the operating system’s language.
Related topics
Print Preview, page 110
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Print Preview
The Print Preview dialogue is available from all the short-cut
This dialogue allows you check the printout before you send the
job to the printer. Note that this is a standard operating system
dialogue. The appearance may differ between the operating
systems, and the text will be in the operating system’s language.
Tool bar symbols
Printer - Sends the job to the default printer. Note that the
Print dialogue does not appear, so you if you wish to use a
printer other than your default, you need to change this before
you open the Print Preview dialogue.
Looking glass - Zoom tool
Pages - Allows you to print a multiple page document onto one
paper page. This function is not applicable for the ER60, as the
built-in printing functionality only will provide a single page
Close - Will close the dialogue.
Page - Allows you to print a selected page from a multiple page
document. This function is not applicable for the ER60.
Related topics
Print, page 109.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Remoting dialogue is accessed from the Install menu.
This dialogue controls setting of parameters related to remote
operation of the echo sounder. With these parameters, you can
operate the echo sounder from an other computer connected to
the network.
Two tabs are available:
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Remoting: Client
The echo sounder program can function as a client receiving
data from an echo sounder program running on another
processing unit connected to the LAN. In this case data are
transferred as UDP packets from/to the client through an
Ethernet card with a specific IP address.
The client page is only used if you want to use the echo sounder
program as a client receiving data from another echo sounder
program. If you have more than one network card you can select
which one to use for client operations from the list of IP
addresses. The remote port number is the port number on the
server which is used to establish the initial connection. This
number must be equal to the local port number found on the
server page in the remoting dialogue on the server which you
want to connect to. Normally the client broadcasts a message to
obtain information on echo sounder programs running on the
LAN. A list of these programs is displayed when the Data
Source dialogue is opened. In some network set-ups
broadcasting is not a practical solution, and in these cases the
communication mode can be changed from broadcast to
point-to-point and a specific remote IP address for the server
which you want to connect to can be set.
Related topics
Data Source, page 63
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Remoting: Server
The echo sounder program can function as a data server for
other programs running on other computers connected to the
LAN. In this case data are transferred as UDP packets from/to
the server through an Ethernet card with a specific IP address.
The server page is only used if you want to use the echo sounder
program as a server for other client programs.
Browse request handling
If you have two network cards you can use one network card for
transceiver communication and the other network card for
transferring data between server and clients. Specify network
card for server functionality by selecting the appropriate IP
address from the list. The initial connection between a server
and a client is created through on a specific UDP port number
on the server. When the connection is established data
communication is transferred to a new UDP port number which
is automatically assigned by the server. The default local port
number for the initial connection can be changed if you want to
use a specific local port number, normally this is not necessary.
Application information
When the service application exposes itself it exposes various
application information. The description and ID exposed can be
set here.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Replay dialogue box is accessed from the Operation
In order to investigate stored data, the echo sounder may be set
up in Replay mode. This dialogue is used to select a raw data
file for replay.
To make switching between different replay files easier you can
add multiple files to the displayed file list using the Add button.
Files are removed from the list using the Remove button. For
more detailed usage, refer to the Operational procedures.
Related topics
Replay, procedures, page 22
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Save Settings
The Save Settings dialogue is accessed from the Options menu.
This dialogue is used to save your program settings.
Type a name for the file which will contain the settings to be
Installation settings (e.g. Transceiver and sensor installation
settings) will not be saved in the settings files.
Saved settings can be loaded using the Load Settings dialogue.
Related topics
Load Settings dialogue, page 92
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Serial Port Setup
The Serial P ort setup dialogue is accessed from the following
dialague boxes:
The Serial P ort Setup dialogue is used to set up the serial port
for communication with external sensors.
Set up the parameters for baud rate, number of data bits and
parity to suit the applicable serial line communication.
Related topics
Navigation, page 96
Motion, page 95
Traw l, page 127
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Single Target Detection
The Single Target Detection dialogue is accessed from the
short-cut menus in the Single Target Position and the Single
Target Histogram views. It is accessed directly if you press the
middle mouse button while the cursor is positioned inside the
same views.
This dialogue is used to set the operational parameters for
detecting single targets within the active layer.
Min. Threshold ( dB) - The target strength for a single target
must exceed this threshold to be accepted.
Min. Echo Length - For a single target detection to occur the
normalized echo length (echo length between the 6 dB points
relative to the peak value divided by the duration of the
transmitted pulse) must exceed this parameter.
Max. Echo Length - A single target detection requires the
normalized echo length to be less than the max echo length
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Max. Phase Deviation - Average electrical phase jitter between
samples inside an echo from a single target must not exceed the
max phase deviation setting where max phase deviation is set in
units of phase steps (128 phase steps = 180 electrical degrees).
Recommended setting is 2 - 3 for normal conditions. For weak
echoes in noisy conditions you should allow for more jitter (4 -
Max. Gain Compensation - The correction value returned
from the transducer gain model must not exceed the maximum
gain compensation setting. (This is the one-way maximum gain
compensation. The two-way maximum compensation will be 12
dB). All single targets outside the angle corresponding to the
chosen gain compensation are skipped. Thus one can reduce the
sample volume (beam angle) by choosing a lower value for
maximum gain compensation.
Min Echo Spacing - The is the minimum spacing between two
single echos required for acceptance.
Click the Calibration button to start the dedicated calibration
program with single target detections for this layer.
Note that you must click Apply or OK before you start the
calibration program if you have made changes to the single
target detection parameters. This is to ensure that the parameters
have been applied for the layer.
Related topics
Single Target Position view, page 9
Single Target Histogram view, page 10
Calibration procedure, page 24
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Surface Range
The Surface Range dialogue box is accessed from the short-cut
menu in the Echogram view.
This dialogue is used to
specify the vertical depth
range for the Echogram
Surface or Bottom?
The dialogue title and the
range settings will be surface
related if the dialogue is
opened while the echogram
displays a surface referenced
The dialogue title and the
range settings will be bottom
related if the dialogue is
opened while the echogram
displays a bottom referenced
Start Relative Surface / Start Relative Bottom - This
parameter controls the depth at the upper boundary of the
echogram, relative the transducer face / detected bottom depth.
Range - This parameter controls the vertical depth range across
the echogram view. Note that positive is always downwards.
This means that a start range relative bottom of -10 m means 10
m above bottom!
Applytoall- Check this box to apply the the new range setting
to all current surface and bottom echograms.
Related topics
Echogram view, page 11
Bottom Range, page 53
Echogram, page 67
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Tile function is accessed from the Window menu.
This function is identical to the common function available in
the operating system. The active windows are presented tiled; ie
reduced in size and automaticly fitted next to each other.
Related topics
Cascade, page 55
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Toolbar choice is accessed from the View menu.
This is simply an “on/off” switch to show or hide the toolbars.
You can choose to open the Normal Operation or the Easy
Operation toolbars, or both.
When enabled, the toolbars will appear directly below or next to
the main menu.
Related topics
The Toolbar is explained on page 5
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Toolti p dialogue box is accessed from the Options menu.
This dialogue is used to select which information you wish to
have displayed as tooltips (information displayed next to the
cursor) in the different views.
Each view has its own set of parameters which can be toggled
on or off.
Related topics
Single Target Position, page 9
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Echogram, page 11
Scope, page 12
Colour scale, page 13
Single Target Histogram, page 10
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Transceiver Installation
The Transceiver installation dialogue box is accessed from the
Install menu.
This dialogue controls installation and un-installation of
transceivers. Every time the Transceiver Installation dialogue
appears on the display the echo sounder software performs a
search on the Ethernet for transceivers.
Transceivers are installed by selecting the correct transducer
type for each frequency channel.
Transceivers are un-installed by selecting transducer type None.
Frequency channels
Each transceiver contains one or more frequency channels. Split
beam transceivers contain only one frequency channel each. The
Frequency Channel list displays a list of frequency channels
which either are or have been installed on the echo sounder.
Entries shown in black are detected frequency channels
which are not installed, but available for installation.
Entries shown in green are detected frequency channels,
which are both detected and installed.
Entries shown in blue are detected frequency channels which
are installed by another echo sounder program, and thus not
available for this application.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Entries shown in red are frequency channels which have
previously been installed, but are no longer available.
A frequency channel can be selected by left clicking on the
entry in the list.
The Transducer box allows you to select a transducer for the
chosen frequency channel. Transducer parameters are normally
automatically updated through the calibration procedure, and do
not need to be changed manually.
You can however manually modify transducer parameters using
the Transducer Parameters dialogue.
Transceiver information
The dialogue displays information about the chosen transceiver.
The information includes:
Name - The currently selected frequency channel
GPT SW Version - The current software version in the
General Purpose Transceiver (GPT).
Console IP Address - The IP address of the console running
the echo sounder software.
Network IP Address - Describes which numbers must be
identical between the console IP address and the transceiver
IP address for the transceiver to be identified by the console.
Thus, the address 157.237.xxx.xxx describes that all
transceiver IP addresses must start with 157.237.
GPT IP Address - Allows you to modify the IP address of
the transceiver.
Transceiver browsing
These settings allow configuration of network properties when
the system automatically searches for connected transceivers.
Local IP Address - If the computer running the echo sounder
program contains multiple network cards the network card
which is connected to the transceivers can be selected from this
Remote IP Address - Normally the search for transceivers
should be broadcasted, and in this case the Remote IP Address
field must be set to and the Communication
mode must be set to Broadcast. Changing the Remote IP
Address while selecting Communication mode Point-to-Point
can be used in special network set-ups where this is required.
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Communication mode - Select mode from the list;
Point-to-point or Broadcast.
Browse - Click this button to generate a new browse list for
Related topics
Transceiver installation procedure, page 20
Transducer Parameters dialogue, page 126
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Transducer Parameters
The Transducer Parameters dialogue box is accessed from the
Transceiver Installation dialogue.
This dialogue allows you to manually modify key transducer
Caution This functionality is for advanced users only!
Related topics
Transceiver Installation dialogue, page 123
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Trawl dialogue box is accessed from the Install menu.
This dialogue controls the
installation of trawl sensors.
Trawl information is used for
display of upper and lower
trawl line in the echogram.
All received speed data are
stored to file when recording
of raw data to file is enabled.
Select input source from the
list, and set up the
communication interface.
Port - Select one of the serial ports or LAN. If no trawl system
is connected, select None.
Setup - Click this button to open the applicable setup dialogue
to define the communication parameters.
System - Select ITI or PI30 trawl monitoring systems. Third
party systems are not supported.
If trawl opening and/or distance to trawl information is not
automatically available from a trawl system, the parameters can
be set manually.
Related topics
Serial Port Setup dialogue, page 116
LAN Port Setup dialogue, page 89
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
User Properties
The User Properties dialogue is accessed by clicking
Properties in the Users and Passwords dialogue.
This dialogue is used to change the
description, password and access level
If you wish to change the name as well,
you need to delete the user using the
Remove buttonintheUsers a nd
Passwords dialogue, and then Add a
new user.
Related topics
Add Users, page 49
Users and Passwords, page 129
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
Users and passwords
The Users and passwords dialogue box is accessed using the
Install menu.
This dialogue is used to add and remove users, and to set and
edit user properties and passwords.
The user concept
To prevent unintentional operation of the echo sounder a user
concept is introduced. Each user is assigned an access level
which can be either:
Administrator - All rights
Operator - Limited from performing installation operations
Observer - Limited from changing settings which will affect
raw data recordings
Four users are built-in accounts. These can not be deleted.
Administrator - User with Administrator rights
Operator - User with Operator rights
Observer - User with Observer rights
Simrad - User with Operator rights
By default the built-in accounts have empty passwords, but this
can be changed by a user with Administrator rights.
When the echo sounder program is installed for the first time,
the Administrator user will log in automatically during start up.
Automatic log-in can be enabled in the Simrad ER60 Login
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Use the Add button to add new users. This opens the Add User
Account dialogue.
Click the Remove button to remove the user selected in the list.
Use the Properties button to change access level and password
for the selected user. The User Properties dialogue is opened.
Related topics
Add User, page 49
Log in, page 93
User Properties, page 128
Dialogue boxes and functions
850-164692 / Rev.B
The Warnings dialogue is accessed by clicking the Warnings
buttonontheStatus bar.
The same dialogue is also used
with other message types presented
by the ER60. Warnings are
indicated with a yellow button on
the Status bar, while errors are
indicated with a red button.
This dialogue will list all the
current messages from the ER60.
Click on the message to read the
full text in the text box below the
Press Ack to acknowledge the
message, or Delete to remove it
from the list. You can only
acknowledge and remove one
message at the time.
Related topics
Status bar, page 6
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
This chapter describes how the echo sounder handles data
formats and interfaces.
The information contained in this chapter is provided for
programmers and technical personnel designing third party
software to communicate with the ER60.
Numeric type definition, page 133
Raw data, page 134
Data encapsulation, page 135
Configuration datagram, page 136
NMEA datagram, page 138
Annotation datagram, page 139
Sample datagram, page 140
Data subscriptions and remote control, page 141
Requesting server information, page 143
Connecting to server, page 144
Keep connection alive, page 146
Issue commands on server, page 147
Subscription of data, page 150
Parameter management, page 155
Disconnecting from server, page 158
Data subscription types, page 159
Bottom detection, page 160
Target Strength detection, page 161
Sample data, page 163
Echogram, page 165
Targets echogram, page 166
Integration, page 167
Targets integration, page 168
Parameter description, page 170
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Numeric type definition
In order to describe the data type formats, common ”C”
structures are used to represent individual data blocks.
The size of the various C types are:
char - 8-bit integer
WORD - 16-bit unsigned integer
short - 16-bit integer
Int - 32-bit integer
long - 32-bit integer
float - 32-bit floating point (IEEE 754)
double - 64-bit floating point (IEEE 754)
DWORDLONG - 64-bit integer
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Raw data
The *.raw file may contain one or more of the following
datagram types:
Configuration datagram, page 136.
NMEA datagram, page 138.
Annotation datagram, page 139.
Sample datagram, page 140.
Every *.raw file begins with a configuration telegram. A second
configuration datagram, within the file, is illegal. The data
content of the configuration datagram of an already existing file
cannot be altered from the echo sounder. NMEA, annotation and
sample datagrams constitute the remaining file content. These
datagrams are written to the *.raw file in the order that they are
generated by the sounder.
Note that the information following the “//” sign are comments
to that line.
Data encapsulation, page 135
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Data encapsulation
A standard encapsulation scheme is used for all data files. Each
datagram is preceded by a 4 byte length tag stating the datagram
length in bytes. An identical length tag is appended at the end of
the datagram.
long Length;
struct DatagramHeader
long DatagramType;
struct {
long LowDateTime;
long HighDateTime;
} DateTime;
< datagram content >
long Length;
All datagrams use the same header. The datagram type field
identifies the type of datagram. ASCII quadruples are used to
ease human interpretation and long term maintenance; three
characters identify the datagram type and one character
identifies the version of the datagram. The DateTime structure
contains a 64-bit integer value stating the number of
100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601. This is the
internal ”filetime” used by the Windows NT operating system.
The data part of the datagram contains any number of bytes, and
its content is highly datagram dependent.
Common computers fall into two categories: Intel based
computers write a multibyte number to file starting with the
LSB (Least Significant Byte). HP, Sun and Motorola do the
opposite. They write the MSB (Most Significant Byte) to file
first. The byte order of the length tags and all binary fields
within a datagram is always identical to the native byte order of
the computer that writes the data file. It is the responsibility of
the software that reads the file to perform byte swapping of all
multibyte numbers within a datagram if required. Byte
swapping is required whenever there is an apparent mismatch
between the head and the tail length tags. Hence, the two length
tags may be used to identify the byte order of the complete
The Intel processors allow a multibyte number to be located at
any RAM address. However, this may be different on other
processors; a short (2 byte) must be located at an even address, a
long (4 byte) and a float (4 byte) must be located at addresses
dividable by four. Hence, the numeric fields within a datagram
is specified with this in mind.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Configuration datagram
All character strings are zero terminated.
struct ConfigurationDatagram {
DatagramHeader DgHeader // ”CON0”
ConfigurationHeader ConfigHeader;
ConfigurationTransducer Transducer[];
struct ConfigurationHeader {
char SurveyName[128]; // ”Loch Ness”
char TransectName[128];
char SounderName[128]; // “ER60”
char version [30];
char spare [98];
long TransducerCount; //1to7
struct ConfigurationTransducer {
char ChannelId[128]; // Channel identification
long BeamType; // 0=SINGLE, 1=SPLIT
float Frequency; // [Hz]
float Gain; // [dB] - See note below
float EquivalentBeamAngle; // [dB]
float BeamWidthAlongship; // [degree]
float BeamWidthAthwartship; // [degree]
float AngleSensitivityAlongship;
float AngleSensitivityAthwartship;
float AngleOffsetAlongship; // [degree]
float AngleOffsetAthwartship; // [degree]
float PosX; // future use
float PosY; // future use
float PosZ; // future use
float DirX; // future use
float DirY; // future use
float DirZ; // future use
char Spare[128]; // Future use
float PulseLengthTable[5];
// Available pulse lengths for the
// channel [s]
char Spare2[8]; // future use
float GainTable[5];
// Gain for each pulse length in the
// PulseLengthTable [dB]
char Spare3[8]; // future use
float SaCorrectionTable[5];
// Sa correction for each pulse length in
// the PulseLengthTable [dB]
char Spare4[8];
char GPTSoftwareVersion [16];
char Spare5[28];
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
float Gain: - The single Gain parameter was used actively in
raw data files generated with software version 1.3. This was
before PulseLengthTable, GainTable,andSaCorrectionTable
were introduced in software version 1.4 to enable gain and Sa
correction parameters for each pulse length.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
NMEA datagram
This datagram contains the original NMEA 0183 input sentence.
struct TextDatagram{
DatagramHeader DgHeader; // “NME0”
char Text[]; // ”$GPGLL,5713.213,N......”
The size of the datagram depends on the sentence length.
An example NMEA position sentence is shown below:
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Annotation datagram
The annotation datagram contains comment text.
struct TextDatagram{
DatagramHeader DgHeader; // “TAG0”
char Text[]; // ”Dangerous wreck”
The text string is zero terminated. The size of the complete
datagram depends on the annotation length (maximum 80
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Sample datagram
The sample datagram contains data from just one transducer
channel. It can contain power sample data, or it can contain both
power and angle sample data.
struct SampleDatagram
DatagramHeaderDgHeader; // “RAW0”
short Channel; // Channel number
short Mode;
// Datatype: 1 = Power, 2 = Angle, 3 = Both
float TransducerDepth; // [m]
float Frequency; // [Hz]
float TransmitPower; // [W]
float PulseLength; // [s]
float BandWidth; // [Hz]
float SampleInterval; // [s]
float SoundVelocity; // [m/s]
float AbsorptionCoefficient; // [dB/m]
float Heave; // [m]
float Roll; // [deg]
float Pitch; // [deg]
float Temperature; // [C]
char spare [12] // Future use
long Offset; // First sample
long Count; // Number of samples
short Power[]; // Compressed format - See below!
short Angle[]; // See below!
Short Power - The power data contained in the sample
datagram is compressed. In order to restore the correct value(s),
you must decompress the value according to the equation below.
x = power value derived from the datagram
y = converted value (in dB)
Short Angle - The fore-and-aft (alongship) and athwartship
electrical angles are output as one 16-bit word. The alongship
angle is the most significant byte while the athwartship angle is
the least significant byte. Angle data is expressed in 2’s
complement format, and the resolution is given in steps of
180/128 electrical degrees per unit. Positive numbers denotes
the fore and starboard directions.
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Data subscriptions and remote control
The echo sounder implements the facility to subscribe to data
and control the echo sounder operation from a user developed
remote application. This enables you to write your own
application which controls the operations of the echo sounder
(e.g. start/stop pinging, change ping interval, and start/stop data
From your application you can also subscribe to data from the
echo sounder. This means that you can ask the echo sounder to
continuously send various data (e.g. Depth data, Target Strength
data, and Integration data) to your application
(Echo sounder
or third party)
Subscriber parameter updates
(UDP / Binary)
Subscribed data updates
(UDP / Binary)
Commands and responses
Echo sounder
server application
The communication between the echo sounder program and
your program is performed by exchanging UDP messages via
the LAN. Command and response messages are XML based text
messages. Subscribed data updates are binary data structures,
which must be decoded using information about the data
The following is an overview of the process for data
subscription and remote control.
1 Request server information
2 Connect to server
3 Keep connection alive
4 Issue commands on server
a Subscription of data:
- Create data subscriptions
- Handle data
- Change data subscriptions
-Destroy data subscriptions
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
b Parameter management:
- Get parameter
- Set parameter
- Start parameter notifications
- Stop parameter notifications
5 Disconnecting from server
Requesting server information, page 143.
Connecting to server, page 144.
Keep connection alive, page 146.
Issue commands on server, page 147.
Subscription of data, page 150.
Parameter management, page 155.
Disconnecting from server, page 158.
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Requesting server information
Before you connect to the server running the echo sounder
program, your client application must obtain information about
the server’s IP address and command port number.
Send the following RequestServerInfo message to the specific
IP address of the server, or broadcast the message to receive
server information from all servers on the LAN. The message
should be send to the UDP port number found in the Local port
fieldontheServer page in the Remoting dialogue box in the
server application.
struct RequestServerInfo
char Header[4]; // ”RSI\0”
The server applications will respond to the requesting
application with a message containing information about the
server application. The content of the ServerInfo2 message is
shown below.
struct ServerInfo2
char Header[4];
// ”SI2\0”
char ApplicationType[64];
char ApplicationName[64];
// Name of the current application
char ApplicationDescription[128];
// Description of the current application
long ApplicationID;
// ID of the current application
long CommandPort;
// Port number to send commands to
long Mode;
// If the application is
// running against the local data source or
// a remote data source
char HostName[64];
// IP address of the computer the
application is running on
The server UDP port number CommandPort must be used
from now on to send commands to the server application.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Connecting to server
Before commands can be sent to the server application, the
client application must identify itself to the server application by
sending a connect command, ConnectRequest, to the server.
This connect command must contain user account and password
The contents of the connect message is shown below.
struct ConnectRequest
char Header[4];
// ”CON\0”
char ClientInfo[1024];
// e.g. ”Name:Simrad;Password:\0”
The server application will respond with a Response message
containing at least the client id if the connect command
succeeded, or an error if the connect command failed. The
contents of the various parts of a response message for a
successful connect command is shown below.
struct Response
char Header[4];
// ”RES\0”
char Request[4];
// ”CON/0”
char MsgControl[22];
// ”\0”
char MsgResponse[1400];
// Response text containing result of
// connection request
The contents of the MsgResponse field consist of ResultCode
and Parameters.
ResultCode - Result of the operation. The following values can
be present.
S_OK - operation was successful
E_ACCESSDENIED - operation failed due to unknown
account or wrong password.
E_FAIL - operation failed due to an unspecified error.
Parameters - Comma separated list of various name:value pairs
that may be present, only provided if the ConnectRequest is
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
ClientID - identification of the current client, to be used in
all further communication with the server application
AccessLevel - general access level for the current client
A successful connection will for example provide a
MsgResponse containing:
Connection failure
In case the connect command fails, the ResponseField will
contain a ResultInfo field.
ResultInfo - Text describing the failure
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Keep connection alive
Once the client application is connected to the server application
a two-way monitoring of the application and communication
”health” must be started. This means that both the client and the
server application must send an ”alive” message, AliveReport,
periodically (each second).
The content of the AliveReport message is shown below.
struct AliveReport
char Header[4];
// ”ALI\0”
char Info[1024];
// e.g. ”ClientID:1,SeqNo:1\0”
The Info fieldinanAliveReport message from the client to the
server may contain (example):
The SeqNo part of the Info field shall contain the sequence
number of the next request message from the client to the server
(the sequence number shall start on 1). The server will use this
to detect if any messages from the client have been lost, if a loss
is detected, the server will issue a retransmit request to the
The AliveReportDef message from the server to the client may
contain (example):
Similar, the SeqNo part of the Info field shall contain the
sequence number of the next response message from the server
to the client. The client application can use this to detect if any
message from the server is lost, and may then issue a retransmit
request to the server.
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Issue commands on server
A Request message must be sent to the server application in
order to issue a command on one of the available command
targets in the server application. An example of the main
elements of a command request is shown below.
struct Request
char Header[4];
// ”REQ\0”
char MsgControl[22];
// Sequence no, Current msg no, Total msg no
char MsgRequest[1400];
// XML based command request
The MsgControl field consists of the following parts:
Sequence number - incremented for each request message
sent to the server
Current message - contains the current message in case a
request must be split into several UDP messages.
Total message - contains the total number of messages the
current request consists of.
If the contents of MsgControl is ”2,1,3\0 it means that the
current UDP message is the second request message sent from
the client to the server, and that the current message is message
number 1 of a request that consists of a total of three UDP
The contents of the MsgRequest depend on the current
command target and will be described in detail later. For the
moment it is enough to say that the format of the request is
XML based and that the request must specify a command target,
a method on the command target and any input parameters
relevant for the current method. The general structure of a
request is shown below.
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
clientid is client identification
requestid is request identification
xx is the name of the current command target
yy is the name of the current method
zz is any parameters of the current method.
The server application will respond with a Response message as
shown below.
struct Response
char Header[4];
// ”RES\0”
char Request[4];
// ”REQ/0”
char MsgControl[22];
// Sequence no, Current msg no, Total msg no
char MsgResponse[1400];
// XML based response text containing result
// of command request
The contents of the Response depend on the current command
target and will be described in detail later. For the moment it is
enough to say that the format of the response is XML based and
that the response contains the result, any error messages, and
any output parameters relevant for the current method. The
general structure of a response is shown below.
<cid dt=”3”>clientid</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>requestid</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
<zz dt=”3”></zz>
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
clientid is the client identification
requestid is the request identification
error code is the resultof the operation - 0 = OK
yy is the name of the current method
zz is any parameters of the current method.
The MsgControl field consists of the following parts:
Sequence number - incremented for each response message
sent to the client
Current message - contains the current message in case a
request must be split into several UDP messages.
Total message - contains the total number of messages the
current request consists of.
If the contents of MsgControl is ”2,1,3\0” it means that the
current UDP message is the second response message sent from
the server to the client, and that the current message is message
number 1 of a response that consists of a total of three UDP
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Subscription of data
In order to subscribe on echo sounder data from the server
application, commands must be sent to the RemoteDataServer
component of the server application. The following
methods/commands are available.
Create data subscription
Handling data
Change data subscription
Destroy data subscription
For all commands a Request message must be sent from the
client to the server - in the following sections only the contents
of the Request field of the Request will be described.
For all commands a Response message will be sent from the
server to the client - in the following sections only the contents
of the Response field of the Response will be described.
Related topics
Data subscription types, page 159
Create data subscriptions
The method part of the request shall be set to Subscribe.The
Subscribe method is defined with the following input
Parameter name Description
RequestedPort The local port on the client
application that the data should be
sent to.
DataRequest The actual specification of the
An example of the contents of the Request field of a Subscribe
command to the RemoteDataServer is shown below:
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
The server application will respond with a Response message.
The Subscribe method has the following output parameters.
Parameter name Description
SubscriptionID The identification of the current
subscription -- can be used to
differentiate between multiple
subscriptions on the same port.
An example of the contents of the Response field of a
Subscribe command to the RemoteDataServer is shown
<cid dt=”3”>1</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>1</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
<subscriptionID dt=”3”></ subscriptionID >
Handling data
Data from the RemoteDataServer arewrappedina
ProcessedData structure.
struct ProcessedData
char Header[4];
// ”PRD\0”
long SeqNo;
// Sequence number of the current
// UDP message
long SubscriptionID;
// Identification of the current data
unsigned short CurrentMsg;
// Current message number
unsigned short TotalMsg;
// Total number of UDP messages
unsigned short NoOfBytes;
// Number of bytes in the following
// Data field
unsigned short Data[];
// Actual data
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
If the amount of data exceeds the limit of one UDP message, the
data will be split into multiple UDP messages. The TotalMsg
field contains the number of UDP messages for the current data,
this is identified with any number larger than 1. The
CurrentMsg field contains the current message number out of
the total number of messages.
The Data field shall be decoded according to the specified
output structure from the subscription described in chapter Data
subscr iption types.
Change data subscriptions
The method part of the request shall be set to
ChangeSubscription.TheChangeSubscription method has
the following parameters.
Parameter name Description
subscriptionID The id of the subscription that
should be changed
dataRequest The actual specification of the
subscription. This is described in
the chapter Data Subscription
An example of the contents of the Request field of a
ChangeSubscription command to the RemoteDataServer is
shown below.
<subscriptionID>1</ subscriptionID >
The server application will respond with a Response message.
The ChangeSubscription method does not have any output
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
An example of the contents of the Response field of a
ChangeSubscription command to the RemoteDataServer is
shown below.
<cid dt=”3”>1</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>1</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
Destroy data subscriptions
The method part of the request shall be set to Unsubscribe.The
Unsubscribe method has the following parameters.
Parameter name Description
subscriptionID The identification of the subscription
that shall be closed.
An example of the contents of the szRequest field of an
Unsubscribe command to the RemoteDataServer is shown
The server application will respond with a ResponseDef
message. The Unsubscribe method does not have any output
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
An example of the contents of the Response field of an
Unsubscribe command to the RemoteDataServer is shown
<cid dt=”3”>1</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>1</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Parameter management
In order to set/get parameters in the server application,
commands must be sent to the ParameterServer component of
the server application. The following methods/commands are
Get parameter value/attribute
Set parameter value/attribute
Subscribe on parameter value/attribute change notifications
Unsubscribe parameter notifications
Related topics
Parameter description, page 170
Get parameter
The method part of the request shall be set to GetParameter.
The GetParameter method has the following input parameters.
Parameter name Description
ParamName Full name of the current parameter
Time The time where the value should be
read (only available for some
parameters) -- use 0 if latest value is
An example of the contents of the Request field of a
GetParameter command to the ParameterServer is shown
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
The server application will respond with a Response message.
The GetParameter method has the following output
Parameter name Description
Value The value of the parameter
Time The time when the parameter was
An example of the contents of the Response field of a
GetParameter command to the ParameterServer is shown
<cid dt=”3”>1</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>28</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
Set parameter
The method part of the request shall be set to SetParameter.
The SetParameter method has the following input parameters.
Parameter name Description
paramName Full name of the current
paramValue The new value to update the
parameter with
paramType The data type of the paramValue
An example of the contents of the Request field of a
SetParameter command to the ParameterServer is shown
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
The server application will respond with a Response message.
The SetParameter method does not have any output
An example of the contents of the Response field of a
SetParameter command to the ParameterServer is shown
<cid dt=”3”>1</cid>
<rid dt=”3”>28</rid>
<errorcode dt=”3”>0</errorcode>
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Disconnecting from server
The client application shall send a DisconnectRequestDef
message to the server application when the client is finished
with its operation against the server.
Structure field name Contents
Header DIS\0
szClientInfo Name:Simrad;Password:\0
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Data subscription types
The following describes the available data subscriptions in the
echo sounder.
All data subscriptions require the ChannelID for the frequency
channel from which the subscription data is requested. A
comma separated list of available ChannelID’s can be obtained
using the ParameterServer component to get the parameter
TransceiverMgr Channels.
The data output will always start with a 64-bit integer time
value, which identifies the number of 100 nanoseconds intervals
that has elapsed since January 1, 1601.
If a parameterer is skipped in the subscription input string it will
be replaced by the default value.
The decoding of the subscription will be case insensitive.
In the output data to be received by external devices, the
information about the current structure length is given. From
this information, the number of elements in an array may be
Bottom detection, page 160
Target Strength detection, page 161
Sample data, page 163
Echogram, page 165
Targets echogram, page 166
Integration, page 167
Targets integration, page 168
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Bottom detection
Subscription type string: BottomDetection
Parameters Range Default Unit
UpperDetectorLimit (0,20000) 0 m
LowerDetectorLimit (0,20000) 1000 m
BottomBackstep (--200,100) -- 5 0 dB
struct StructBottomDepthHeader
struct StructBottomDepthData
double dBottomDepth;
// detected bottom depth [meter]
double dReflectivity;
// bottom surface backscatter [dB]
double dVesselLogDistance;
// sailed distance [nmi]
struct StructBottomDepth
StructBottomDepthHeader BottomDepthHeader;
StructBottomDepthData BottomDepthData;
Building a bottom detection subscription string
BottomDetection, ChannelID=<ChannelID>,
UpperDetectorLimit=3.0, LowerDetectorLimit=500.0,
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Target strength detection
Subscription type string: TSDetection
Range Default Unit
sLayerType (Surface, Bottom, Pelagic) Surface None
Range (0,20000) 10000 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 0 m
MinTSValue (--120,50) --50.0 dB
MinEchoLength (0,20) 0.8 None
MaxEchoLength (0,20) 1.8 None
MaxGainCompensation (0,12) 6.0 None
MaxPhaseDeviation (0,100) 8.0 phase steps
struct StructTSDataHeader
struct StructEchoTrace
double Depth;
// Target depth [meter]
double TSComp;
// Compendated TS [dB]
double TSUncomp;
// Uncompensated TS [dB]
double AlongshipAngle;
// Alongship angle [deg]
double AthwartshipAngle;
// Athwartship angle [deg]
double sa;
// Sa value for target
struct StructTSDataBody
WORD NoOfEchoTraces;
// Number of targets accepted in ping
StructEchoTrace EchoTraceElement[100];
struct StructTSData
StructTSDataHeader TSDataHeader;
StructTSDataBody TSDataBody;
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Building a TS Detection Subscription String
TSDetection, ChannelID=<ChannelID>,
LayerType=Surface, Range=200, RangeStart=3,
MinTSValue=-55, MinEcholength=0.7,
MaxEcholength=2.0, MaxGainCompensation=6.0,
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Sample data
Subscription type string: SampleData
Range Default Unit
SampleDataType (Power, Angle, Sv, Sp, Ss, TVG20,
TBG40, PowerAngle)
Power None
Range (0,20000) 100 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 0 m
Output for Power, Angle, Sv, Sp, Ss, TVG20, TVG40
struct StructSampleDataHeader
struct StructSampleDataArray
short nSampleDataElement[30000];
// 16-bits sample in logarithmic format
struct StructSampleData
StructSampleDataHeader SampleDataHeader;
StructSampleDataArray SampleDataArray;
Output for PowerAngle
struct StructSampleDataHeader
struct StructSamplePowerAngleArray
short nSampleDataElement[60000];
// Composite sample array for power
// and angle
struct StructSamplePowerAngleValues
int nPowerValues;
// Number of power samples
int nAngleValues;
// Number of angle values
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
struct StructSamplePowerAngle
StructSampleDataHeader SampleDataHeader;
Building an SampleData Subscription String
er, Range=100,RangeStart=10
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Subscription type string: Echogram
Range Default Unit
PixelCount (0,10000) 500 None
Range (0,20000) 100 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 0 m
TVGType (Pr,Sv,Sp,TS,SpAndTS) Sv None
EchogramType (Surface, Bottom,Trawl) Surface None
CompressionType (Mean,Peak) Mean None
ExpansionType (Interpolation,Copy) Interpolation None
struct StructEchogramHeader
struct StructEchogramArray
short nEchogramElement[30000];
// 16-bit logarithmic format
struct StructEchogram
StructEchogramHeader EchogramHeader;
StructEchogramArray EchogramArray;
Building an Echogram Subscription String
Echogram, ChannelID=<ChannelID>, PixelCount=500,
Range=100, RangeStart=0, TVGType=TS,
EchogramType=Surface, CompressionType=Mean,
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Targets echogram
Subscription type string: TargetsEchogram
This subscription will only produce an echogram array
containing detected echo traces with their compensated TS
values between the transmit pulse and the bottom. Below
bottom the selected TVG type is used.
Range Default Unit
PixelCount (0,10000) 500 None
Range (0,20000) 100 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 0 m
TVGType (TS, SP and Ts) Must be set None
EchogramType (Surface, Bottom) Surface None
MinTSValue (--120,50) -- 5 0 dB
MinEchoLength (0,20) 0.8 None
MaxEchoLength (0,20) 1.8 None
MaxGainCompensation (0,12) 6.0 dB
MaxPhaseDeviation (0,100) 8.0 Phase steps
Building an TargetsEchogram Subscription String
TargetsEchogram, ChannelID=<ChannelID>,
PixelCount=500, Range=100, RangeStart=0,
TVGType=TS, EchogramType=Surface, MinTSValue=-55.0,
MinEcholength=0.7, MaxEcholength=2.0,
MaxGainCompensation=6.0, MaxPhasedeviation=7.0
struct StructEchogramHeader
struct StructEchogramArray
short nEchogramElement[30000];
struct StructEchogram
StructEchogramHeader EchogramHeader;
StructEchogramArray EchogramArray;
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Subscription type string: Integration
The update of Sa will be enabled by setting the Integration State
to start. If the update parameter is set to Update Ping, the new
Sa value is received for every ping.If the Update Accumulate is
set, the Sa is received only when the Integration State changes
to Stop.
Range Default Unit
LayerType (Surface, Bottom,Pelagic) Surface None
IntegrationState (Start,Stop) Start None
Update (UpdatePing, UpdateAccumulate) UpdatePin
Range (0,20000) 100 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 10 m
Margin (0,200) 1 m
SvThreshold (--200,100) --100 dB
struct StructIntegrationDataHeader
struct StructIntegrationDataBody
double dSa;
// integrated value [m2/nmi2]
struct StructIntegrationData
StructIntegrationDataBody IntegrationDataBody;
Building an Integration Subscription String
Integration, ChannelID=<ChannelID>, State=Start,
Update=UpdatePing, Layertype=Surface, Range=100,
Rangestart=10, Margin=0.5, SvThreshold=-100.0
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Targets integration
Subscription type string: TargetsIntegration
This is a composite subscription where TS detection and
integration parameters must be set. The Sa value is taken only
from the accepted single echo trace inside the range.
Range Default Unit
sLayerType (Surface, Bottom,Pelagic) Surface None
sIntegrationState (Start,Stop) Start None
Update (Update ping, Update accumulate) Update ping None
Range (0,20000) 100 m
RangeStart (0,20000) 10 m
Margin (0,200) 1 m
SvThreshold (--200,100) --100 dB
MinTSValue (--120,50) -- 5 0 dB
MinEchoLength (0,20) 0.8 None
MaxEchoLength (0,20) 1.8 None
MaxGainCompensation (0,12) 6.0 dB
MaxPhaseDeviation (0,100) 8.0 Phase steps
struct StructIntegrationDataHeader
struct StructIntegrationDataBody
double dSa;
// integrated value from single echo
// trace [m2/nmi2]
struct StructIntegrationData
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Building an TargetsIntegration Subscription String
TargetsIntegration, ChannelID=<ChannelID>,
State=Start, Layertype=Surface, Range=100,
Rangestart=10, Margin=0.5, SvThreshold=-100.0,
MinTSValue=-55.0, MinEcholength=0.7,
MaxEcholength=2.0, MaxGainCompensation=6.0,
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Parameter description
The ParameterServer component can be used to access
asynchronous and ping based parameters. The parameters can be
“read”, “set” or subscribed to. A subscription will notify only
when the parameter’s value is changed.
The following is a list of the most relevant parameters. The
parameter name must be used when working with parameters as
described in the Parameter Management chapter.
Parameters identified as “read only” (R/O) can not be set. Some
of them, for example sensor parameters, can be set, but the new
value will immediately be overwritten if a live sensor is
Related topics
Parameter management, page 155
Description Parameter name R/O Range Unit
List of ChannelID’s TransceiverMgr/
Yes N/A --
Frequency TransceiverMgr/
Yes 1,000 to
Pulse Length TransceiverMgr/
No 0.000 to
Sample Interval TransceiverMgr/
No 0.000010 to
Transmit Power TransceiverMgr/
No 0 to 10,000 W
Absorption Coefficient TransceiverMgr/
Yes 0.0to0.3 dB/m
Sound Velocity TransceiverMgr/
No 1,400 to 1,700 m/s
Transducer Name TransceiverMgr/
Yes N/A --
Data interfaces
850-164692 / Rev.B
Description UnitRangeR/OParameter name
Transducer Depth TransceiverMgr/
No 0 to 10,000 m
Equivalent Beam Angle TransceiverMgr/
No --100 to 0 dB
Angle Sensitivity
No 0to100 el.deg/
Angle Sensitivity
No 0to100 el.deg/
Beam Width Alongship TransceiverMgr/
No 0to100 deg
Beam Width
No 0to100 deg
Angle Offset Alongship TransceiverMgr/
No -- 1 0 t o + 1 0 deg
Angle Offset
No -- 1 0 t o + 1 0 deg
Gain TransceiverMgr/
No 1to100 dB
Sa Correction TransceiverMgr/
No -- 1 0 t o + 1 0 dB
Ping Time TransceiverMgr/
Yes 2E64 100 ns
Vessel Latitude TransceiverMgr/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Vessel Longitude TransceiverMgr/
No --180 to +180 deg
Vessel Heave TransceiverMgr/
No --100 to +100 m
Vessel Roll TransceiverMgr/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Vessel Pitch TransceiverMgr/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Simrad ER60 Operator manual
850-164692 / Rev.B
Description UnitRangeR/OParameter name
Vessel Distance TransceiverMgr/
Yes 0 to 100,000 nmi
Noise Estimate ProcessingMgr/
Yes 0 to --200 dB
Vessel Speed OwnShip/
No 0to100 m/s
Vessel Latitude OwnShip/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Vessel Longitude OwnShip/
No --180 to +180 deg
Vessel Heave OwnShip/
No --100 to +100 m
Vessel Roll OwnShip/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Vessel Pitch OwnShip/
No -- 9 0 t o + 9 0 deg
Vessel Distance OwnShip/
No 0 to 100,000 nmi
No --5to+50 deg
Environment Salinity OwnShip/
No 0to0.01 --
Environment Sound
No 1,400 to 1,700 m/s
Ping Start/Stop OperationControl/
No Last bit, 0=Stop, 1=Start
Ping Rate Mode AcousticDeviceSynchroniser/
No 1=Interval, 2=Maximum,
32=Single step
Ping Interval AcousticDeviceSynchroniser/
No Larger than 10 msec
Save Raw Data On/Off SounderStorageManager/
No 0=Off, 1=On
E 2004 Simrad AS
ISBN 82-8066-011-9
Simrad AS
Strandpromenaden 50
Box 111
N-3191 Horten
Telephone: +47 33 03 40 00
Facsimile: +47 33 04 29 87

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