D/W. While the radio is in Dual Watch mode,
the D/W legend will be displayed on the LCD.
REVERT Function - If D/W is pressed when
CH16 is selected, the radio will revert to the
previously selected channel.
Squelch Up (8)
This button will increase the receiver muting
threshold (or SQUELCH) level, i.e a stronger
signal will be required to activate the receiver.
The squelch level selected is indicated by the
bar chart on the LCD display (Fig 2.8).
Squelch Down (11)
This button will decrease the squelch level, i.e
weaker signals will be able to activate the
receiver. The squelch level selected is indicated
by the bar chart on the LCD display.
Channel 16 (9)
Will automatically select Channel 16 on High
Power when pressed. Any function active
(such as Dual Watch, Scanning, etc) will be can-
Channel Up (10)
This button will scroll up through the channels
available, the selected channel being shown by
the large digits on the LCD display (Fig 2.9).
The radio will automatically switch to Low
Power if the selected channel is inhibited to
transmit on the Low Power setting only, even if
High Power is currently selected.
Channel Down (13)
This button will scroll down through the chan-
nels available as Channel Up (see above).
2.3.1 The Function Key (12)
used to access second level functions available,
and is indicated by the
F legend appearing in
the LCD display for two seconds. After this
time, the legend will disappear and the radio
will revert to first level functions. Therefore,
the subsequent buttons must be pressed within
two seconds of F being pressed.
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