Safet y instructions
Re ad the Instruc tion m anua l an d Installation instru ctions and a ll othe r informa tion e nclosed
with the washing m achine a nd act according ly.
Re tain the docume nts for subs equent us e.
Risk of ele ctric sh ock Never pull on the ca ble to disc onnect th e mains plug.
Only inser t/pull out the mains p lug with dry hands.
Danger to life For wo rn-out applia nces:
Disconn ect the mains plu g.
Sever the mains cable and remove w ith the plu g.
Destroy the lock on the wash ing machine door. This will preven t
children f rom locking themsel ves in an d risking the ir lives.
Danger of suffocati on Keep packag ing, film and packag ing parts o ut of the rea ch of
Risk of po isoning Keep deterge nts and care prod ucts out of the reach o f children .
Risk of ex plosion Items of laundry pre treated w ith clea ning agents containin g
solvents, e .g. stain re mover/clea ning solvent may ca use an
explosion after being loaded into the was hing mac hine.
Rinse items of laundry thoroughly by hand b eforehand .
Risk of inj ury The wa shing m achine do or can be come ve ry hot.
Be care ful when emptying hot deterge nt solution .
Do not clim b onto the washing machine .
Do not le an on th e open wa shing ma chine doo r.
Do not re ach into the drum if it is stil l rotating .
Consum ption va lues
Programme Additional function Load
consump tion***
duration* **
Cottons/Coloureds 30 °C**
Intensive Wash 8 kg 0.61 kW h 8 0 l 2:12 h
Cottons/Coloureds 40 °C**
Intensive Wash 8 kg 0.94 kW h 8 0 l 2:12 h
Cottons/Coloureds 60 °C**
Intensive Wash 8 kg 1.65 kW h 8 0 l 2:12 h
Eco 60 °C**
Intensive Wash
8 kg 1.20 kW h 5 6 l 3:25 h
Cottons/Coloureds 90 °C
Intensive Wash 8 kg 2.73 kW h 9 7 l 2:12 h
Easy-Care 40 °C**
Intensive Wash 3.5 kg 0.55 kW h 5 3 l 1:12 h
Easy-Care 40 °C**
(also suitable as a
short programme)
- 3.5 kg 0.54 kW h 5 3 l 0:45 h
Delicates/Silk 30 °C
2 kg 0.20 kW h 3 9 l 0:40 h
Wool cold
2 kg 0.08 kW h 4 0 l 0:36 h
Woolü 30 °C
2 kg 0.20 kW h 4 0 l 0:36 h
* Programme setting for testing and energy label ling in accordance with EU Directive 92/75/EE C.
** Prog ramme setting f or testing in accorda nce with app licable standard EN60456.
Note on comparat ive tests : When t esting the test program mes, was h the spe cified l oad using
the ma ximum s pin speed .
As a short programme for coloureds, select the Easy-Care 4 0 °C programme, using maximum
spin s peed.
*** The va lues deviat e from the indi cated va lues depend ing on water p ressure, har dness, and inlet
temp erature, amb ient tem perature, type , amount a nd soiling of the laund ry, deterg ent used,
fluctuatio ns in the p ower suppl y and se lected additional functions.
Importa nt informatio n
Before washing for the fi rst time
Do not p ut any laund ry in the ma chine . Turn the ta p on. Pour i nto com partment II :
appr ox. 1 litre
dete rgent ( dosage acc ording to the man ufacturer' s instructions for light soiling and
according to water hardnes s)
Turn the p rogramme select or to Easy-C are 60 °C and choose Sta rt .
At the e nd of the programme, turn the p rogramme selector to Off .
Protecting the laundr y and the ma chine
Whe n determining the dosage of a ll washing powde rs, additives and cleanin g agents, you
must follow the man ufactur er's instruc tions.
Em pty pock ets.
Loo k out for me tal items (paperc lips, etc.).
Wash delica tes in a lau ndry bag (t ights, c urtains, underw ired br as).
Fas ten zips, do up any b uttons.
Brus h sand ou t of pocke ts and co llars.
Re move cu rtain fittings or place i n the laund ry bag.
Loading item s of laundr y
Insert item s of laun dry of varying sizes.
Take ca re not to tr ap items o f laundry between the washin g machine door and the rubber
Laundr y with varying degr ees of soilin g
Wash new items of c lothing se parately.
light Do not pre wash.
Pretreat an y stains a s necess ary. Select Intensive Wa sh add itional
function as n ecessary .
heavy Do not load as much laundry. Select the program with Prewash.
Pretreat an y stains a s necess ary. Select Intensive Wa sh add itional
function as n ecessary .
Soaking Load lau ndry of the same colou r.
Pour soa king agen t/detergent into com partment II i n accordan ce with the manuf acturer's
instruction s. Turn th e programme selector t o Cottons/C oloureds 30 °C and se lect Start. After
approx. 1 0 minutes, press Start, t o pause th e programm e. Onc e the requ ired soakin g time
has elapsed, press Start, again to continue the programme, or select a different programme.
Starching L aundry mu st not be treated with fa bric soft ener.
Starchi ng is possible in all wash programm es if liquid starch is used. Pour starc h into the ~
fabric softene r compart ment in accorda nce with the manufacturer's instructions (rins e first if
necess ary).
Dye shoul d only be us ed in n ormal house hold quan tities. Salt m ay dam age stainl ess steel.
Always foll ow the d ye manufac turer's ins tructions. D o not use the washing machine for
bleachin g clothe s.
1 0
Insert for liquid det ergent model-de pendent
Position the insert for dispensi ng liquid de tergent:
Re move th e detergent drawer completel y a page 10 .
Slid e the ins ert forwards .
Do not use the i nsert (slide up wards):
For gel dete rgents and washing po wder
For programme s with Pr ewash or the Finish in opti on
Machine housing, con trol panel
Wi pe with a soft, damp cloth.
Re move de tergent and cleanin g agent re sidue imm ediately.
D o not clea n with a je t of wate r.
Cleaning the detergent draw er ...
... if it con tains deter gent or fabric softene r residues.
1. Pull out , press insert down, rem ove drawe r complet ely.
2. To remove the insert : press the insert upw ards from below with your
3. Clean the dete rgent dispen ser t ray a nd insert with water and a bru sh and
dry it.
4. Fit the ins ert and e ngage (co nnect th e cylinder to the guide pin).
5. Push i n the deterge nt drawe r.
Leave the deterg ent draw er open so tha t any residu al water can
evaporat e.
Leave the washing m achine door open so that the d rum can dry out.
Rust st ains - use chlorine-fr ee cleaning agent, n ot steel wool .
Descaling Ensure the re is no laun dry in the m achine
This sh ould not be necess ary if the correct de tergent d osage ha s been use d. If it is n ecessary,
howev er, proceed accordin g to the descali ng agen t manufacturer's i nstructions. Suitable
descaler s can be obtained via our w ebsite or from our after- sales service (a page 13 ).
I nf or m at i o n on t he di sp la y p an el de pen din g o n mo del
¨: ³± Close the wa shing m achi ne door pr operly; lau ndry may be cau ght.
¨: ³Å, É Open the tap comple tely, s upply hose kinked or trapp ed; C lean the fil ter
a page 1 1, wat er press ure too low .
¨: ³µ Deter gent solu tion pu mp blo cked; Cle an the deter gent solution pump
a page 1 1.
Drain age hose /waste p ipe blocked ; Clean th e draina ge hose at th e siphon
a pag e 11.
¨: ´ Wate r in the base tub, app liance leaking. Ca ll the afte r-sale s service .
¨: ´, ±³ Wash ing machine door cannot be locked. Open the washing machine door
and cl ose it w ith an a udible "click" ; switch t he applia nce off a nd on ag ain;
set th e progr amme a nd ma ke your se ttings; start the programm e.
¨: , ´, Motor fault. Ca ll the af ter-sale s service .
Other d isplays Swit ch off the applian ce, w ait for 5 second s and switch it ba ck on. I f the
disp lay appea rs again , call th e after -sales s ervice a page 13.
Risk of electric s hock. Disconn ect the mains plug.
Risk of explosio n. No solvents.
1 1
Information a bout blockages
Detergent solution pum p
Turn the p rogramme select or to Off and disc onnect t he mains p lug.
1. Open a nd rem ove the se rvice flap.
2. Take the drainage hose out of the retainer.
Remove the sealing cap, a llow the d etergent solution to fl ow out.
Push the se aling ca p back on.
3. Unscrew t he pum p cover ca refully (re sidual wat er).
4. Clean the interior, pump co ver thread a nd pump housing (the impel ler
in the de tergent so lution p ump mu st be able to rotate).
5. Repla ce the pump c over and screw i t o n tightl y. The handle points uprigh t.
Repla ce the drai nage hose in the hold er.
6. Refit the service flap and c lose it.
To preve nt unused deterge nt from flowin g straight into the drain during the next wash:
Pour 1 litr e of wate r into com partment II a nd start the Empty pr ogramm e.
Drainage hose at the siphon
Turn the p rogramme select or to Off and disc onnect t he mains p lug.
1. Loosen the hose cla mp, remov e the draina ge hose carefully (r esidual
2. Clean th e drainage hose and s iphon c onnect ing piece.
3. Reatta ch the drai nage hos e and se cure the connec tion with the ho se
Filter in the water supply
Risk of ele ctric sh ock
Do not immerse the AquaS top safety de vice in wate r (it cont ains an elect ric valve).
Reduc e the wa ter press ure in the s upply hos e:
1. Turn off the t ap.
2. Select any program me (exc ept for Spin/ Empty).
3. Select Start. Le t the programme run for app roximately 40 second s.
4. Turn the p rogramme select or to Off. Disconn ect the mains pl ug.
Clean the filter:
5. Disconne ct the ho se from th e tap.
Clean the filter with a small bru sh.
and/or for Stan dard an d Aqua-S ecure m odels:
Remove the hose from the rea r of the app liance .
Remove the filter with pliers an d clean .
6. Connect the hose and che ck for lea ks.
Risk of scaldi ng
Allow the detergent s olution to cool do wn.
Turn off th e tap.
1 2
Wha t to do if...
Water is l eaking out. Atta ch/repla ce the d rainage h ose correctly.
Tigh ten the screw con nection of t he supply hose.
No wat er supply.
Deterge nt not dispensed.
Sta rt not selec ted?
Ta p not turne d on?
Filte r blocked? Clean the filter a page 11.
Sup ply hose kinked or trapped?
Washing machin e door
canno t be opened.
Sa fety function a ctive. Programm e terminati on? a page 4 .
(Rinse Sto p = no final spin) selec ted? a page 3,4.
Can be opene d by eme rgency rele ase only ? a page 13 .
Programm e does n ot
Sta rt or Finish in time se lected?
Wa shing ma chine d oor closed?
Deterge nt solution does
not emp ty.
(Rinse Sto p = no final spin) selec ted? a page 3,4.
Clea n the de tergent s olution pu mp a page 11.
Clea n the wa ste pipe a nd/or drai nage hos e.
Water not visible i n the
Not a fault - wate r below th e visibl e area.
Spin res ult not
satisfac tory.
Laundry w et/too d amp.
No fau lt - the unb alanced-l oad det ection syst em interru pted
spinning, uneven lau ndry distrib ution.
Distribute large and small items of laundr y evenly in the drum .
Le ss Ironing selected? a p age 5.
Spe ed selec ted too low ? a pag e 5 .
The programme durati on
change s during the w ash
Not a fault the programm e seque nce is op timised for the
particula r wash proc ess. This may result in chang es to the
program me duration in the dis play field.
Drum s pins gently
several times.
Not a fault - u nbalanc ed-load dete ction syste m is adjusti ng the
imbalanc e.
Residu al water i n the
compar tment 0 for care
products .
Not a fault - the action of the ca re product is not affec ted.
Clea n the in sert if nec essary a pa ge 10 .
Odour f ormation in th e
washing machine .
Ru n programm e Cotton s/Colour eds 90 °C wi thout laundry. U se
standard d etergent.
Status display³t (W ash)
flashes. D etergent may
be leaki ng out of th e
deterg ent drawer .
To o much de tergent us ed?
Mix 1 tablesp oon of fabric so ftener w ith ½ litre of wa ter an d pou r
into com partment II (not with outdoor or d own fabric s).
Re duce the detergen t dosage f or the nex t wash cyc le.
Loud spinn ing, vibrations
and wa ndering d uring
the sp in cycle.
Are t he applian ce feet fixed?
Secure applian ce feet a Installation i nstructions .
Trans portati on safety d evices remo ved?
Remove transporta tion safety devices a Installation
instruction s.
Noises during spin a nd
drain cyc les.
Clea n deterg ent-solu tion pump > p age 10
Display pa nel/indi cator
lamps do not functi on
during op eration.
Pow er cut?
Circ uit break ers tripped or fuses b lown? Reset the circ uit
breaker s or chang e the fuses.
If t he fault occur s repeat edly, call t he after -sales ser vice.
Programme Status
longer tha n usual .
Not a fault - u nbalanc ed-load dete ction syste m is adjusti ng the
imbalanc e by rep eatedly re distributing t he laund ry.
Not a fault - f oam dete ction syste m active - adds an a dditional
rinse cycle .
1 3
What to do i f ...
There are deter gent
residue s on the laun dry.
Oc casionally , phospha te-free dete rgents c ontain water-ins oluble
residue s.
Se lect Rapid 15 or brush out the l aundry afte r washin g.
Æ in the display pa nel. S tart sele cted.
To continu e the pro gramme, press Start .
In paus e mode ,
Start flashes very quic kly
and a signal soun ds.
Wa ter level too high. Not possi ble to add more laund ry. Close
the was hing mach ine door imm ediately if neces sary.
To continue , press the Start butt on.
If you cannot c orrect a fault yourself (sw itching o n/off) or a r epair is req uired:
Tur n the p rogramme selector to O ff and remove the mains plug from the socket.
Turn off the wa ter suppl y and call t he after- sales serv ice a Instal lation instr uctions.
Emerge ncy rel ease e.g. in the event of a power cut
The pr ogramm e co ntinues when the power sup ply is resto red. Ho wever, if the l aundry has t o
be removed , the wa shing mach ine door ca n be op ened as follow s:
Risk of scal ding
The de tergent solution and laundry may be hot. If possible, leave to cool
Do not r each into the drum if it is still tur ning.
Do not ope n the wash ing mach ine door if you c an see w ater throug h the
1. Turn t he progr amme selec tor to Off and disco nnect the ma ins plug.
2. Drain t he deterge nt solutio n a page 10.
3. Pull th e emergen cy relea se downwa rds with a tool and re lease.
Washing machine door ca n then be opened.
After-sales servic e
If you canno t remedy the fault yo urself (Wh at to do if ..., ap age 12, 1 3 ), conta ct our after-
sales se rvice. We will alw ays find a s uitable solutio n to avoid unnecess ary visits by repair
personn el.
You wi ll find the c ontact da ta for your c losest after-s ales serv ice in t he after-sa les service
directo ry (depend ing on m odel).
G B 0844 8928999 Calls from a BT landline will be cha rged at up to 3 pence per minute.
A call set-u p fee of up to 6 penc e may apply.
IE 01450 26 55
Please give the a fter-sa les service the prod uct number (E no .) and the producti on numbe r
(FD) of the applianc e.
Product num ber Producti on number
This inform ation can be found:
on the insi de of the w ashing ma chine door*/
opened service fl ap* and rear o f the applia nce.
*depending on mode l
Trust the manufac turer's com petence. Turn to us.
You wi ll the reby ensure t hat the repairs are p erformed by traine d se rvice pers onnel equipp ed
with origi nal repa ir parts.
Instructio n man ual
Washin g
Observ e the safet y
instruction s on
page 8.
Read th ese inst ructions and the sep arate
Installati on instruct ions before operating the
washing machine .