Congratulations on your recent purchase of the Sherwood Profile dive computer !
Your Profile presents the information that you need before, during, and after your air dives using an intuitive combination of
easy to read displays and identification symbols.
Tissue loading of nitrogen and ascent rate are presented as segmented bar graphs alongside color coded reference indicators
that bring quick focus to these important status displays.
As you progress through this instructional guide, you will become familiar with all of the unique functions and features avail-
able and see examples of the displays that you could expect to see in the various operational modes. Although it will require
an initial investment of time to become acquainted with the various displays and symbols, youll soon agree that your Profile
is easy to understand and use.
Due to the importance that you understand the Profile thoroughly prior to using it, information will be expanded upon and
some refreshed as you proceed. Relax and read through the complete manual.
It is extremely important that you:
Read this manual in sequence and understand it completely before attempting to use the Profile.
Check the Profile frequently during your dive.
You must also be a trained diver, certified by a recognized training agency in SCUBA diving.