174 Advanced Content
You can choose the background color, enter from one to three lines of
text, define text properties (choose from any installed font), scroll
direction, speed and alignment for each line. If you like, you can define
any link destination type for the marquee (see Adding hyperlinks on
p. 67).
Animated marquees appear as static graphics on the WebPlus page.
They will animate when previewed or viewed in a web browser.
To create an animated marquee:
1. Choose Interactive Object from the Insert menu and select
Animated Marquee from the submenu.
2. Select the number of lines of text, and format each line using the
controls in the Animated Marquee tab.
3. (Optional) Use the ID/Anchor tab to edit the object's automatically-
generated HTML ID or configure an anchor.
4. (Optional) Add browser-based styling options to the object, such as
a border or background, using the CSS Properties tab.
5. Click OK.
6. Position your cursor, then click on the page to add your animated
marquee at a default size.
- or -
Drag out a region on your page to create and size your marquee to
specific dimensions.
To edit an animated marquee:
• Double-click the marquee. The Insert Animated Marquee dialog
displays again with the current settings in place.