Welcome 13
Ease of Use
• Hover-based indication of Selection (see p. 227)
For use in more complex multi-object web page designs, objects
"glow" on hover over to indicate selection.
• Lasso Selection (see p. 228)
The Lasso Tool selects specific objects in complicated designs more
easily. Simply drag around the "target" object to include in selection.
• Independent Master Page Objects (see p. 48)
For more design freedom, promote master page objects to your
page, making them detached and available for independent editing. As
a visual aid, master page objects can now be distinguished from page
objects by different bounding box color; objects from different master
pages can also be distinguished from each other!
• Business User Details per Site! (see p. 212)
Create groupings of business user details, called Business Sets; apply
a business set to each site. Ideal for WebPlus web developers looking
for design flexibility across multiple sites.
• User-defined Variables (see p. 215)
Set up your own variables to automatically update common terms that
repeat throughout your website. Great for updating product names,
prices, product versions, and language variants all at the same time.
• At-a-glance Objects per Page
Great for listing objects on your page/master page/pasteboard, the
Objects tab allows object location, reorder, and master page
attachment in complex page designs.
• Gradient and Bitmap Fills and Transparency on Outlines (see p. 328)
Get even more creative with your object outlines! Apply linear,
elliptical, conical, and bitmap fills and transparency around shapes
and text frames for eye-catching design.