Welcome 3
Don’t forget to register your new copy, using the Registration Wizard
on the Help menu. That way, we can keep you informed of new
developments and future upgrades!
New features
• High DPI support
Windows display scaling is supported with automatic selection
of suitably sized, sharp-looking buttons, controls and menus, so
for very high-resolution displays, displays at a distance, or for
those with impaired vision, PhotoPlus X8 will look better than
• Ultra-fast multi-threaded filter previews
A new filter engine gives exceptional performance when
previewing and applying filters.
• Colour Pickup Tool with Multiple Samplers (see p. 102)
The tool now lets you add and position colour samplers at
different locations on your image. Great as a useful colour
reference for ongoing design.
• Info tab
The tab reports the colour values at your current cursor
position and at one or more placed samplers. The cursor's X/Y
co-ordinates are also reported.
• Photo trimming (see p. 75)
Crops your image by removing transparent areas at the image