182 Index
Print Studio, 155
cropping to print sizes, 106
images, 155
profiles (for colour management),
Promote to Layer, 23, 96
PSD format, 12, 164
PSP format, 12
QuickShape tools, 144
Radial (gradient fill), 137
Rasterize, 23, 151
drawing, 144
selecting, 82
red eye (removing), 48
resampling, 170
images, 98
in bulk, 169
on export, 165
selection, 90
resolution, changing (via Batch
processing), 169
Retouch tools, 45
Revert, 16
RGB colour mode, 120
rotating, 109
Rule of thirds, 107
saturation, 120
saved work, opening, 9, 12
saving an image, 15
image size, 98
in printing, 160
selections, 90
Select All, 82
cropping to, 108
defining region, 82
deforming, 89
duplicating, 95
manipulating, 94
modifying, 89
of non-transparent regions, 85
rotating, 89
storing, 87
text, 152
Selection Deform Tool, 89
Selection tools, 82
separations, CMYK colour, 163
Serif contact details, 173
Shape Edit Tool, 146, 148
shape layers
rasterizing, 23
using, 142
shaped regions, selecting, 82
sharpening, 49
canvas, 11, 100
image, 98, 165
skewing, 110
Solid fill, 137
soloing (layers), 23
special effects, 57
SPP (PhotoPlus Picture), 15
drawing, 144
selecting, 82
Square (gradient fill), 137
stamping pictures, 129
standard layers, 20
Startup Wizard, 9, 11, 13
Store Selection, 87
Straight Pen Tool, 147
Straighten Tool, 103