204 Index
Assets, 43
Chart Data, 103
Charts, 104
Colour, 149
Pages, 28
Swatches, 149
Transparency, 161
Table Tool, 99
tables, 99
anchoring, to text, 61
charts from, 107
flowing, 100
templates (design), 16
adding to text frame, 70
applying fonts to, 85
artistic (standalone), 78
changing colour or shading of,
default properties of, 63
editing on the page, 82
fitting to frames, 74
formatting, 84
frames, 67
gradient and bitmap fills on, 154
inserting user details, 95
on a path, 80
selecting, 82
setting default properties, 63
special effects, 139
text frames, 67
anchoring, to text, 61
AutoFlow of, 75
creating, 69
inline pictures in, 71
linking/unlinking, 68, 76
selecting, 52
setting default properties, 63
Text Style Palette, 87
text styles, 87
numbering, 95
remove formatting, 90
text wrap, 91
theme layouts, 15
Thesaurus, 84
thumbnails (printing), 174, 175
TIF export, 188
tiling (printing), 174, 175
tinting, 150
Artistic Text, 79
Chart, 106
Fill, 155
Lasso, 51
Pen, 131
Pencil, 131
Pointer, 51
QuickShape, 133
Shadow, 144
Straight Line, 131
Table, 99
Transparency, 162
Transform tab, 56
transparency, 160
applying, 161
composite, 164
editing gradient, 162
Transparency tab, 161
Transparency Tool, 162
typeface, setting, 84
Update Object Default, 64
upgrading, 3
user details, 95
view options, 37
wrapping text around objects, 91
zoom view options, 38