284 Index
converting to pictures, 91
copying formatting of, 84
copying, pasting, and
duplicating, 82
cropping, 94
distributing, 89
flipping, 93
joining, 101
master page, 40
measuring, 63
moving, 86
on layers, 49
ordering, 49, 88
pasting formatting of, 84
replicating, 83
resizing, 87
reusing in different publications,
rotating, 92
selecting individual, 79
selecting more than one, 81
setting default properties, 109
snapping to dot grid or guides,
on-page colour (HTML output),
opening an existing publication, 24
outlines, 101
overset text, 120
Page Manager, 33
page margin guides, 58
page size and orientation, 29
mixed, 32
adding, removing, and
rearranging, 33
backgrounds for, 42
numbering, 44
numbering (in books), 173
storing, 75
viewing, 50, 52
Pages tab, 33
alignment, 131
formatting, 131
setting indents for, 129
styles, 133
Paste Format, 84
Paste Format Plus, 84
pasteboard area, 51
path text, 124
Pattern Map effects, 213
PDF bookmarks, 263
to anchors, 98
PDF files
adding bookmarks, 263
exporting, 261
previewing the page, 253
publishing, 261
publishing books, 177
PDF forms, 241
collecting data from, 246
creating, 243
Pen Tool, 201
Pencil Tool, 201
PhotoLab, 194
photos (see pictures), 186
picture frames, 183
custom, 73, 186
shaped, 186