Welcome 7
• On-the-page Font Preview (see p. 134)
Choosing a different font or font size automatically previews on your
selected text.
• Professional-level OpenType Font Features
For embellished text, CraftArtist fully utilizes all your OpenType font
features—ligatures, stylistic sets/alternates, small/petite caps, case-
sensitive forms, fractions, ordinals are available.
Printing and Sharing
• Interactive Print Preview with print-time imposition (see p. 214)
Try out the exciting new Print Preview, packed with both preview and
imposition options—create greeting cards, photobooks, thumbnails,
and tiled print output all without prior page setup.
• Easier than ever Printing! (see p. 216)
Try CraftArtist's Print dialog for the options you need, when you need
them! With a focus on everyday printing options, including
percentage scaling of your print output, the printing process becomes
more intuitive and logical. Print-time layout imposition, saved print
profiles, and manual duplex printing are other print features.
• Pre-press PDF export (see p. 219)
For professional-level printing, take advantage of PDF/X-1a
compatibility, preset/custom PDF profiles, page marks, image
compression, and more. Secure your PDF output with a password (to
view and control PDF content manipulation).