Maximizing Range
Maximum range distances are provided in Table 2 (p. 12). The range of your Segway PT is affected by many variables, including:
• Terrain: Riding on smooth, flat terrain improves range, and riding on hilly terrain and unpaved surfaces reduces range.
• Speed and Riding Style: Riding at a consistent, moderate speed will increase range. Frequent starting, stopping, acceleration, and
deceleration reduces range.
• TireInationPressure: Riding with tire pressures below the specified limit reduces range and can result in premature tire wear.
• Rider Weight and Cargo: Lighter riders with less cargo experience better range than heavier riders with more cargo.
• Temperature: Storing, charging, and riding in temperatures close to the median of the recommended temperature range improves
range. Riding in colder temperatures reduces range significantly.
• Battery Condition: Properly charged and maintained batteries provide greater range. Old, cold, heavily used, or poorly maintained
batteries provide less range (see Table 11, p. 86).
• Wind: Riding with a tailwind increases range. Riding against a headwind reduces range.