12 Safe driving
●An incorrect sitting position of the front passenger can lead to severe
●Adjust the front passenger seat so that there is at least 25 cm be-
tween your chest and the dash panel. If distance is less than 25 cm, the
airbag system may not protect you properly.
●If your physical constitution prevents you from maintaining the mini-
mum distance of 25 cm, contact a specialised workshop. The workshop
will help you decide if special specific modifications are necessary.
●Always keep your feet in the footwell when the vehicle is moving;
never rest them on the dash panel, out the window or on the seat. An in-
correct sitting position exposes you to an increased risk of injury in case
of a sudden braking or an accident. If the airbag is triggered, you could
sustain severe injuries due to an incorrect sitting position.
●To reduce the risk of injury to the front passenger in events such as
sudden braking manoeuvres or an accident, never travel with the back-
rest tilted far back! The airbag system and seat belts can only provide op-
timal protection when the backrest is in an upright position and the front
passenger is wearing his or her seat belt properly. The further the seat
backrests are tilted to the rear, the greater the risk of injury due to incor-
rect positioning of the belt web or to the incorrect sitting position!
●Adjust the head restraint correctly in order to achieve maximum pro-
Correct sitting position for passengers in the rear seats
Passengers in the rear seats must sit up straight, keep their
feet on the footwells, have the rear central head restraint
positioned for use and wear their seat belts properly.
To reduce the risk of injury in the event of a sudden braking ma-
noeuvre or an accident, passengers on the rear seat bench must
consider the following:
–Adjust the head restraint to the correct position ⇒ page 13.
–Always keep both feet in the footwell in front of the rear seat.
–Fasten your seat belt securely ⇒ page 18.
–Use an appropriate child restraint system when you take chil-
dren in the vehicle ⇒ page 42.
●If the passengers in the rear seats are not sitting properly, they could
sustain severe injuries.
●Adjust the head restraint correctly in order to achieve maximum pro-
●Seat belts can only provide optimal protection when seat backrests
are in an upright position and the vehicle occupants are wearing their
seat belts correctly. If passengers In the rear seats are not sitting in an
upright position, the risk of injury due to incorrect positioning of the seat
belt increases.