Baked Fish Program
Baked Fish - Preparation
Remove from packaging.
Remove entrails and head from whole fish.
Wash all fish (except breaded fillets) very well, dry with kitchen paper.
Baked Fish
Place the prepared fish in a buttered shallow heat and microwave proof dish.
Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and dot with butter. Do not cover dish.
Place on turntable. Cook using Direct Access - Baked Fish program.
(Recipe example - Trout with Almonds - Please refer to recipe below)
Stuffed Baked Fish
Prepare the fish fillets - spread the stuffing on the fish and roll up.
Whole Fish - Fill the cavity with stuffing. Secure with wooden cocktail stick or by tying with cotton.
Place in buttered shallow heat and microwave proof dish. Do not cover dish.Place on turntable.
Cook using Direct Access - Baked Fish program.
Note; details of suggested fish stuffings see pg. 31.
Crisp Breaded Fillets / Crisper Whole Fish
If a more crisp result is required, place fish on the low rack on the turntable - this allows for more all round
crisping and a less moist result.
Sauces to serve with Baked Fish
Prepare the baked fish according to the direct Access guidelines.
Serve as it is or with one of the simple sauces suggested below.
Pour the sauce over the cooked fish or serve separately.
Note; details of suggested fish sauces see pg. 30.
1 - 4 medium whole trout, gutted,
washed and dried.
a little lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
a few flaked almonds
butter to dot fish
1. Place the trout in a buttered micro and heatproof
dish.Sprinkle with lemon juice. Season to taste
with salt and pepper.Dot fish with butter.
2. Place uncovered dish on turntable.
3. Cook using Direct Access - Baked Fish.
Baked Fish
Trout with almonds