Non-observance of the foliowing instructions can Iead to incorrect or failed measuremenls.
. There must not be any nail varnish, artificial nails or other cosmetics on the finger to be
. Ensure that the finger nail on the finger to be measured is short enough that the fingedip
covers the sensor element in ihe housing.
. Keep your hand, finger and body steady dur nq the measurement.
. Fcr people with cardiac arrhythmia, the measurement values of SpO, and ihe heart rate may
be incorrect or the measurement may not be possible at all.
. ln cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, the pulse oximeter displays a measurement value
that is too high.
. To avoid falsi{ying the measuring result, there should not be any strong light sources (e.g.
fluorescent lamps or direct sunlighl) in the immediate vicinity of the pulse oximeter.
. People with low blood pressure, who suffer from jaundice or take medlcation {or vascular
contraction, may experien0e incorrect or falslfied measuremenls.
. lncorreci measurements are likely for patients who have been administered medical dye in
the past or for those who have abnormal haemoglobin levels. This applies in particulai for
cases of carbon monoxlde poisoning and methaemoglobin poisoning, which can occur for
example from the adminlstration cf local anaesthetics or from an exlsting methaemoglobin
reductase deficiency.
. Protect the pulse oximeter from dust, shocks, moisiure, extreme temperatures and explosive