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Changing Login Method to Face Recognition
To sign in with your Samsung Account using face recognition, navigate to Edit profile (Smart Hub >
Samsung Account > Edit profile) and change the login method.
First, you must sign in with your Samsung Account.
Navigate to Smart Hub > Samsung Account and select Edit profile.
To register your face using the Virtual Remote panel, press KEYPAD to select your active Samsung
Account and then select Edit profile.
To register your face using the Games panel of Smart Hub, select the currently signed-in Samsung
Account on the screen and then select Edit profile.
Enter the password in the password input box and then select Done. The edit profile screen
Select Sign-in Method and change the login method to Face Recognition.
Select Done.
Signing into Samsung Account with Your Face
Navigate to Smart Hub > Samsung Account and select Log In.
Press KEYPAD on Samsung Smart Control, and select Sign In.
From the Games panel of Smart Hub, select Sign In.
Choose your Samsung Account.
Face towards the TV camera. If you have set the login method to face recognition, the TV will
automatically match your face with your Samsung Account. If recognition fails, try again.
Password entry is required when logging into accounts that have been configured to require password
entry during face registration.
The user's entire face must be visible to the camera. Make sure the face is brightly lit. Shadows prevent
the camera from recognising your face accurately.
Keep your expression as neutral as possible. In addition, keep your mouth closed but at the same time
as neutral as possible.
Even if more than one registered face matches your face, the TV signs you in with the matching face's