FAQDigimax Reader
9. Select the file type that you want.
Selectable file types : *.TXT, *.HWP, *.DOC, *.RTF
●To get an image that can be recognised as a text :
- Choose a distance at which the text can be clearly focused.
(7-8 Mega Pixels : 25cm, 5-6 Mega Pixels : 20cm recommended)
- The subject needs to be centered.
- Seek to avoid camera shake to get a good image.
●Refer to the [Help] menu in Digimax Reader for further information.
●This program only recognise Korean, English and Russian. If this program
scans a letter that doesn't be printed on the Keyboard, the Extract rate may
be down.
■ Please check the following if the USB connection malfunctions.
Case 1 USB cable is not connected or it is not the supplied USB cable.
→ Connect the supplied USB cable.
Case 2 The camera is not recognised by your PC.
Sometimes, the camera may appear under [Unknown Devices] in
Device Manager.
→ Install the camera driver correctly.
Turn off the camera, remove the USB cable, plug in the USB cable
again, and then turn on the camera.
Case 3 There is an unexpected error during file transfer.
→ Turn the camera power off and on again. Transfer the file again.
Case 4 When using the USB hub.
→ There may be a problem in connecting the camera to the PC through
the USB hub if the PC and the hub are not compatible. Wherever
possible, connect the camera to the PC directly.
Case 5 Are other USB cables connected to the PC?
→ The camera may malfunction when it is connected to the PC at the
same time as another USB cable. In this case, disconnect the other
USB cable, and connect only one USB cable to the camera.