1 MASTER LEVEL METER - Indicates the amount of sig-
nal being driven into the four channels from the mas-
ter volume control.
2 MASTER VOLUME - Controls the level being sent to
the individual channels.
3 CHANNEL LEVEL METER - Displays the amount of
power being supplied to the channels.
4 HEADPHONE CHANNEL 2 - The same knob and
switch compliment as Channel 1 is duplicated for
Channel 2.
5 HEADPHONE CHANNEL 3 - The same knob and
switch compliment is duplicated for Channel 3.
6 HEADPHONE CHANNEL 4 - The same knob and
switch compliment is duplicated for Channel 4.
7 MAIN POWER SWITCH - When turned on, activates
the S•phone.
8 RACK EARS - Used for mounting into a standard 19
inch rack.
9 MASTER INJECT - Stereo TRS front panel input for
injecting a signal into the main mix.
10 MUTE SWITCH - Used for muting the signal on the
individual channels.
A AC INLET - IEC standard AC power cable connector
with external fuse.
B CHANNEL 4 OUTPUTS - 2 rear panel headphone
outputs for Channel 4.
C CHANNEL 3 OUTPUTS - 2 rear panel headphone
outputs for Channel 3.
D CHANNEL 2 OUTPUTS - 2 rear panel headphone out-
puts for Channel 2.
Controls and Functions