Manual Issue No. IM-T105VF-001
T105 RF
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
W arning - Please read this manual prior to
installation or use.
Shock Haza rd
This unit must be installed by a competen t person,
in accordance with BS 7671 (the IEE Wi ri ng
Regulations), or other relevant nation al regulations
and codes of g oo d practice.
Always isolate the AC Mains supply before re moving
the unit f rom the Industry Sta nd ard Back Plate.
This t hermostat can r eplace most com mon
residential thermostat and i s d esigned to be used
with electric, gas or oil h e ating con trol system or
cooling s ystem.
Unlike ordinary single u nit d esign thermostat,
This unit is a n ew type of th ermostat s eparating the
thermostat f unction into two units. T he Receiver
serves f or wiring conn ections a nd heat/cool o n/off
control. T he Control Centre s erves as us er interface
and temperature s ensing/control. T he two units a re
linked b y RF .
The advantage is t hat u ser can p ut the C ontrol
Centre nearb y a n d can r ead/control the tem p er ature
of really the livin g area.
Outlook of C ontrol C en tre:
Receiver i nstalled o n w all box
LED Indicators Power switch
Front Cover Front V i ew
Features :
Several useful f unction a nd operating modes h av e
been i ncorporated t o suit a v ariety of c ustomer
needs b esides all th e featu res as s oc iated with the
state of t he ar t p rog rammable therm ostat.
Control C entre:
- Can be placed anywhere in the home to d et ec t
and control the te mperature of an area of the
user’ s choice. Not limited by power control wiring
- Link with the R eceiv er v ia RF . C o ntrol distance
100M open site
- LCD shows the " need to know" inform ation
only , which is m ore easy t o understa n d.
- Real time c lo ck with day of t he w eek d isplay
- Room tem p er ature dis play
- Control profile d isplay
- Simplified tem p er ature a djustment - Simplified
programming procedure
- 6 pre-defin ed contr ol prof iles, 3 u ser
programmable control p rofile
- A protection a gains t freezing
- T emporary override set-temperature
- User selectable t em perature span
- User selectable h eater/cooler opera tion mode
- B attery level d etection
- 2 A A s iz e a lkaline batteri es (not i n cl ud ed)
- Slim h ou s ing design
- EL b acklight
- Linked wit h Control Centre via R F .
- Power control rat ing up t o 230V AC 16A
- Powered by line v oltag e only . No battery
- T w o LED indicators f or p ower an d output s tatus .
Caution :
1. The appliance ca n only be mounte d indoors
and in area s free from any water or moistur e
2. A s uitable fuse wi th a rating not exce eding
13A, s houl d be in the power line.
3. Observe the nation re gulato r for the wiring.
4. A qualified ele ctrician is recommended for
installation and ser vicing.
This t hermostat has been designed for simple and
quick i nstallation requir ing only a few tools. Only the
Power Control Unit needs to be ins talle d.
Required Tools
• Hammer • Mask ing tape • Screwdriver
• Drill a nd 3/16" drill bit (if not installe d on a
junction b o x)
RF Address Code Setti ng
If t here is another user nearby, e.g. in the nex t
house, your receiver may be fault triggered by their
transmitter . You may select a differ ent RF address
code t o prevent this. Receiver can only re sponse to
RF cod ing with the same addre ss code sett ing as its
own a ddress code.
1. T o adjust address code of Receiver, simply
push up one or more of the 5 dip swit ch
2. T o adjust address code of Control Cen tre, open
the hou sing of the tr ansmitt er unit. See battery
replacement secti on on how to open the housing .
3. Remove one or more of the jumper ca ps as
shown in t he diagram below .
Caution :
1. Address code of Contro l Centre must be the
same as address code of Receiver . For any
jumper cap removal of address code # in
Control Cent re, the sam e address code # of
Receiver must be put to the UP position.
2. Disconnect AC pow er and re move batt eries
prior to adju s t ing addre ss code.
Remove one or m o re of
the jump er cap to adjust
RF address cod e.
Address code # 1 - 5, from
left to right
Push up o ne or
more of the
white levers to
adjust Receiver
address code.
Address co de # 1
- 5, from left to
Removing yo u r old thermostat
CAUTION : to avoid electric shock, isola t e the power
of the heatin g/coolin g system at the main power box
in your home. Read the following i nstructi ons careful-
ly before discon necting the wires.
1. Turn off your old thermostat .
2. Remove the cover from the old ther mostat.
3. Unscrew the old ther mostat from the wall plat e.
4. Now find the screws att aching the wal l plate to
the wall, and remove them. Y ou should now be
able to pull the wall plat e a small distance from
the wall. Do not disco nnect any wi re yet, simply
locate the wi res.
After re moving the wall plate, if you
find that it is mounte d on a junction box (e.g . a box
similar to one behind a light swit ch or ele ct ric
outlet), high volt age circuit may be pre sent and
there is a danger of ele ctric shock. Please consult a
qualified ele ctrician.
Choosing a Location
Note: for a new installat ion, choo se a mounting
location about five feet (1.5 metre) above the floo r
in an ar ea wi th good air ci rculation and awa y fro m.
1. Drafts.
2. Air ducts.
3. Radiant heat from the sun or appliance s.
4. Conceale d pipes and chimneys.
Mounting the Re ceiver onto the
wall/junct io n box :
1. Remove the front co ver of the Rece iver. (go to
step 4 if ins talle d on a junction box)
2. Mark the holes position.
3. Drill two holes and insert the plasti c anchors
carefully into the holes until they ar e flush
with the wal l.
4. Connect the wires - see wiri ng diagram.
5. Push on the wires in the wal l.
6. Securely fasten the Receiver to the wall wi th the
two screws.
7. Replace the fro nt cover and installation is
complete d.
Mounting the Re ceiver onto the
optional wa ll box :
1. Remove the front co v e r of the Rece iver .
2. Mark the holes posit ion for the wal l box.
3. Drill tw o holes and inse r t the plasti c anchors ca re
fully into the holes until they are flush wi th the
4. Pull the wires into the wall box and fasten the
wall box onto the wall.
5. Con nec t the wires
- see wiring d i a gram.
6. Push on the wi res in the wall box.
7. Securely fasten the Receiver to the wall box with
the two screws.
8. Replace the front co v e r and install ation is
complete d.
Heater/Cooler Selection
Before making any selec tion in the
control ce ntre, its back housing must
be removed as foll ows :
The unit is default 230V , i f volt free applic atio n is
requir ed you must remove link & follow diagram
below .
SL (Off) - Heat Off
L - Live
SL (On) - Heat On
N - Nue tral
The unit still requires a 230V feed for V.F .
L - Live (230V Fe ed)
N - Nue tral
NC - Normally C lo s e d
COM - Volt Free Fee d
NO - S witched Live ( V olt F ree)
the front
Push and
hold internal
lock by a
screw driver
Inside the Cont rol Cen tre after back
housing is removed, you ca n find the
DIP switch. These thre e switches ar e
used to control the span and
heat/cool sy stem. Set the DIP swit ch
(position 3) ac cording to your
selection of heate r
system or cooler
system as the follo wing
20°C and span to 1°C, the heate r will oper ate when
the room te mp e rature dro ps to 19.5°C and tu rns off
when the te mp e rature ri s e s to 20.5° C . Set the DIP
switch (posit ion 1 & 2) according to your selec tion
of temperature span as the following diagr am .
On: Heater
Off: Cooler
Set the DIP switch (position 3)
Battery Installation
Y our ther mostat u ses two (2) "AA" s ize
batteries to operate. T o power-u p the unit,
insert two "AA" batteries into the battery
compartme nt of the front housing. When
power is applie d for the fir st time, the
display must show time and the day as we ll
as the room temper ature (for example
If the display is different, pre ss the
RESET button. Use a fine pro be such as
straightened paper clip to gently push the
RESET button .
T emperatu re Span Selection
Span is the temperat ure difference between the tu rn
on te mp e rature and turn off temperature. For exam-
ple, in heating systems, if you set te mperature to
After installation of the batt eries, push back the re ar
housing to the cont rol centre and then the stand.
Before turning on the main swit ch of the system,
press the reset button once . The thermostat is re ady
for use.
Setting Clock
1. Press the SET TIME butt on to clear all digits
except the day indicat or and the time display.
The day indicator is flashing.
2. Wh ile day indicat or is flashi ng, press UP or
DOWN button to adjust.
3. Press the SET TIME butt on again, hour digits are
flashing instead of day indicat or. Press UP or
DOWN button to adjust. Pr ess and hold the UP or
DOWN button to speed up the adjustme nt rate.
4. Press the SET TIME butt on again, minute digits
are flashing ins t ead of hour digit . Pr ess UP or
DOWN butt on to adjust. Pr ess and hold the UP or
DOWN butt on to speed up the adjustme nt ra te.
5. Press the SET TIME butt on again to return to
normal operation mode.
6. Th e unit will return to normal oper ation mode if
no key is pre ssed for 10 seco nds.
Setting Control T emperature
1. Press the SET TEMPER A TURE butt on to display the
pre-defined set te mperature.
2. Press the CONF/ECON butt on to to gg l e between
the setting of economic mode and comfortabl e
3. Press the UP or DOWN button to
increase/decrease the set te mp e rature by 0.5°C.
4. Press the SET TEMPER A TURE butt on again to save
the set tempe rature.
5. The unit will ret urn to normal oper ation mode if
no button is pre ssed for 10 seco nds.
6. The defaul t setting of comfortable mode is 21°C
for heater mode and 23 °C for cooler mode. And
the economic mode is 18 °C for heater mode and
26°C for coole r mode.
Setting Program
i) Select W eek-Day
1. Press the SET PROGRAM button, the day
indicator shows the program day and is flash i n g.
Program number indicat or sho ws the cu rrent
program for the selec ted day .
2. Press the UP or DOWN butt on to selec t the day
needed to program. Y ou ca n select the whole
week, worki ng day , weeke nd,or individual day to
ii) Select Control profile
1. Press the SET PROGRAM button again, the day
indicator stop flashing and the pro gram number
starts flash.
2. Press the
UP or
button to
select the
P1-P6 ar e
their profile
are sho wn
as follows.
3. If any of these programs is selec ted, press the
SET PROGRAM button again to confirm this
program for the specified day and return to
normal operati on mode.
4. Press the button t o toggle the control
temperature setting and advanc e the sett ing
hour digit by one.
bu tton is pres s ed. Hou r Digit (Clock) is 2 and
the 02 hour bar is flashi ng. ic on is on and the
o pera t ion m ode for ho ur 01 i s s et to e co nom ic m ode .
5. Press the button to terminate the setting
procedure and to ret urn to normal operati on mode.
button is pre ssed.T erminate the sett ing
procedure and the new control profile is :
6. The sett ing pro cedure will terminate automatically
when no button is pre ssed for 10 seconds.
19 20 21 22
1. Press UP button until the setpo in t temperat ure is
higher than ro om temperature by a few degrees.
2. Wait for a few seconds.
3. Check the green LED . It should be On.
4. If the LED is not On, tr y to pla ce the Control
Centre closer to the Receiver . Press Down butt on
to adjust the setpo in t temperature to be lower
than room temper ature to "t urn off" the receiver .
5. Repeat steps 1 to 3.
6. The recei v i ng range between Control Cen tre and
Receiver is 100M in open area. Wh e n plac ed
indoors, this distance may be sho r ter because of
blocking by co ncrete walls etc, but is enough for
most household applic atio ns.
7. Press RES ET button afte r receiving range testing.
Override the Operation Mode
At the normal operati on mode, pre ss the
CONF/ECON butt on to toggle the current set tem-
perature to comfor tabl e mode or economic mode.
If the operation mode is being override n, the HA ND
icon will be turned on with the curren t operati on
mode icon.
Override the Setting T emperature
1. In the normal operati on mode, the current set
temperature can be override n by pre ssing the UP
or DOWN butt on. When in override, the new set
temperature will be disp layed with tur ning the
HAND ico n on a nd both the CONF and ECON
icons off.
2. Press any button (ex c ept the UP or DOWN
button), this will terminate the sett ing pro cedure
and will re v e rt back to normal mode with the new
3. The unit will rever t to normal operati on mode
automatically when no button is pre ssed for 10
1. Pressing the UP and DOWN buttons
simultaneously will ac tivate the anti-fr eez ing
mode (for heater mode only). The AN TI-
FREEZING icon and the HAN D icon will be turned
on while both the COMF and ECON ic on will be
turned off.
2. Pressing any button will terminate the anti-
freezing mode and revert to normal operati on
3. The defaul t set te mperature for the anti-fr eez ing
mode is 7°C.
Press the BA CK-LIGHT butt on to turn on the back -
light. The back-light will s witch off when no button
is pressed for 10 seconds.
It is recommended to replace the batt eries when the
display is sh owing the battery-low ic on . T o re place
the battery ,
1. T urn off the power of the Receiver first.
2. Remove the back housing and stand of the
Desktop Unit.
3. Replac e the old batt eries wi th 2 new AA alkaline
4. Replac e the back housing and stand.
5. Press the reset button once and then turn on the
power swit ch of the Receiver .
There is a power swit ch on the Rece iver. When there
is no demand to tu rn on the heating/cooling device,
e.g. when you go on holiday, it is recommended to
turn the pow er swit ch to the Off posit ion.
There are two L EDs on the Power Cont rol Unit as
status indica tors :
1. Red LED tur n s on as long as there i s power to the
unit. When there is no pow er to the unit or when
power switch underneath the fro nt cover is
put at t he Off posit ion, the re d LED is Of f.
2. Green LED turns on as long as the heating/
cooling device is ener gis e d.
Physical Characteris tic
Size : Control Cent re 116 x 100 x 23.5 mm
Receiver 91.5 x 91.5 x 42 mm
Weight : Control Cent re 126g
Receiver 176g
Electr ical Chara c t eristic
Power Source : Control Cent re 2 AA ( LR6) batterie s
Receiver 230VAC 50Hz
Clock accuracy : +/ - 60 seconds/month
Temp. measure m e nt : 0°C to 40°C in 0.5°C resolut ion
Temp. accuracy : +/ - 1°C at 20°C
Temperature Control : 7°C to 30°C in step of 0.5°C
Span : 1,2,3 or 4°C
Air conditioner cycle time : 3 minute s
Operation te mperature : 0°C to 40°C
Storage tempe rature : - 10°C to 60°C
(Remove Link!!!)
Se le ct ab le V olt Fr ee
I n s t r u c t i o n M a n u a l
It is vital to con nect the live into this t erminal to
avoid overloading of the jump wir e.