If there is a problem with the picture or the sound, you can fix them by first comparing with the “failure symptom” and then executing the
“check and adjustment” suggestions. If the problem cannot be fixed, you must contact the
aauutthhoorriizzeedd sseerrvviiccee..
No power. Led not lit
No picture “screen black”
led lit.
No picture, screen lit,
noisy picture
Weak “Ghosting” picture
No picture on AV
No Colour
Poor, noisy colour.
Coloured patches on Tv
Scrambled Teletext
PPoossssiibbllee FFaauulltt
No power to the Tv
Tv not switched On
Set in standby.
Brightness turned down.
Tv switched to AV
Set not tuned in
Aerial not connected.
Poor signal
AV source not connected or
turned on.
Colour control not set
Set may need fine tuning.
Screen may be magnetized
External speakers may cause
magnetic field distortion
Poor Signal.
Check all connections ensuring the connector to the mains
socket is firmly engaged
Turn Tv on with On/Off button
Press P+ or P- buttons or numeric button on the R/C
Adjust brightness
Select “TV” or press a numeric button on R/C.
do fine tuning
Connect aerial and check connections
If using an indoor aerial have an external aerial fitted.
External aerial damaged.
Check AV leads to Euro socket and ensure AV source is
turned on.
Adjust colour control using the RC
Do fine tuning for a more clear picture
Ensure the Tv is switched off fully after use. The screen is
automatically “De Gaussed” each time the Tv is switched on.
Allow at least 15 minutes before turning on again.
Move external speakers away from the Tv set
Teletext needs a good signal. Have the aerial checked.