set is switched on from the standby position and will
operate if the password is correctly entered. To change
the password, you can enter a 4 digit number in the
password line, between "0000" and "9999". Press menu
to exit. New code is automatically memorised.
NNoottee:: IIff yyoouu ffoorrggeett tthhee ppaasssswwoorrdd,, ttyyppee 44771111
This is the default password.
44..55.. TTiimmeerrss::
In this menu, Sleep timer, Reminder timer, OFF
timer, Switch timer and the Switch program are shown.
44..55..11.. SSlleeeepp TTiimmeerr::
You can adjust the Sleep timer
functions between 5 to 120 minutes with the V+/-
User may lock individual channels. Refer to lock
on Page 24.
When the time is over, Your TV will close
The closing time can be increased or reduced with 5
minutes intervals. At the end of the adjusted period,
you will see the last 60 seconds count down on the
You can leave this menu pressing TV button.
44..55..22.. RReemmiinnddeerr TTiimmeerr::
You can adjust the recall period
between 5 to 120 minutes with the V+ button. At the
end of the set period, a warning message appears on
the screen. Pressing any button, this message will
disappear. Reminder time may be increased or
decreased by 5 minutes steps.
44..55..33.. OOFFFF TTiimmeerr::
You can set the switching off time.
Check from the RT clock menu. if the time is
correct. Refer to 4.8 RT clock.
44..55..44.. SSwwiittcchh pprrooggrraamm::
After setting the switch time in
the switch option. Use P+- to highlight switch timer.
Use keypad to set switch time. The TV set switches to
the set program when the time comes. When your TV
set is in Stand by position, it is switched on at the
adjusted time to the selected program. When the switch
is to be set to AV mode, press the AV button in the
switch Program option. The other modes are displayed
in order.