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Before and during mowing, check the whole area the equipment is being
used on and remove all stones, sticks, wires, toys and other objects which
can be caught and catapulted out.
Pos: 12.6.5 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Vorbereitende Maßnahmen/Einsatz...Mähroboter...Sicherheitshinweise...im Hinblic k auf Arbeitsfläche @ 41\mod_1447053549539_1521.docx @ 428338 @ @ 1
If you also use a robotic mower for lawn care, the following safety
instructions must be heeded with regard to the working area of the robotic
Before working on these areas (mowing, scarifying etc.) always check
the range of the boundary wire.
If the wires are laid in the ground they must be checked, no wires may
be visible, with particular attention necessary at the charging station.
If the boundary wires are laid above ground they should be routed tight
directly on the ground and not lie loose in the grass. The wires must be
sufficiently fixed using boundary staples, see the operating manual.
The boundary staples must not project, if this is the case push them
firmly in place.
Remove any residual wires that are lying around before starting to mow.
In the cases described above, there is a risk of the wire being pulled in and
wound up by the tool; this can lead to serious injury.
Pos: 12.6.6 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Vorbereitende Maßnahmen/Herunterhängende Zweige ... den Benutzer verletzen Mäher @ 3\mod_1158670313529_1521.docx @ 20043 @ @ 1
Low-hanging branches and similar obstacles can injure the operator or interfere
with the mowing operation. Before mowing, identify potential obstacles such as
low-hanging branches, and trim back or remove those obstacles.
Pos: 12.6.7 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Vorbereitende Maßnahmen/Elektrische Ausrüstung nicht verändern - Accumäher @ 45\mod_1476269533893_1521.docx @ 519953 @ @ 1
The electrical equipment must not be modified.
Read and observe the safety instructions for handling the battery and
Pos: 12.6.8 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Vorbereitende Maßnahmen/Vor Gebrauch ... Sichtkontrolle ... Schneidwerkzeug Mäher @ 50\mod_1479216393536_1521.docx @ 538742 @ @ 1
Before use, always carry out a visual inspection to see whether the cutting tool,
attachment screws and the complete cutting unit are worn or damaged. To avoid
unbalance, worn or damaged blades and attachment screws must be replaced by
an authorised workshop.
Pos: 12.6.9 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Vorbereitende Maßnahmen/Zustand.. Piktogramme...prüfen Mäher @ 21\mod_1351597142900_1521.docx @ 161780 @ @ 1
The condition of the pictograms must be checked every time the device is used.
Worn or damaged pictograms must be replaced.
Pos: 12.7.1 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/1.1 Handhabung @ 0\mod_1115124796640_1521.docx @ 1590 @ 2 @ 1
Pos: 12.7.2 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/nicht in explosionsgefährdeter Umgebung ... @ 0\mod_1115124847859_1521.docx @ 1613 @ @ 1
The machine must not be operated in potentially explosive surroundings.
Pos: 12.7.3 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Mähen Sie n icht bei schlechtem Wetter... Blitzschl ag @ 24\mod_1376563771189_1521.docx @ 180655 @ @ 1
Do not mow in bad weather when lightning could strike.
Pos: 12.7.4 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Gerät nicht dem Regen oder Feuchtigkeit aussetzen @ 45\mod_1476270007033_1521.docx @ 520007 @ @ 1
Do not expose the tool to rain or humidity.
Pos: 12.7.5 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Keine Kopfhörer ... Musik hören tragen @ 3\mod_1158671227931_1521.docx @ 20073 @ @ 1
Do not wear radio or music headphones. Safe service and operation requires your
full attention.
Pos: 12.7.6 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Tageslicht ... Schritt-Tempo Mäher @ 0\mod_1115125237281_1521.docx @ 1626 @ @ 1
Only mow during daylight or if the lighting is good. Always push the machine at
walking pace.
Pos: 12.7.7 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Fahrgeschwindigkeit an Person und Gelände anpassen @ 6\mod_1196353416210_1521.docx @ 42008 @ @ 1
Please adjust the driving speed depending on the person and the terrain. Increase
the speed gradually until you reached an adequate driving speed.
Pos: 12.7.8 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Besonders vorsichtig sein, wenn ... Sträucher... Sicht beeinträchtigen @ 3\mod_1158671481722_1521.docx @ 20083 @ @ 1
Use care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other obstacles that
may obscure vision.
Pos: 12.7.9 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Nicht zu nahe...Geländestufen...Gräben...Böschungen @ 10\mod_1250582213231_1521.docx @ 86694 @ @ 1
Do not move too closely to compound steps, trenches and banks. The equipment
can suddenly topple over when a wheel suddenly gives way over the edge of a cliff
or trench or when an edge suddenly yields.
Pos: 12.7.10 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Vorsicht beim Mähen...unter Spielgeräten @ 6\mod_1196340056865_1521.docx @ 41995 @ @ 1
Please be careful when mowing underneath playground equipment (e.g. swings).
The equipment could get into an unsafe position. This may result in risk of injury.
Pos: 12.7.11 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Maschine nicht unter Einfluss ... Alkohol ... bedienen. @ 3\mod_1158671735923_1521.docx @ 20093 @ @ 1
Do not operate the equipment when you are sick, tired or under the influence of
alcohol, medicine or drugs.
Pos: 12.7.12 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/nasses Gras ... @ 0\mod_1115125344421_1521.docx @ 1611 @ @ 1
Avoid using the machine if possible on wet grass, in order to avoid the danger of
Pos: 12.7.13 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/guter Stand an Hängen ... quer zum Hang ...Mäher @ 0\mod_1115125457843_1521.docx @ 1599 @ @ 1
Always make sure that you are standing securely whilst mowing slopes. Always
mow at right angles to the slope, never mow straight up or down. Please be
especially careful when you change direction when mowing on a slope.
Pos: 12.7.14 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/handgeführte Rasenmäher bis 15° Schräglage Accu-Mäher @ 50\mod_1479217273400_1521.docx @ 538931 @ @ 1
Do not mow excessively steep slopes. Mowing slopes always means additional
risks. Always make sure you have a firm stance. Manually guided lawn mowers should
never be used for gradients of more than 26% (15° slope). Stability may be lost.
Pos: 12.7.15 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/vorsichtig, beim umkehren oder heranziehen @ 0\mod_1115125749109_1521.docx @ 1628 @ @ 1
Please be especially careful when turning the machine or pulling it towards yourself.
Pos: 12.7.16 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Rückwärtsgehen vermeiden @ 0\mod_1115125848203_1521.docx @ 1615 @ @ 1
If you walk backwards whilst using the machine, you can easily stumble so this
should be avoided. Avoid unnatural body positions. Ensure that you are standing
securely and keep your balance at all times.
Pos: 12.7.17 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Sicherheitsabstand einhalten @ 0\mod_1115125927453_1521.docx @ 1620 @ @ 1
Always observe the safety distance to the machine which is maintained by the
Pos: 12.7.18 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Abrutschen des Gerätes beim Tragen verhindern (mit Auswurfklappe) @ 5\mod_1184319263181_1521.docx @ 37715 @ @ 1
In order to avoid the machine slipping when being carried, always hold the
machine by the grip devices provided (carrying handle, housing, handlebar ends or
transverse bar of the lower handlebar section). Do not grasp the machine by the
ejection flap!
Pos: 12.7.19 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Beachten Sie vor Heben oder Tragen das Gewicht der Maschine @ 5\mod_1184319413723_1521.docx @ 37728 @ @ 1
Note the weight of the machine before lifting or carrying it (see technical data).
Lifting heavy weights can lead to health problems.
Pos: 12.7.20 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/bei laufendem Motor nicht heben oder tragen @ 0\mod_1115126041750_1521.docx @ 1594 @ @ 1
Never lift or carry the machine when the engine is running.
Pos: 12.7.21 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/nicht mit beschädigten oder fehlenden Sicherheits- und Schutzeinrichtungen @ 24\mod_1376563986150_1521.docx @ 180670 @ @ 1
Never use the machine with safety and protective devices damaged or missing.
Missing or damaged safety and protective devices are a safety hazard for both you
and other people.
Pos: 12.7.22 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Sicherheitseinrichtungen sind: @ 28\mod_1384937465729_1521.docx @ 217463 @ @ 1
Safety equipment includes (see chapter Component description):
Pos: 12.7.23 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Sicherheitseinrichtung – Sicherheitsschaltbügel Accumäher (1) +Text DLG @ 46\mod_1476445498241_1521.docx @ 521155 @ @ 1
Motor stop safety control bar (1)
The lawn mower is equipped with a motor stop device.
During operation and in the event of a hazard, the motor is switched
off by releasing the motor stop bar.
The motor and the blade must come to a standstill within 3 seconds.
After release, the bar must always return to the position shown in the
"component description" diagram.
If this is not the case, it must be checked immediately by an
authorised workshop.
Risk of injury!
If the blade run-on time is longer, stop using the tool and take it to an
authorised workshop.
Measuring run-on time
After the motor has been started, the blade rotates and a wind-like
noise can be heard.
The run-on time corresponds to the duration of the wind-like noise after
the motor has been switched off, it can be measured using a stopwatch.
The function of the safety control bar must never be put out of operation.
It is important to make sure that the safety control bar functions
correctly. If this is not the case, have it repaired by an authorised
specialist workshop.
Pos: 12.7.24 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Sicherheitseinrichtung –Sicherheitsschlüssel (4) Accumäher @ 45\mod_1476270215432_1521.docx @ 520034 @ @ 1
Safety key (4)
This safety device prevents injuries caused by unintentional starting
of the motor.
To prevent the starter or mower being started up unintentionally, the
safety key must be removed during all work on the tool, before
maintenance and repair work, when the mower is left and during
Pos: 12.7.25 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Schutzeinrichtungen sind: @ 28\mod_1384937914417_1521.docx @ 218435 @ @ 1
Protective equipment includes (see chapter Component description):
Pos: 12.7.26 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Schutzeinrichtungen – Gehäuse, Grasfangsack, Auswurfklappe (2) @ 45\mod_1476270455373_1521.docx @ 520061 @ @ 1
Housing, grass collecting bag, ejection flap (2).
The protective devices protect the user against objects being ejected at
high speed.
The machine must not be operated with a damaged housing or without
a properly fitted collecting bag or ejection flap on the housing.
Pos: 12.7.27 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Schutzeinrichtungen – Gehäuse @ 6\mod_1196156044914_1521.docx @ 41833 @ @ 1
– Housing
This protection unit protects against injuries through contact with the
rotating cutting blade bar.
The equipment must not be operated with a damaged housing. Please
make sure that hands and feet are not placed underneath the housing.
Pos: 12.7.28 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Schutzeinrichtungen ...nicht verändern @ 0\mod_1120122936481_1521.docx @ 1618 @ @ 1
The safety devices must not be modified.
Pos: 12.7.29 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Anlass-Schalter mit Vorsicht @ 0\mod_1125470254360_1521.docx @ 1591 @ @ 1
Start or operate the starter switch with great care and according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Pos: 12.7.30 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Beim Startvorgang Antrieb nicht einschalten @ 0\mod_1115127428250_1521.docx @ 1595 @ @ 1
During the starting process, do not switch on the drive if available.
Pos: 12.7.31 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Inbetriebnahme ... Füße ... Sicherheitsabstand zum Schneidwerkzeug ... @ 0\mod_1115127548437_1521.docx @ 1603 @ @ 1
When you start the machine, make sure that your feet are at a sufficiently
safe distance away from the cutting blades.
Pos: 12.7.32 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Maschine nicht hochgekantet werden ... seitlicher Auswurf ... nicht vor Auswurfkanal stehen @ 38\mod_1439902043610_1521.docx @ 407290 @ @ 1
When the engine is started, the machine must not be tilted on end, if
necessary it must be tilted by pressing the guide bar down so that the
cutting tool is pointing in the direction away from the user, but only as far
as absolutely necessary. For as long as the equipment has not been
lowered to the ground again, both your hands must be on the top part of
the bar.
Do not start the engine when persons or animals are standing in front of
the mower.
When using equipment with a side ejector, do not start the engine when
you are standing in front of the ejector channel or other people/animals
are located in the ejection area.
Pos: 12.7.33 /Innenteil/Sicherheitsvorschriften/Handhabung/Hände oder Füße nicht in die Nähe von drehenden Teilen Mäher @ 0\mod_1115128631906_1521.docx @ 1600 @ @ 1

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