Pos: 19.2 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1 MÄH BETRIEB @ 0 \mod_1115 358011109_ 1521.docx @ 17 69 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 19.3 /Inne nteil/Sicherhe itshinweise/ Sicherheitshi nweis: Lesen, M esser, Ste in, Strom, Ab stand, Kabel, M otorStop @ 0\mod_112 5901849572_15 21.docx @ 1 533 @ @ 1
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols
page 3
Pos: 19.4 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Mä hen an Han glagen @ 0\mo d_1115358 422453_152 1.docx @ 177 1 @ 2 @ 1
Mowing on slopes
Pos: 19.5 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Mähe n an Hangla gen Sicherhei tshinweis E lektro @ 40\ mod_1440669 614826_152 1.docx @ 41 8177 @ @ 1
The mower can be used on banks and slopes with a gr adient of up to 58% (30°
For safety reasons, however, we urgently recommend you do not exploit this
theoretical performance potential. Always make sure you have a fir m stance.
Manually guided lawnmowers should never be used for slopes with a gradient in
excess of 26% (15° angle of slope). Stability may be lost .
Pos: 19.6 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Ha ndhabung de s Kabels beim Mähen @ 0\ mod_112564 5904619_1 521.docx @ 1 770 @ 2 @ 1
Handling the cable during use
Pos: 19.7 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Hand habung des Ka bels beim Mä hen Text @ 19\mod_134 6243742890 _1521.docx @ 149138 @ @ 1
Prepare the cable in such a way that the machine can pull it behind easily over the lawn
area already mown. When the mower is turned, the cable relief automatically places the
cable on the other side of the handle bar.
Make sure that the cable is kept away from the cutti ng tools and does not form any
Examine the mains connection cable before any mowing f or signs of damage and only
use it if it is in perfect condition.
Pos: 19.8 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Pr üfung der Betr iebssicher heit @ 0\mod _111535876 6390_1521. docx @ 1773 @ 2 @ 1
Checking operating saf ety
Pos: 19.9 /Inne nteil/Mäh betrieb/Prüfu ng der Betr iebssicherhe it Text Elek tro o.A. + Te xt DLG @ 38\ mod_143625 8211654_15 21.docx @ 40 1559 @ @ 1
The lawnmower is equipped with a motor stop device.
Before every mowing job, make sure that the motor stop safety cont rol bar is working
perfectly. When the control bar is released, the motor and cutter bar must come to a
standstill within three seconds.
After release, the bar must always return to the position shown in the "component
description" diagram.
If this is not the case, it must be checked immediately by an aut horised workshop.
Risk of inju ry!
If the blade run-on time is longer, stop using the equipment and take it to an authorised
Measuring run-on time
After the electric motor has been started, the blade rotates and a wind-like noise can be
The run-on time corresponds to the duration of the wind-like noise after the electric
motor has been switched off, it can be measured using a stopwatch.
Machine safety and protective devices must not be manipulated or disabled.
Make sure that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
Check the upper part of the bar (insulation) for damage. If the casing should be
damaged, contact the nearest authorised workshop wit hout delay, since otherwise
injuries (electric shock) can occur through touching the live parts.
To avoid risk, check the condition and firm attachment of the blade before every
mowing job. The blade attachment screw must always be ti ghtened by an authorised
workshop since an insulation protection t est always has to be carried out after repairs
and maintenance work on insulation parts (e.g. blade screw) in accordance with the
applicable standard DIN EN 60335. A worn or damaged blade must always be
replaced. (refer here to the chapter "Cutter blade care")
In addition, check the fan, blade coupling and fan housing eve ry 10 operating hours for
wear and a tight fit. Also check equipment screws and nuts for a f irm fit and tighten if
If the mower mechanism becomes blocked e.g. by colliding with an obstacle, have an
authorised workshop check whether any parts of the mower are damaged or deformed.
Always have any necessary repairs done by an authorised workshop t oo.
If the machine starts to vibrate unusually heavily or to make unusual noises, please
have it checked immediately by an authorised workshop.
Pos: 19.10 / Innenteil/Mäh betrieb/1.1 Z eitliche Ei nschränkun gen @ 0\mod_ 1115358910 000_1521.doc x @ 1775 @ 2 @ 1
Time restrictions
Pos: 19.11 / Innenteil/Mäh betrieb/Zei tliche Einsc hränkungen Tex t @ 0\mo d_11153589425 00_1521. docx @ 1784 @ @ 1
The time at which lawnmowers may be used varies from region to region. Please ask
the corresponding authorities before using your mower.
Pos: 19.12 /In nenteil/Mähbe trieb/1.1 T ipps zur Rase npflege (Ab bildung M ) @ 0\mod_111 5359282343_1 521.docx @ 1 774 @ 2 @ 1
Tips on caring for your lawn (Illu stration M )
Pos: 19.13 /In nenteil/Mähbe trieb/Tipp s zur Rasenpf lege Mähen H inweis @ 23\ mod_136869 4771094_1521. docx @ 1735 04 @ @ 1
Remove any objects (stones, wood, branches, etc.) from the l awn before each
cut; but still watch out for objects lying around during the mowing process.
Ask your dealer about lawn care instructions. Informat ion and instructions about
mowing can also be found on the manufacturer website.
Pos: 20.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 20.2 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/1 WARTUNG SINTERVALL E @ 4\mod_11 5919005384 4_1521.docx @ 20987 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 20.3 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Wartungsi ntervalle Wic htig @ 19\mo d_13462426 07856_1521. docx @ 1487 73 @ @ 1
Avoid damage! Under extreme or unusual condi tions, shorter servicing intervals
than the ones specified below may be necessary. If you establish any probl ems,
please contact an authorised workshop.
Pos: 20.4 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Wartungsi ntervalle Tex t @ 19\mod_ 1346242427 863_1521.docx @ 14797 6 @ @ 1
Carry out routine servicing on the machine in line with the following servicing intervals.
Work must be carried out at the following servicing intervals in addition to the
maintenance work listed in these operating instructions.
Pos: 20.5 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Vor der er sten Inbetr iebnahme Elek tro @ 19\mo d_13462427 17400_1521. docx @ 148790 @ @ 1
Before initial use
• Check all screw connections for a tight fit.
• Check the cutting blade screw and have an authorised worksh op tighten it if
• Check whether the safety control bar for the engine brake is working perfectly.
• Check that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
Pos: 20.6 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Vor jedem Betrieb Elektr o @ 19\mod _134624285 8853_1521.do cx @ 148807 @ @ 1
Before every operation
• Check the lawn area and remove any objects.
• Check the area of the boundary wires (if an automatic mower is being used for
lawn care).
• Check the condition and firm fit of the blade, if necessary have an aut horised
workshop tighten the blade screw.
• Check whether the safety control bar for the engine brake is working perfectly.
• Check that all protective devices have been attached properly and are not
• Check grass collecting equipment for wear or loss of functionality.
• Check the upper part of the bar (insulation) for damage.
• Check the connection cable for damage and ageing.
Pos: 20.7 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Alle 10 Be triebsstunde n @ 19\mod_ 134624296 9351_1521.do cx @ 14886 4 @ @ 1
Every 10 operating hours
• Check all screw connections for a tight fit.
• Check the fan, blade coupling and fan housing regularly for wear and a tight fit.
Pos: 20.8 /Inne nteil/Wartun gsinterval le/Nach jedem Betrieb @ 19\ mod_13462 43106654_1 521.docx @ 1 48981 @ @ 1
After every operation
• Clean the mower.
• Check the blade for damage and wear.
Pos: 20.9 /Inne nteil/Wart ungsinterval le/Alle 15-2 0 Betriebsst unden oder jä hrlich 40/ 43/47/52S/5 4er, 38-BV, JS63 @ 42\ mod_1455093458180_15 21.docx @ 43 1578 @ @ 1
Every 15-20 operating hours or annual ly
• Lubricate the wheel bearings.
Pos: 21.1 /---- ------ 1 Leerz eile ------ ---- @ 0\mod_1 114611787 140_1521.docx @ 2070 @ @ 1
Pos: 21.2 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mähers/ 1 PFLEGE U ND WARTUNG DES MÄHER S @ 0\mod_1115 362755234 _1521.docx @ 1809 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 21.3 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mähers/P flege und Wartung des M ähers Hin weis @ 26\mo d_13771715 19784_1521. docx @ 189748 @ @ 1
Regular care is the best way to guarantee a long service life and problem-free
operation. Insufficient equipment maintenance will lead to safety-related faults!
Pos: 21.4 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mähers/O riginaler satzteile Hin weis @ 6\mo d_119978847 1285_1521. docx @ 43484 @ @ 1
Only use original spare par ts because only those guarantee safety and quality!
Pos: 21.5 /Inne nteil/Sich erheitshinwe ise/Sicherhe itshinweis : Lesen, Me sser, Stein, Strom, Stecker , Handsch uh @ 0\mod _1125902226749_1521. docx @ 1534 @ @ 1
Safety instruction!
See table for explanation of symbols
page 3
Pos: 21.6 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mähers /1.1 Reini gung (Abbild ung O ) @ 0\ mod_1115363 511390_152 1.docx @ 1 817 @ 2 @ 1
Cleaning (Illustration O )
Pos: 21.7 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mäher s/Reinigung Text Elektr o @ 14\mo d_12810845565 74_1521.do cx @ 111323 @ @ 1
Remove dirt and grass residue immediately after finishing mowing. Place the mower on
its side and use a brush or cloth to clean.
Do not put your fingers into t he openings of the fan housing and hold ont o the
fan. If the blade bar is rotated during cleaning, there is a risk that your finger s
may become caught between the fan and the fan housi ng!
Never spray the mower with water. This may damage the electrical systems.
Pos: 21.8 /Inne nteil/Pfle ge und Wartun g des Mähers /1.1 Aufbe wahrung @ 0\ mod_1115363 938281_15 21.docx @ 18 10 @ 2 @ 1