the upgrade documentation (readme.txt file) in the upgrade package before you upgrade.
3) Upon downloading the firmware check the sizes of the .bin files. They must match the size in the readme.txt
file. If not, please download the firmware again until the sizes are the same. Your camera will not function
correctly if a corrupt .bin file is used.
4) Normally, only Device WEB UI need to be upgrade, please do not try to upgrade the Device Firmware.
5) Never shut down the power of the camera during upgrade until the IP camera restart and get connected.
6) After upgrade successfully, please clear the cache of browser, uninstall the old plugin and re-install it, then
reset the camera to the default factory settings before using the camera.
4.8.3 Patch Installation
Click "Browse" to select the correct patch file, and then click "Install Patch" to install the patch. Do not turn off
the power during it installing. After installing is complete, you will receive a system prompt.
4.8.4 Factory Reset
Click Factory Reset button and all parameters will return to factory settings if selected.
The default administrator username is admin with a blank password.