- bed and breakfast type environments.
Operate your coffee maker for the first time
without coffee with using 1 litre of water to
rinse the circuit.
(Follow the illustrations 1 to 7)
- Only use cold water and a n°4 coffee filter
- Do not fill beyond the maximum water
level marked on the water tank.
1 – Switching on your coffee maker:
- For models with isotherm jugs, press the
transparent button. It will light up with a
white light and will return to its initial
position once it is released.
Note: Models equipped with an isotherm jug
have an automatic stop system at the end of
the cycle.
- For models with pouring jugs, press the
transparent button. It will light up with a
white light and will remain in this position.
To switch off the machine, move the
button back to its initial position (the light
will be extinguished).
2 - For models with isotherm jugs:
- To keep the jug warm longer, rinse it with
hot water prior to use.
- The lid of the isotherm jug must be closed
tightly towards the left as far as possible
when making and keeping coffee hot,
figure 11.
- To serve the coffee, press down the lever
on the lid isotherm jug, figure 10.
3 - For all models:
- This coffee maker has a non-drip system
which allows you to serve a coffee before
all of the water has passed through the
filter. Place the pouring or isotherm jug
back in position rapidly to avoid any
- Wait for a few minutes before making
coffee again.
- To remove the used coffee, remove the
filter holder from the coffee maker, figures
8 and 9.
- Unplug the appliance.
- Do not clean the appliance when it is still
- Clean with a soft cloth or a damp sponge.
- Do not immerse the appliance in water or
place it under running water.
- The filter holder is dishwasher-safe.
- Descale your coffee maker every 40
cycles or so.
You can use:
• either a sachet of descaler from the shops
diluted in ½ litre of cold water.
• or 2 large cups of commercial white
vinegar available from hardware stores.
- Pour the descaling solution into the water
tank (4) and switch on the coffee maker
(without any coffee in it).
- Let half of the solution pour into the glass
or isotherm jug (7), then turn the
appliance off by pressing the "On / Off"
button, figure 7.
- Leave to act for around one hour.
- Switch the coffee maker on again and run
through the rest of the descaling solution.
- Rinse the coffee maker by operating it 2 or
3 times with 1 litre of water and without
TThhee gguuaarraanntteeee ddooeess nnoott ccoovveerr cc ooffff eeee
mmaakk eerrss wwhhiicchh ddyyssffuunnccttiioonn oorr nnoo lloonnggeerr
ffuunnccttiioonn dduuee ttoo aa llaacckk ooff ddeessccaalliinngg..
- Isotherm jug (CT500 or CT400 models)
- Glass pouring jug (CG400 model)
• Check:
- the plug/socket
- that the "ON-OFF" switch (indicator light
lit) is in the ON position.
- that the filter holder is tightened correctly
into place.