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Storage Times Storage time under Storage time when
atmospheric pressure vacuum-sealed
Cooled food (5 ± 2 °C)
red meat 3-4 days 8-9 days
white meat 2-3 days 6-9 days
sh, whole 1-3 days 4-5 days
game 2-3 days 5-7 days
sausages 7-15 days 25-40 days
sliced sausage 4-6 days 20-25 days
soft cheese 5-7 days 14-20 days
hard and semi-hard cheese 15-20 days 25-60 days
vegetables 1-3 days 7-10 days
fruit 5-7 days 14-20 days
Cooked and cooled food (5 ± 2 °C)
vegetable puree or soup 2-3 days 8-10 days
pasta and risotto 2-3 days 6-8 days
cooked and roast meats 3-5 days 10-15 days
lled cakes
(with cream and fruit) 2-3 days 6-8 days
deep-frying oil 10-15 days 25-40 days
Frozen food (-18 ± 2 °C)
meat 4-6 months 15-20 months
sh 3-4 months 10-12 months
vegetables 8-10 months 18-24 months
Food at room temperature (25 ± 2 °C)
bread 1-2 days 6-8 days
packed biscuits 4-6 months 12 months
pasta 5-6 months 12 months
rice 5-6 months 12 months
our 4-5 months 12 months
dried fruit 3-4 months 12 months
ground coffee 2-3 months 12 months
powdered tea 5-6 months 12 months
freeze-dried products 1-2 months 12 months
powder milk 1-2 months 12 months
These are indicative values which depend on the quality of the packaging and the original
quality of the food.
IMPORTANT: Keep perishable foods in the freezer or fridge.
Vacuum sealing extends the life of food, but does not turn it into a „preserve“, i.e. a product
stable at room temperature.