A User Menus select B Status Display C Record & Ready tallies
D Sensor menu E EXIT menu F UNDO / alternate action
G Record Start / Stop H Joystick I Audio / Video menu
J System menu
On the rear of the camera, several buttons surround a daylight readable LCD status display.
To the left of the status display are three User Menu buttons, which normally provide direct ac-
cess Sensitivity, Shutter and Color Temperature menus. However the specific function of these
keys may be re-programmed by the user, if desired, to provide quick access to other functions.
Below the LCD status display are the Joystick, and Exit, Undo / alternate action and RECORD
buttons, plus the Sensor, Audio / Video and System menu buttons. The camera control menus
are logically grouped under these last three buttons to provide streamlined camera operations.
The status display reports key camera status values, and is complimented by two LED’s: the red
LED provides a record tally, while the green LED indicates the camera is ready for operation.
The five buttons above the LCD display control clip playback. From left to right, the keys are Clip
Start / Previous Clip, Play Reverse, Clip Play / Pause, Fast Fwd and Clip End / Next Clip.