6.1 Using Contacts
You can think of Contacts as an online address book, where
you can store information about people and businesses you
communicate with in contact cards. For example, you can
store multiple phone numbers, e-mail and street addresses,
Web pages, birthday, anniversary date, etc. You can use
Contacts to dial phone numbers and compose e-mail and
SMS messages directly from a contact card.
The Contact list
The Contacts list displays the names of your contacts
alphabetically, along with an abbreviation for the default
communication method, such as the person's work phone
number (w) or home phone number (h). This makes it easy
to reach the contact using the method you prefer.
If the contact card includes a work phone number, your
phone will automatically set it as the default number.
1 To access Contacts: On the Home screen, press the
Contacts soft key.