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Owner’s manual
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Overview diagrams ......................................... 2
Getting started ................................................ 3
Using your Move ............................................. 4
Changing stations ..................................................4
Changing the information shown on screen ...........4
textSCAN™ - pause and control scrolling text .......4
Using ChargePAK™ ................................................5
Storing and recalling presets ................................5
Using an auxiliary device .......................................5
Changing your radio setup .............................. 6
DAB only options ....................................................6
FM only options ......................................................7
General options .....................................................7
Hints and Tips ................................................. 8
Safety information .......................................... 9
Technical specifications & warranty ............. 10
Warranty .............................................................. 10
Disposal of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product should
not be treated as household waste. Instead it should be handed over to a suitable
collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring
this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be
caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recycling of materials
will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about
recycling of this product, please contact your local council office, your household
waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Overview diagrams
1. Loop for wrist strap (supplied).
2. Button lock switch.
3. Power on/off (hold down for around
three seconds).
4. In case of problems, push with a
pen or similar to reset the power.
5. Connector for 5V DC mains adapter.
6. Changes the information shown on
the display.
7. Access preset stations.
8. 5-way navigator, rock left or right to
scroll and press the centre to select
radio stations or menu options.
Rock up or down to increase or
decrease volume. Press to use
9. Switches between DAB and FM.
10. Options menu, see page 6.
11. Stand - unclip to stand unit upright.
12. Headphones socket (3.5 mm).
13. Analogue stereo input (3.5 mm).
14. Connect to PC for software updates.
15. EQ on indicator.
16. Volume level (max=6 bars).
17. Stereo output indicator (requires
headphones connection).
18. Battery power indicator (max=4
bars). Animated when charging.
Disappears when connected to DC
power and fully charged.
19. DAB or FM indicator.
20. Time from the most recently
selected DAB or FM (RDS) station.
21. Signal strength indicator (max=6
Getting started
1. Fully extend the telescopic aerial.
2. Optionally attach the power adapter and plug into your power supply.
The first time you plug your Move into a mains power supply it should
automatically switch on and start an autotune, see step 4.
When charging your unit for the first time or after an extended period
of inactivity it is recommended that your unit is charged for around 24
hours to ensure full battery power.
3. Check that the Lock switch is set to the unlock position.
4. Press the PWR button, if necessary, to switch the radio on.
An autotune finds the DAB stations available in your area and selects
5. Rock the Navigator button up or down to adjust the volume level.
Using your Move
Changing stations
Changing the information shown on screen
Only options 1 and 4 are available in FM.
1. Scrolling text broadcast by most DAB stations and FM stations with RDS.
2. Type of DAB content being broadcast e.g. Sport, Pop music.
3. DAB Multiplex in which the current service is broadcast.
4. Time and date updated regularly from the most recently selected DAB or
FM (RDS) station.
5. DAB Channel and frequency for the current station.
6. DAB Signal data rate and a stereo or mono indicator.
7. DAB Signal quality; 85 to 100 Good, 70 to 84 OK, 0 to 69 poor.
8. DAB Signal strength; maximum 16 bars, anything below the empty block
and you may experience audio distortion.
textSCAN™ - pause and control scrolling text
1Xtra - BBC
erts Beds and Bu
96.80 MHz
oday's best musi
Virgin Radio
Using ChargePAK™
The PURE ChargePAK™ rechargeable battery pack supplied in your Move
recharges automatically when connected to the mains so it is always ready
for use.
A complete charge should take up to 10 hours with the unit switched off and
provide over 40 hours battery life listening to DAB.
To replace the battery pack, contact your local dealer or PURE Digital directly
on +44 (0) 1923 277477.
Storing and recalling presets
Press the preset button to store up to 10 DAB and 10 FM radio stations for
easy access. If you save a DAB station to a preset, the station name has the
preset number next to it on the station list.
To store a station
To recall a previously stored station
Using an auxiliary device
You can listen to an auxiliary device such as an
MP3 player through the speaker on your Move by
connecting it to the AUX socket on the side.
When connected:
the display will only show Auxiliary input and display clock and battery
volume is controlled by your auxiliary device
radio setup options are limited
Auxiliary input
Changing your radio setup
Press the menu button to access the following options which enable
you to customise your Move.
DAB only options
Scans the full range of digital frequencies in Band III and adds any new
stations to the station list. To stop an autotune press the menu button.
Station Order
Changes the order in which stations appear on the station list.
Alphanumeric Lists all stations in alphanumeric order.
Fav station Lists the ten most listened to stations at the top of the
station list in alphanumeric order and the remainder
below. Favourite stations will be displayed with a heart
next to the name when you view the station list.
Active station Lists active stations at the top of the station list.
Multiplex Lists stations in groups according to their multiplex.
Trim stn. list Removes inactive stations from the station list.
♥ → presets Available only when Fav station order (above) has been
selected. Stores your ten favourite stations as presets.
DRC value
DRC (Dynamic Range Control) value makes the quieter sounds in a
broadcast easier to hear at low volume or in a noisy environment. Check
with the broadcasters to find out if they use DRC on their stations.
DRC full Applies the DRC level as sent with the broadcast.
DRC off Any DRC level broadcast will be ignored.
DRC half DRC level is set to half that sent with the broadcast.
FM only options
FM tuning mode
Seek Searches for the next FM station with a strong signal.
Manual Manually step through the frequency range in steps of
0.05 MHz.
FM stereo mode
Stereo Uses stereo where possible.
Mono Forces mono reception - mono may be clearer for
stations with weak signals.
General options
EQ setting
Apply one of five equalisation presets to the received DAB/FM audio.
Adjust the contrast of the LCD display from 1 (light) to 5 (dark).
Timed off Backlight turns on when a button is pressed and off again
after no button has been pressed for around 7 seconds.
Off Backlight off.
On Backlight on.
You can upgrade the software in your Move using a PC connected to the
USB port. To upgrade, select Upgrade and follow the instructions provided
with the software. Upgrades may be issued to provide enhanced functions
or improve performance. Register your product and include an e-mail
address to receive notification of software updates or visit our website at
Note USB upgrade requires a PC (not Mac) running Windows XP and a
suitable USB cable (not included).
Hints and Tips
Display says No stations available’
Check that your aerial is fully extended. Use Autotune to search for stations.
Try adjusting your aerial or radio position.
(<</>>) Secondary DAB services
Secondary services accompany some stations, providing extra information or
alternative content and may only be broadcast at certain times. If a station
has secondary services available, the station shows ‘>>’ next to its name in
the station list and the secondary service appears next to the station in the
list. A secondary service has a ‘<<’ before its name in the station list.
(?) Inactive or unavailable DAB stations
Inactive or unavailable stations are those which appear on the station list but
are not currently available because either you are outside the broadcast area,
have lost reception or the station is not currently broadcasting. Unavailable
stations have a ‘?’ before their name on the station list. If you select a station
which has this symbol, your radio tries to tune in or returns to the previous
Battery power indicator is flashing
This may happen if there is a problem charging your ChargePAK. Check the
connections to your power supply. A replacement ChargePAK may be required
if this does not solve the problem.
My unit won’t turn off
Make sure you Hold down the PWR button until the ‘Powering off... message
is shown. If this does not work for some reason, push the power reset button
with the tip of a pen or similar to switch your unit off without losing your
Resetting your Move
The reset option removes all presets, stored stations and favourite station
settings and resets all options to defaults.
1. Press and hold the menu button for around three seconds. The display
will show ‘Hold PWR to confirm reset...
2. Press and hold the PWR button to confirm the reset or press no buttons
to cancel the reset.
Safety information
Keep the unit away from heat sources such as radiators, heaters or other
appliances that produce heat.
Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight.
Do not use the unit near water.
Avoid objects or liquids getting into or onto the unit.
Do not remove screws from or open the unit casing.
Fit the mains adaptor to an easily accessible socket, located near the radio and
ONLY use the mains power adapter supplied.
Damage to hearing can occur with consistent exposure to high volume when
using headphones. Always check the volume level before inserting headphones
into your ears.
Use of headphones while operating a vehicle is not recommended and is
illegal in some areas. Stop listening to your Move if you find it distracting while
operating any type of vehicle or performing any other activity that requires your
full attention.
Warning: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only
with a genuine PURE ChargePAK battery. ChargePAK replacement should only be
carried out by PURE Digital or authorised representatives.
To replace the battery pack, contact your local dealer or PURE Digital directly
on +44 (0) 1923 277477.
Dispose of ChargePAK as per normal Lithium ion rechargeable batteries
according to the local laws and regulations of your region. Some batteries may
be accepted for disposal at your local recycling centre.
Do not tear or remove the plastic covering or any part of ChargePAK. Do not
puncture, modify, drop, throw, or cause other unnecessary shocks to your ChargePAK.
Batteries may present a risk of fire, explosion, or chemical burn if mistreated.
Do not dispose of ChargePAK in a fire or incinerator, or leave in hot places such
as a motor car under direct sunlight. Do not store batteries near an oven, stove,
or other heat source.
Do not connect ChargePAK directly to an electrical source, such as a building
outlet or automobile power-point. Do not place batteries into a microwave oven,
or into any other high-pressure container.
Do not immerse ChargePAK in water or otherwise get it wet.
Do not short circuit ChargePAK.
Do not use, or charge a ChargePAK that appears to be leaking, discoloured,
rusty, deformed; emitting an odour; or is otherwise abnormal.
Technical specifications & warranty
General Stereo handheld personal DAB and FM radio (stereo
output requires headphones/aux out connection) with
full DAB Band III reception capability. Fully compliant
with ETS 300 401 and capable of decoding all DAB
transmission modes 1-4, up to 192 kb/sec.
Frequency range DAB – Band III (174-240 MHz). FM – 87.5-108 MHz.
Speaker 2 inch, 8 Ohms.
Input connectors 5V DC power adapter socket.
3.5 mm AUX for connection of auxiliary devices.
USB (mini) connector for software upgrades.
Output connectors 3.5 mm stereo ouput for headphones.
LCD Display Orange backlit LCD display with 16 x 2 characters,
function icons and clock.
Power supply PURE ChargePAK Li-ion rechargeable battery (supplied)
or 230V AC to 5V (0.6A) DC external power adapter
Temperature range Charging only recommended in ambient temperatures
of 0 to +45°C maximum.
Approvals CE marked. Compliant with the EMC and Low Voltage
Directives (89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC).
Dimensions 150 mm (w) x 85 mm (h) x 27 mm (d).
Weight 280g
Imagination Technologies Ltd. warrants to the end user that this product will be free
from defects in materials and workmanship in the course of normal use for a period
of two years from the date of purchase (One year for ChargePAK). This guarantee
covers breakdowns due to manufacturing or design faults; it does not apply in cases
such as accidental damage, however caused, wear and tear, negligence, adjustment,
modification or repair not authorised by us. Please register your product on our website
at www.pure.com/register or by filling in and returning your warranty card. Should you
have a problem with your unit please contact your supplier or contact PURE Support at
the address shown on the rear of this manual.
Imagination Technologies Limited makes no representation or warranties with respect to the content of this
document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Further, Imagination Technologies Limited reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in it
from time to time without obligation of Imagination Technologies Limited to notify any person or organization of such
revisions or changes.
Imagination Technologies Limited gewährt keine Garantien für den Inhalt dieses Dokuments und lehnt insbesondere
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ändern, ohne dass daraus eine Verpflichtung für Imagination Technologies Limited entsteht, irgendeine Person oder
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Avis de non-responsabilité
Imagination Technologies Limited refuse toute représentation ou garantie vis-à-vis du contenu du présent document
et refuse spécifiquement toute garantie implicite de valeur marchande ou d’adéquation à un usage spécifique. En
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Dichiarazione di non responsabilità
Imagination Technologies Limited non si assume alcuna responsabilità rispetto al contenuto del presente
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Imagination Technologies Limited afgiver ingen garantier eller erklæringer med hensyn til indholdet af dette
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PURE Digital - Vertrieb über:
Bachstrasse 42
4654 Lostorf
+41 (0)62 285 95 85
+41 (0)62 285 95 95 sales
PURE Digital
Imagination Technologies Ltd.
Pinnacle House
Home Park Estate
Kings Langley
Herts, WD4 8DH
+44 (0)1923 270188
+44 (0)1923 277477 support
+44 (0)1923 277488 sales
PURE Digital
Karl-Marx Strasse 6
64589 Stockstadt/Rhein
+49 (0) 6158 878874
+49 (0) 6158 878872 sales

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  • When I try to pair my Pure Move T4 to my iPhone I get a message BT not connected. What do I need to do? Submitted on 26-7-2022 at 16:41

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Others manual(s) of Pure Move

Pure Move User Manual - German - 14 pages

Pure Move User Manual - Dutch - 14 pages

Pure Move User Manual - French - 14 pages

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