- 13-
2.Do not usetoolsforpurposesfor whichthey were notdesigned.
Forexample do not use manually-operated circular saws for
cutting branchesorfirewood.
Wear suitable working clothing.
1. Do not wearlooseclothing orjewellery,theycan getcaught up
bymoving parts.
2.When working in the open air werecommend the use of non-
slip footwear.
3.Wearahairnetif youhave long hair.
Usethe protective equipment.
1. Wear safety glasses.
2.Weara breathing maskwhen carrying out dust-generating work.
Connect tothe dust extraction equipment.
1. Ifconnectionsareavailable to dust extraction and collection
equipment,make surethat theyare properlyconnected and
Do not usethe cable forpurposesfor which it wasnotde-
1. Do not usethe cable to pull the plug out of its socket.Protect
the cable from heat,oil and sharp edges.
Securethe tool.
1. Usethe clamping fixture oraviceto hold the tool tightly.Itis
thus held moresafely thanwithyour hand.
Avoid abnormal postures.
1. Ensurethat youarestanding safelyand always maintain your
Take greatcare of your tools.
1. Keep the tools sharpand cleansoas tobeable toworkbetter
and safer.
2.Follow the maintenance instructionsand the adviceabout tool
3.Regularlycheckthe tool cable and have it replaced byanau-
thorized specialist if itisdamaged.
4. Regularlycheckthe extension cablesand replacethem if they
are damaged.
5. Keep handlesdry and free from oil and grease.
Pull the plug out of the socket:
1. When the tool isnotin use,before maintenanceand when
changing tools suchas the sawblade,drill ormilling cutters,al-
ways take the plug out of the socket.
Do notleaveany tool spanners or setting keys in place.
1. Beforeswitching on always checkthat spanners,keys and set-
ting toolshavebeen removed.
Avoid unintentionalstarting.
1. Always make surethat the switch isin the OFF position when
youplugthe tool intothe socket.
Extension cablesin the open air.
1. Inthe open airalways use extension cables whichareauthor-
ized for the purposeand whicharecorrespondinglymarked.
Always beattentive.
1. Beaware of what youare doing. Carry out your worksensibly.
Do not usethe tool if youaretired.
Checkthe tool fordamage.
1. Before further use of the tool,examine protective devicesor
slightly-damaged parts to ensurethat the function isperfectand
meets the requirements.
2.Checkthat the moving parts function perfectlyand do not stick
and thatparts are notdamaged. All parts must becorrectly
mounted and all the conditionsfulfilled to ensuretrouble-free
tool operation.
3.Damaged protective equipmentand parts must be properly re-
paired orexchanged byanauthorized specialist workshop if no
otherinformation isgiven in the instructionsfor use.
4. Arrange fordamaged switches tobe exchanged bya customer
services workshop.
5. Never usetoolson whichthe switchcannotbeswitched on and
1. The use of other tool inserts and accessoriescan presentarisk
of injury.
Arrange for your tool toberepaired byaspecialist electrician
1. This tool meets the relevant safety regulations.Repairs mayonly
becarried out byelectricalspecialists and originalspare parts
must beused. Otherwiseaccidents can happen tothe user.
3Legend (fig. 1)
1. Adjusting knobfor sawblade tensioning
4. ON -OFF -switch
5. Stroke rateadjusting knob
6.Clamping screwfor the inclination of the worktable
7.Footmade of cast steel
8. Airnozzle
9. Saw table
10.Sawblade holder,bottom
11. Drill holesforattachment screws
12.Storage compartmentfor sawblades
13.Connection for vacuumcleaner
14. Networkcable
15. Induction motor
16.Sawarm (top)
4Description of machine (alsosee fig. 1a and 1b)
The PROXXON mechanical fret sawisavery solid and robustly
designed device.The heavy base made of cast material,item 7,forms
asolid basisfor the expensive mechanism of the machine thatis
elaboratelyand precisely supported and driven byaparticularlyquiet-
running and reliable induction motor with2adjustable speeds
(900/1400 rpm).