Informations complémentaires
Avis relatif à la licence du logiciel
Le logiciel libre utilisé dans ce produit est distribué sous les
licences suivantes. Pour des raisons de précision, nous
avons inclus les textes originaux (en anglais).
F r eeRTOS V6 .0.5
Copyright (C) 20 09 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
The FreeRTOS.org so urce code is licensed by the modifi e d GNU
General Publi c License (GPL) text provid e d below.
An exception to this license exi sts that can be applie d should you wi sh
to use FreeRTOS in a work that includes commercial or proprietary cod e
with out bei ng obl iged t o provi de sou rce cod e for t he pro prietary
components. See th e licen sing section of
http://www.Fre e RTOS.org for full details.
Vers ion 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Fo u ndation, In c., 51 Fr anklin
Street, Fifth Floor, Bosto n, MA 02110-13 01 USA Everyo ne is permitted
to copy and d istrib u te verbatim co pies of this license d ocument, but
changing it is not allowed.
Pream ble
The licenses for mo st software are designed to take away you r freedom
to s h a re a n d c ha n g e it . By c o n t ra s t, t h e G N U G e n e ra l P u bl i c Li cense is
int ended to guaran tee your freed om to sh are and c hange free softwa re-
-to make sur e the softwa re is free for all i ts users. This General Public
License a pplies to mo st of the Free Software Foundatio n's s oftwa re a nd
to any othe r program whos e authors co m mit to usin g it. (S o me other
Free Software Fo undation so ftware is covered by the G NU Lesser
Gener al Public Li cense ins tead.) You c an a pply it to your pr ograms, t oo.
When we sp eak of free soft ware, we are refer ring to free dom, not price.
Our Genera l Publ ic Li censes are de signed to mak e sure that you have
the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charg e for t his
serv ice if you wish) , that you rece ive s ource code or can get it if you w ant
it, that you can change the software o r use pie ce s of i t in new free
programs; and th at you know you can do t h ese things.
To protect yo u r rights , we need to make restricti ons that forbid a nyone
to deny you th ese ri g hts or to as k you to surrender the r ights. Th e se
restricti o ns transla te to certa in responsibilities f or you if you di stribu te
copies of th e software , or if you modify it.
For exa mple, if you distrib ute copie s of such a program, whether gratis
or for a fee, you m ust give the recipients all the rights that you have. You
must make sure tha t they, too, receive or can g et the so u rce code. And
you must show th e m these te r ms so they kn ow their r ights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2)
offer you this license wh ich gives you legal permission to copy, dist ribute
and/or modif y the software.
Also, for each author's protection and o urs, we want to make certain that
everyon e under stands that there is no warranty for this free software. If
the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its
recipients t o know that what they have i s not the original, so th at any
probl ems i ntroduce d by others will n ot ref lect on the original auth ors'
rep uta ti ons.
Finally, any free progra m is th r eatened co nstantl y by software patents .
We wish to a void the d a nger that redistributors of a free program w ill
individ u ally obta in patent licenses, in e ffect making the program
propriet ary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that an y patent must
be licensed for everyone's free use o r not licensed at all.
The prec ise te rms an d con ditions for copyi ng, di stributio n and
modificati on follow.
0. This Licen se applies to any pro gram or other wor k which contain s a
notice placed b y the copyright holder sa ying it may be distrib uted
under the terms o f this General Public Li ce nse. The " Program",
below , re fers t o an y suc h pr ogram or work , and a "work ba sed on the
Progr am" mea ns eit her th e Progra m or an y deri vative work u nder
copyright law: that is to say, a wor k containing the Program o r a
port ion of it, ei ther v erbati m or w ith mod ificati ons an d/or t ransla ted
into another l a nguage. (He r einafter , translation is incl u ded without
limitation in the te rm "modifi cation".) Each licensee is addressed as
"you" .
Activities oth er than copying, distr ibution and modification are not
covered by thi s L icense; they are outside its sco p e. The act o f
running the Pro g ram is not r estricted, and the out p ut from th e
Program is cover e d only if its contents constitu te a work b a sed on
the P rogram (indep endent of havi ng been made by runni ng the
rogram ). Whet her that is true de pends on what the Prog ram does.
1. You may copy and distrib u te verbati m copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any mediu m, provided that you
conspicuously and a p propriate ly publish on each copy a n
appro priate cop yrigh t notice and dis claimer of warr anty; keep intact
all the noti ces that refer to thi s License and to the abs e nce of any
warranty; and give any othe r recipi ents of the Program a copy of t hi s
Licen se along wit h the P rogram .
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferr ing a copy, and
you m ay at your opt ion offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or a ny portion
of it, thu s forming a work based on the P rogram, and co py and
distribute su ch modifi ca tions or wor k under the terms of Secti on 1
above, provided th a t you al so meet all of these cond itions:
a) Y ou must cause the modified files to ca rry promi n ent notice s
stating that you changed the files an d the date o f any change.
b) You mus t caus e any wo rk th at you d istri bute or publi sh, th at in
whole or in p art con tains o r is der ived fro m the Program or any
part thereof , to be licensed as a whol e at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License .
c) If the modified pr o gram normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must c ause it, when started ru nning for such
interactiv e use in the most ordinary way, to pr i nt or d isplay an
announ cement includ ing an approp riate copyri ght not ice an d a
notice th at the r e i s no warranty ( or else, say i ng th at you provide
a warranty) a n d that user s may redistribute the pr o gram under
these conditi o ns, and t e lling th e user how t o view a copy of this
License. (Excepti on: if the Program it se lf i s interactive but does
not normally p rint su ch an announcement, your work based on
the Program is n o t requir e d to pr int an announcement.)
These requir ements apply to the modif ied work as a whole. If identifiable
sections of t hat work are not derived from the Program, and can be
reaso nably considere d independe nt an d separate works in them selves,
then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
distr ibute th em as s epar ate wo rks. But when you d istribute the same
sections as p a rt of a wh o le which is a work based on the Progr am, the
distribut i on of the wh o le must be on the terms of this L icense, whos e
permissions fo r other licensees extend to the enti re whole, and thus to
each and every p a rt regar d less of wh o wrote i t.
Thus, it is n ot the intent of th is section to claim rig h ts or co ntest your
rig hts to wo rk wr itte n en tire ly by you ; rat her , th e int ent i s to exerci se t he
right to control the d istribu tion of de rivativ e or co llective works based on
the P rogram .
In a ddition , mere aggre gation of anot her work not based on the Program
with th e Program (or with a w ork based on the Program) o n a volume of
a s torage or distribution medium d oes not bring the other wo rk under the
scope of thi s License.
3. You may copy and d i stribute the Program (or a work base d on it,
under Sect ion 2) in object code or ex ecutabl e for m under the terms
of Se ctions 1 and 2 abov e prov ided tha t you also d o one of the
followin g:
a) Accompany it with the comple te correspo n ding machine -
readabl e sou rce c o de, which mus t be distributed under the terms
of S ections 1 and 2 abov e on a medium customa rily u sed for
software in terchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written o ffer, valid for at least th ree years, to
give any th i rd party, for a charge no more tha n your cost of
physicall y p erforming s ource distribution, a complete machi n e-
readable copy o f the co rresponding so urce code, to be
distribu te d under t h e terms of Secti ons 1 and 2 above on a
mediu m cus tomarily used for soft ware int erchan ge; o r,
c) A ccompa ny it with t h e i nfor mation you received as to th e o ffer to
distribut e corre spon ding so urce co de. (Th is altern ative is
allowe d only for no ncomm ercial dis tributio n an d only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, i n accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code fo r a work means the prefe r red form of t he work f or
making modific a tions to it. For an executable wor k, complete source
code means all th e source code for all mo dules it contains, plu s any
associated in te rface defi nition files, pl u s the scri p ts used to control
compilation a nd instal l ation of the executable. However, as a spe cial
except ion, the source code distrib uted need not in clude anything that is
normally dis tributed (in either s o urce or bin a ry form) with the major
components (compile r, kernel, and so on) o f the oper ating system on
which the execu ta ble runs , unless that component itse lf accompanie s
the e xecut able.
If distribution of executable or obj e ct code is ma de by o ffering acce ss to
copy from a desig nated p lace, t hen off ering equival ent ac cess to copy
the source cod e from the sa me place co u nts as di stribution of the
source code, e ve n though t h ird part i es are n ot compelled to copy the
source along wi th the object code.
4. You may not copy , mo dify, subl icense, or distrib u te the Pro g ram
except as expre ssly provided under this L icense. Any attempt
otherwise t o copy, modify, sublicense or distri b ute the P rogram is
void, and will automati cally termina te your rights under this License.