Zusätzliche Informationen
Hinweis zur Software-Lizenz
Die Lizenzen für die Open Source Software, die für dieses
Produkt verwendet wird, sind nachstehend aufgeführt. Aus
Gründen der Genauigkeit haben wir den englischen Text
eingeschlossen (auf English).
FreeRT OS V6.0.5
Copyright (C) 20 09 Real Time Engineers Ltd.
The FreeRTOS.org so urce c o de is licensed by the modified G NU
General Publi c License (GPL) text provid ed below.
An exception to this license exi sts that can be a p plied sh ould you w ish
to use FreeRTOS in a wo rk that includes commercial o r proprietary code
with out bei ng ob liged t o provi de sou rce c ode for the pr opriet ary
components. See th e l i censi n g secti o n of
http://www.Fre e RTOS.org for full details.
Vers ion 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Fo u ndatio n , Inc ., 51 Frankli n
Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, M A 02110-13 01 USA Everyo ne is permitted
to copy and d istri bute verbatim copies of th is license document, but
changing it is not allowed.
Pream ble
The licenses for most softwa re are designed to take away yo ur fre edom
to s ha re a n d ch an g e i t . B y c o nt r as t, t he G N U G e ne r al P ub l ic Li ce nse is
int ended to guaran tee your freed om to sh are and change free software-
-to make sur e the so ftware is free for all its users. This General Public
License app lies t o mo st of the Fre e So ftware Foundatio n's so ftware and
to any othe r progr a m whose aut h ors co m mit to u sing it. (Some other
Free Software Fo undati o n softwa re is covered by the G NU Lesser
Gener al Publi c License inste ad.) You can app ly i t to your programs, t oo.
When we sp eak of free softwar e, we are referri ng to freedo m, n ot price.
Our Genera l Publ ic Li censes are de signed to mak e sur e tha t you have
the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charg e for this
serv ice if you wish), that you recei ve sou rce code or can get it if you w ant
it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it i n new fr ee
programs; and th at you know you can do t h ese thin g s.
To protect yo u r ri ghts, we need to make restri ctions that forbid anyone
to deny you th ese r ights or to ask you to surrender the rights. Th e se
restricti ons translate to certai n resp o nsibilities for yo u if you distribu te
copies of th e sof twa re, o r if you modify it.
For exa mple, if you distribute copies of su ch a program , whether gratis
or for a fee, you m ust give the r ecipie n ts all t he r ights t hat yo u ha ve. Y o u
must make sure t h at they, too, receive or can get the source code. And
you must show th e m these terms so they know their r ights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the so ftwar e, and (2)
offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distrib ute
and/or modif y the software.
Also, for each author's p rotect i on and ours, we want to make certai n that
everyon e understa nds that there is no war ranty for this free software. If
the software is modified by someone el se and p assed on, we want its
recipients t o know that what they have is not the original, so th at any
probl ems i ntroduc ed by others will n ot ref lect on the origin al authors '
rep uta tion s.
Finally, any free progra m is threatened constantl y by software patents.
We wish to a void the danger that redistri butors of a free program will
individ u ally ob tain patent licenses, i n effe ct making the program
propriet ary. To prevent this, we have made it c lear that any patent must
be licensed for everyone's free use o r not licensed at all.
The prec ise term s and condition s for copy ing, di stribution and
modificati on follow.
0. This Licen se applies to any progra m or other work which cont ains a
notice placed b y the copyright holder sa ying it may be distrib uted
under the terms o f this General Public L icense. The “Program”,
b e l o w , r e f e r s t o a n y s u c h p r o g r a m o r w o r k , a n d a “ w o r k b a s e d o n t h e
Progr am” mea ns eit her th e Progra m or any der ivativ e work under
copyright law: that is to say, a wor k containing the Program o r a
port ion of it, either verbati m or with mo dificat ions and/or transla ted
into another l a nguage. ( Hereinafter, transla tion is included without
lim itat ion in t he te rm “ mod ifi cati on”. ) Ea ch l icens ee i s ad dre ssed as
“you” .
Activities oth er than copying, distr ibution and modificati o n are not
covered by thi s L icen se ; th e y are o utside i ts scope. The act of
running the Pro g ram is n ot re stricted, and the out p ut f r om the
Program is cover e d only i f its contents consti tute a work based on
the P rogram (indep endent of havi ng be en made by run ning t he
rogram ). Wheth er that is tr ue depend s on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbati m copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any me d ium, p r ovided that you
conspicuously and a p propria tely publish on each co py an
appro priate cop yright notic e and disclaime r of warranty; keep intact
all the noti ces that refer to thi s License and to the abs e nce of a ny
warranty; and give any ot h er recipients of t he Progr a m a copy of this
Licen se along with th e Progra m.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of tr ansferring a c o py, and yo u
may at your option offe r warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies o f the Program or any portion
of it, thu s forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute su ch modif ications or work under t he terms of Section 1
above, provided th a t yo u also me et al l of these conditions:
a) You must cause th e modifie d fi les to carry prominent noti ces
stating that you changed the files a nd the d a te of any change.
b) You must cause any wo rk that you d istri bute or publi sh, th at in
whole or in par t contain s or is d erived from the Program or any
part thereof , to be licensed as a who le at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License .
c) If t h e modifi ed program normally reads co mma nds i n teract ively
when run, you must c ause it, when starte d runni n g for such
interactiv e use i n the mo st ordinary way, to print or display an
announ cement inclu ding an approp riate copyri ght not ice an d a
notice th at th ere is no warranty (or e lse, saying th at you provide
a warranty) a n d that u sers ma y redistribute the prog ram under
these conditi o ns, an d tell ing the user how to vie w a copy of this
License. (Excepti on: if the Program it self is interactive but does
not normally p rint such an announcement, your work b ased on
the Program is n o t r e quired t o print an announcement.)
These requi rements appl y to the modifi ed wor k as a whole . If identifia b le
sections of t hat work are not derived from the Program, and can be
reaso nably considere d in depende nt an d sep arate works in them selves,
then th is License, a nd its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
distr ibute them as se parate w orks. B ut when you dis tribute th e same
sections as p a rt of a whole which is a work b ased on the Program, the
distribut i on of the whole must be on the ter ms of this License, whos e
permissions fo r ot h er l i censees e xtend to the entire who l e, an d thus to
each and every p a rt re g ardle ss of who wrote it.
Thus, it is n ot the intent of th is section to claim rig hts or contest your
rig hts to work writ ten en tire ly by you; rathe r, th e inte nt is to exer cise the
right to control the d istribut ion of de rivative or collectiv e works based on
the P rogram .
In a ddition, m ere agg regatio n of a nother work not based on t he Prog ram
with th e Pro gram (or with a w ork based on the Program) on a volume of
a st orage or dis tributio n medi um doe s not bring the other work under the
scope of thi s License.
3. Y ou may co py and d istribute the Program ( o r a wo r k base d on i t,
under Sect ion 2) in object code or executab le fo rm und er th e terms
of Se ctions 1 an d 2 abo ve prov ided t hat you also do one of the
followin g:
a) Accompany it wit h the complete corresponding machine-
readabl e sou rce code , which must be distribut ed unde r the t erms
of S ections 1 an d 2 ab ove on a mediu m customari ly us ed for
software in terchange; or,
b) Accompany it wi th a written o ffe r , valid for at least th r ee years, to
give any th i rd p a rty, for a charge no more than y our cost of
physicall y p erfo r ming s o urce di stribution, a complete machi ne-
readable copy o f th e corr e sponding source code, to be
distribu te d under t he terms of Sections 1 an d 2 above on a
mediu m custom arily us ed for s oftware i nterchan ge; or,
c) A ccompany it with the inf ormation you re ceived as to the offer to
distribut e corre sponding source code. (Th is altern ative is
allowe d only fo r noncom mercia l distribut ion and only if yo u
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, i n accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code fo r a work means the prefe r red f o rm of t he work f or
making modific a tions to i t. For an executable work, co mplete source
code means all th e source code for all modules it contains, plu s any
associated in te rface d efin ition files, plus t h e scri p ts u se d to co ntrol
compilation a nd insta llation of the executa b le. Ho we ver, a s a spe cial
except ion, the source code distribut ed need not include anything that is
normally dis tributed (in either s o urce or binary form) with th e major
components (compile r, kernel, and so on) o f th e opera ting system on
which the execu ta ble r uns, u n less th a t co mp onent i tself accompanies
the e xecut able.
If distribution of executable or obj ect code is made b y offering ac cess to
copy from a desig nated p lace, t hen of fering equi valent access to cop y
the source cod e from th e same p l ace co u nts as d istribution of the
source code, e ve n though t hird parties are n ot compel l ed to copy the
source along wi th the object code.
4. Y ou may n ot copy , modify, sublicense, o r distr ibute the Program
except as expre ssly provided under thi s License. Any attempt
otherwise t o copy, mo d ify, sublicense or distribute the Program i s
void, and will automati cally termina te y o ur rights under this License.
VSX-531_SYXEV8_De.book 38 ページ 2016 年2月4日 木曜日 午後6時36分