License an d T radema rk Information
Licence et marque comme rciale
Licencias y marcas comer ciales
Licenza e dei ma rchi
Lizenz- und W arenzeichen
Licentie en handelsmerk en
Licens o ch varumärke
"Super Aud io CD" is a r egistered tradem ark.
DSD and the D irect S tream Digital logo ar e tradema rks of Sony Corpor ation .
Windows 7, W indows Media , and the W indows logo ar e trademarks or
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United S tates and/or other
All other tr ademarks a re the propert y of their re spective owners. / T outes les
autres marques commer ciales son t la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs. /
El resto d e marcas co merciales son pro piedad de su s respectivos propi etario s.
/ T utti gli a ltri marchi di fabbri ca sono di pro prietà dei r ispettivi proprie tari. / Alle
anderen W arenzeichen sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Eigentüm er . / Alle
andere handelsmerken zijn eigendom va n de desbetref fende rechthebbenden. /
Alla an dra varumärken tillhör deras respe ktive ägare.
Important Notice Regarding Software
The so ftware package instal led in this product includes softw are licensed to Onkyo & P ioneer Corporation (hereinafter,
called "O&P Cor poration") directly or indirectly by third party d evelopers. Pleas e be sure to read this notice regarding
such s oftware.
ソフトウェアに関す る重要なお知 らせ
本製品に搭載されるソフトウェアには、 オンキヨー & パイオニア株式会社 ( 以下「弊社」と します ) が第三者
より直接的に又は間接的に使用の許諾を 受けたソフトウェアが含ま れております。これらのソ フトウェアに関
する本お知らせを必ずご一読くださいま すようお願い申し上げます 。
Notice Regarding GN U GPL/LGPL-applicable Software
This product includes the following softw are that i s covered by GNU G eneral Public License (hereinaf ter , cal led "GPL")
or by GNU Lesser General Public License (hereinaf ter , called "LG PL"). O&P Co rporation notifies you that, acco rding
to the att ached GPL/LGPL, you have r ight to obt ain, modify , and redistribute sof tware sour ce code for t he listed
GNU GPL / LGPL 適用ソフトウェアに関 するお知らせ
本製品には、 以下の GNU General Publi c License( 以下「 GPL」 とします ) または GNU Lesser General Publi c
Lic ense( 以下「 LGPL」とします ) の適用を受 けるソフトウェアが含まれ ております。お客様は添付 の GPL/
LGPL に従いこれらのソ フトウェアソースコードの 入手、改変、再配布の権利があることを お知らせいたしま
Package Lis t / パッ ケージリ スト
bash-3.2.57 coreutils -6.9 e2fsprogs-1.41.1 4-482 finduti ls-4.2.31
gawk-3.1.5 gdb-6.6 glibc-2.18 gzip-1.3.12
libmtp-1.1. 6 libusb-1.0. 9 libusb-compat-0.1.4 Linux kernel-3.10. 26
module-init- tools-3.12 mtd-uti ls-1 ntfsprogs-2 .0.0-482 procps-3.2.8
psmisc-22.1 3 squashfs-4. 2 sysvinit-2.88 tar-1.1 7
u-boot-Aug-09 util-l inux-ng-2.18 zli b-1.2.3
V ersion 2. 1, Febru ary 19 99
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Soft ware Foundati on, Inc. 59 T emple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 0 21 1 1-13 07 USA
Everyone is per mitted to copy and distribute ve rbatim copies of this license docum ent, but chan ging it is no t allowed.
[This is the fir st released ver sion of the Le sser GPL. It also counts as the succ essor of th e GNU Library P ublic
License, version 2, hence the ve rsion number 2.1.]
The licenses for mos t softwar e are designed to take away y our freedom t o share a nd change it. By cont rast, the GNU
General Public Licenses are intended to gu arantee your freedom t o shar e and change free software- -to make sure the
software i s free f or all it s users. This l icense, the Lesser Gene ral Publi c License , applies t o some specially des ignated
software p ackages--typic ally libraries- -of the Free Software Fo undation and other autho rs who decide to use it. Y ou
can use it too, but we sugges t you first think carefully abou t whether this license or th e ordinary G eneral Public
License is the b etter strategy to use in any pa rticular case, based on the ex planations be low . When we s peak of free
software, we are referring to freedom of use, not pr ice. Our Gener al Public Lice nses are desi gned to make sure that
you have the freedom to dist ribute copies of free sof tware (and char ge for this ser vice if you wish) ; that you re ceive
source code or can get it if you want it; t hat you can ch ange the sof tware and use pieces of it i n new free prog rams;
and tha t you are inform ed that you can do these t hings. T o protect your rig hts, we need to make r estrictions t hat forbid
distributors to deny you thes e rights or to ask you to surr ender these right s.
These restrictions translate to certain responsib ilities f or you if you di stribute copies of t he l ibrary or if you modify i t. Fo r
example, if you dist ribute copi es of the library , whether gratis or for a fee, you must gi ve t he recipi ents al l the rights that
we gave you. Y ou must make sur e that they , too, receive or can get the source cod e. If you li nk other code wit h the
library , you must provide co mplete object f iles to the rec ipients, so t hat they can relink them with the library af ter
making changes to the library a nd recompilin g it. And you must show them thes e terms so they know their ri ghts. We
protect your ri ghts with a two-step met hod: (1) we cop yright the libr ary , and ( 2) we offer y ou this licens e, which gi ves
you legal perm ission to copy , distribute and /or modify the l ibrary .
T o protect each distributor , we want to make it ver y clear that there is no warr anty for the fr ee library. Also, if the li brary
is modi fied by someon e else and passed on, the recip ients s hould know t hat wha t they have is not the original version,
so that the o riginal author' s reputation will not be af fected by problems that might be intro duced by others. Finally ,
software p atents pose a constan t threat to the exi stence of any f ree program. We wish to mak e sure that a company
cannot ef fectively r estrict the users of a free progr am by obtain ing a r estrictive license f rom a patent holder . T herefore,
we insist tha t any patent license obt ained for a v ersion of the libr ary must be consistent wit h the full freedo m of use
specified in this licens e. Most GNU software , including some librar ies, is cover ed by the ordinary G NU General Public
License. This l icense, the GNU Lesser General Public License, applies to ce rtain desi gnated librar ies, and is qu ite
different from the ordinar y General Pu blic License. W e use this license for cert ain libra ries in order to per mit linkin g
those libraries into non-free p rograms.
When a program is linked with a library , whe ther statica lly or using a s hared library , the combination of the two is
legally speaki ng a combine d work, a deri vative of the or iginal library . The ordinary Gener al Public Licen se therefore
permits such linking onl y if the entire combination fit s its cr iteria of freedo m. The Lesse r General Publ ic License
permits more l ax criteri a for l inking oth er cod e with t he libr ary . W e call this li cense t he "Lesser" Genera l Public License
because it doe s Less to protect the user's freedom than the or dinary Genera l Public License . It also provi des other
free softw are developers L ess of an adva ntage over com peting non-free programs. T hese disadvan tages are the
reason we us e the ordinary G eneral Public License for many libraries. H owever , the Lesser license provide s
advantages in certain speci al circumst ances. For exam ple, on rare oc casions, there may be a spe cial need to
encourage the w idest possibl e use of a c ertain library , so that it becomes a de-facto stan dard. T o achieve this, non-
free programs must be allowed to use the li brary .
A more frequen t case is that a free library does the sam e job as widely used non-free libraries. In this case, there is
little to gain by limiting the free library to free sof tware only , so we use the Lesser Gen eral Publi c License. In other
cases, permissi on to use a p articular librar y in non-free prog rams enables a greater n umber of people to use a larg e
body of free sof tware. For example, perm ission to use the GNU C Library in non-free programs enabl es many more
people to use the whole GNU o perating system , as well as i ts variant, the GNU/Linux operating s ystem. Although the
Lesser General Public License is Less pr otective o f the users' freedom, it does ensur e that the user of a p rogram that
is linked with the Library h as the freedom and the wher ewithal to ru n that program using a modi fied version of the
Library . Th e precise terms and conditio ns for copying, di stribution and mod ification follow . Pay close attention to the
differenc e between a "work based on the lib rary" and a "w ork that use s the library". The forme r contains co de derived
from the library , whereas the l atter must be com bined wit h the library in order to run.
0. This Licen se Agreement applies to any s oftware li brary or other prog ram which con tains a not ice placed by the
copyrigh t holder or other authorized party saying it may be distribute d unde r the term s of this Lesser General P ub lic
License (al so called "this Li cense"). Each license e is addressed as "you" .
A "library" m eans a collectio n of softwa re functions and/ or data prepar ed so as to be convenient ly linked with
applicatio n programs (wh ich use some of those functio ns and data) to form execu tables. The "L ibrary", below ,
refers to any such sof tware library or w ork which has been distribut ed under these terms. A "wor k based on t he
Library" me ans either th e Library or any derivative w ork under co pyright law: that is to say , a work containing the
Library or a portion of it, either verbat im or with modifications and /or translated straightforwa rdly into another
language. (Herei nafter , translation is includ ed wit hout limitation in the term "modification".) "Sou rce code" for a w ork
means the preferred form of the work for making modif ications to it. F or a library , complete source code means all
the source code for all modu les it contai ns, plus any asso ciated interface definition f iles, plus the scri pts used to
control compilation and installati on of the lib rary .
Activities other than copyi ng, distributi on and modif ication are not covered by thi s License; they are outsid e its
scope. The act of running a progra m using the Library i s not restricted, and output from such a p rogram is covered
only if its contents co nstitute a work based o n the Library (independent of the use of the L ibrary in a tool for writing
it). Whether that is true de pends on what the Library doe s and what the program that uses the Lib rary does.
1. Y ou may copy and distribu te verbatim copi es of the Librar y's complete source code as you receive it , in any
medium, provid ed that you consp icuously and appropriately pu blish on each copy an appropriat e copyright not ice
and disclaimer of w arranty; ke ep intact all the notices t hat refe r to this License a nd to t he absence of any warranty;
and distribute a copy of this License alon g with the Librar y .
Y ou may char ge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy , and yo u may at your option off er warranty
protection in exch ange for a fee.
2. Y ou may modify y our co py or copies of the Li b rary or any p ortion of it, th us forming a work bas ed on the Library, and
copy and dist ribute such modifications or work under the te rms of Sec tion 1 abo ve, provided that you a lso meet al l
of these cond itions:
a) The modifie d work must itse lf be a sof tware lib rary .
b) Y ou must cause the files mod ified to carry pr ominent noti ces stating that you changed the file s and the date of
any change.
c) Y ou must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no charge to all t hird partie s under the ter ms of this
If a facility in the modi fied Library refers to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an application program that
uses the facility , other than as an argument passed when the facili ty is invoked, then you must make a good faith
effort to ensure that, in the event an application does not supply such function or tabl e, the facility still operates, and
performs whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful.
(For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has a p urpose that is entirely we ll-defined
independent of the applicat ion. Therefor e, Subsection 2 d requires that any applicat ion-supplied fu nction or t able
used by this fu nction must be op tional: if the application do es not supply it, the square r oot function must still
compute square roots.) Th ese requiremen ts apply t o the modified work as a who le. If identifi able sections of that
work are not derived from th e Library , and can be reason ably considered indep endent and separate w orks in
themselves, th en this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sectio ns when you dist ribute them as sep arate
works. But when you distribute the same secti ons as part of a whole whic h is a work base d on the Li brary , the
distribution of the who le must be on the t erms of t his License, w hose permissi ons for o ther licensees extend to t he
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardl ess of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this sectio n to claim right s or contest your rights t o work written entirely by you ; rather ,
the intent is to exercise the right to con trol the distrib ution of derivative or collective wor ks based on the L ibrary . In
addition, mere aggregation of another w ork not based o n the Librar y with the Librar y (or with a w ork based on the
Library) on a v olume of a stor age or distr ibution medium does not bring the other wor k under the scop e of this
3. Y ou may opt to apply the t erms of the ordin ary GNU General Public Lic ense instead o f this License to a gi ven copy
of the Libra ry . T o do this, you mu st alter all the notices that refer to this Lice nse, so th at they re fer to the ordinary
GNU Gene ral Public L icense, ve rsion 2, instead of t o this License. (If a new er ver sion than ve rsion 2 of the o rdinary
GNU General P ublic License has appeared, then you can specify that ver sion instead if you wish.) Do not make
any other ch ange in these notices.
Once this change is made in a g iven copy , it i s irreversible for that copy , so the ordinary GNU Genera l Public
License a pplies to al l subseq uent copi es and der ivative works made from that copy . This option i s useful when yo u
wish to copy p art of the code of the Libr ary into a prog ram that is not a library.
4. Y ou may copy and distr ibute the Librar y (or a portion or derivativ e of it, under Section 2) in object code o r
executable form under the terms of Sect ions 1 and 2 abov e provided that you accom pany it wit h the complete
corresponding m achine-readab le source code , which must be distributed unde r the terms of Sections 1 and 2
above on a medi um customari ly used for so ftware inter change. If dis tribution of ob ject code is made by offer ing
access to copy from a designate d place, then offering equ ivalent access to copy the source c ode from the same
place satisfies the requirement to distribut e the source cod e, even thoug h third p arties are not compelled to copy
the source along with the ob ject code.
5. A pro gram that conta ins no derivative of any porti on of the Libr ary , bu t is designed to work with t he Library by being
compil ed or lin ked with it , is call ed a "work th at uses t he Library". Such a wor k, in isolatio n, is not a derivativ e work
of the Libra ry , and theref ore falls outsi de the scope of this License .
However , linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library c reates an execut able that is a derivative of the
Library (becau se it contain s portions of th e Library), rat her than a "work t hat uses the libr ary". The e xecutable is
therefore cove red by this License . Section 6 st ates terms for distributio n of such execu tables. Whe n a "work that
uses the Library" uses material fro m a header file that is par t of the Library , the object code for the work m ay be a
derivative w ork of the Libr ary even though the sou rce code is not. Whether this is tr ue is especia lly signifi cant if the
work can be li nked without the Library , or if the work is it self a librar y. The thr eshold for this to be true is n ot
precisely defin ed by law . If such an object f ile uses only numerical par ameters, data structure layout s and
accessors, an d small m acros and small inline funct ions (ten lines or le ss in length ), then the use o f the objec t file is
unrestricted, regardless of w hether it is l egally a deri vative work. (Execut ables con taining this obj ect code plu s
portions of the Library will still fall und er Section 6.) O therwise, if the work is a d erivative of the Library , you may
distribute the object code for the work un der the terms of Section 6. Any execu tables co ntaining that work also fall
under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directl y with the Librar y itself.
6. As an exc eption to the Sec tions above, you m a y also co mbine or link a "work t hat use s the L ibrary" with the Libra ry
to produce a w ork contai ning portions of the Library , and distribute that work under t erms of your cho ice, provided
that the terms permit modificat ion of the wor k for the customer's own use and reverse engi neering fo r debugging
such modificat ions.
Y ou must give prominent notice w ith each cop y of the work that the Lib rary is used in i t and that the Library a nd its
use are covered by this License. Y ou must supply a copy of thi s License. If the work during exe cution displa ys
copyright noti ces, you must incl ude the copyrig ht notice for the Library amon g them, a s well as a refer ence
directing the use r to the copy of this License. Also, you mus t do one of these things:
Acc ompan y the wor k w it h t he co mple te cor res pond ing mac hi ne- readable sou rce code f or the Library i ncluding
whatev er changes were use d in the work (w hich mus t be distribu ted under Se ctions 1 and 2 above); a nd, if the
work is an e xecutab le linke d with th e Libra ry , with the com plete machine-re adable "w ork that uses the Library", as
object co de and/o r source code , so that the u ser can m odify the Lib rary and the n relink to produ ce a modif ied
executab le containing the modified Library. (It is und erstood tha t the user wh o chang es the conte nts of definitions
files in the Lib rary w ill not ne cessar ily be ab le to re comp ile the ap pli catio n t o us e t he modi f ied def i nit ions . )
b) Use a suitabl e shared library mechanism for linking with the Li brary . A sui table mechanism is one that (1) uses a t
run time a copy of the library already present on the user's comput er system, rather than copyin g library
functions into the executabl e, and (2) will operate prop erly with a m odified version of the librar y , if the use r
installs one, as lon g as the modifi ed version is i nterface-compat ible with the version that the work was m ade
c) Accompany the work with a written off er, valid for at l east three years, to give the sam e user the mat erials
specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no m ore than the cost of performin g this distr ibution.
d) If distr ibution of the work is made by of fering access to cop y from a desi gnated p lace, offer equivalent access to
copy the abo ve specified materials from t he same place.
e) V erify that t he user has al ready rece ived a copy of these materials or that you have al ready sent this us er a copy.
For an exec utable, the required form of the "work th at uses the Library" m ust include any data and utility pr ograms
needed for re producing the executable from it. Howev er, as a special exception, the materials to b e distributed
need not include anything th at is normally distributed (in either sour ce or binary form ) with the maj or componen ts
(compiler , ker nel, and so on) of the oper ating system on which the e xecutable r uns, unless that component it self
accompanies the executabl e. It may happe n that this requirement cont radicts the li cense restriction s of other
proprietary libraries that do not normal ly accomp any the operating system. Su ch a contradiction means you can not
use both the m and the Lib rary together in an execut able that you d istribute.
7. Y ou may place library faci lities that are a work based on the Library sid e-by-side in a single library t ogether with
other library facilities not cover ed by this Lic ense, and distribute such a com bined librar y , provided that the
separate di stribution of the work based on the Library and of the ot her library fa cilities is otherw ise permitted, and
provided tha t you do these two things:
a) Accom pany the combined library w ith a copy of the same w ork based on the Library , uncombined with any ot her
library fa cilities. This mus t be distrib uted under the terms of the Se ctions abov e.
b) Give promi nent notice wi th the combi ned library of th e fact that part of it is a work based on the Library , and
explaining where to fi nd the accompan ying uncom bined form o f the same work.
8. Y ou may not copy , m odify , subli cense, link with, o r distribute the Library exce pt as expressly pr ovided under this
License. Any attempt otherwis e to copy , modify , sublicense, link with, o r distribute the Library is vo id, and will
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