438 Pinnacle Studio
Animation, Stop-motion, 49
Answer IDs (technical support),
Aspect ratios (frame formats), 69
Mixing, 112
Adjusting on Timeline, 313
Analog import options, 21
Background music, 300
Insert editing, 130
Muting, 98
Original, 300
Overlay, 182
Overlay, original, 300
Scrubbing, 92
Settings (for File output), 368
Sound effects, 300
Surround, 316
Synchronized with video, 126
Synchronous, 96, 204, 300
Tracks on Timeline, 300
Transitions, 204, 315
Uses of, 297
Using in Studio, 298
Using without video, 111
Voice-overs, 300
Volume and mixing, 310, 316
Audio clips, 96
Interface details, 311
Trimming, 308
Audio compression, 368
Audio effects, 323
Applied to theme clips, 147
ChannelTool, 326
Chorus, 326
Copy and paste, 324
DeEsser, 327
Equalizer, 327
Grungelizer, 328
Icons, 323
In Studio Ultimate, 326
Leveler, 329
Noise reduction, 324
Reverb, 329
Standard vs. Ultimate, 324
Stereo Echo, 330
Stereo Spread, 330
Tool, 323
Unlocking, 157
Audio levels
In analog import, 21
Audio scrubbing button, 92
Audio toolbox, 107
Audio track
Linked to video track, 128
Audio tracks, 301
Auto color correction (video
effect), 169
Automatic scene detection. See
Scene detection
AVCHD, xiv
Output movie to, 335
AVI files, 85
In Classic Title Editor, 251
In Motion Titler, 277
Background music, 94, 96
CD, 302
Formats, 300
ScoreFitter, 303
Tool, 107, 303
Background rendering, 112
Enabling and disabling, 204
Of Hollywood FX, 204
Of moving menu thumbnails, 233
Of video effects, 166
Backgrounds section
Of Classic Title Editor Album, 251
Adjusting on Timeline, 314
Balance and volume, 107, 310
BD (Import), 48
Bin, Project, 86
Black and white (video effect),
Blur (video effect), 173
Output movie to, 335