434 Pinnacle Studio
L Fast forward (hit multiple times for
faster playback)
X or Ctrl+Up Step forward 1 frame
Y or Ctrl+Down Step back 1 frame
A or I Mark in
S or O Mark out
Ctrl+Left Trim in point by -1 frame
Ctrl+Right Trim in point by +1 frame
Alt+Left Trim out point by -1 frame
Alt+Right Trim out point by +1 frame
Alt+Ctrl+Left Rolling trim out point by -1 frame
(trims following clip too)
Alt+Ctrl+Right Rolling trim out point by +1 frame
G Clear mark in and mark out
D Go to mark in (in trimmer tool)
F Go to mark out (in trimmer tool)
E or Home Go to start
R or End Go to end
Left Select previous clip
Right Select next clip
Delete Delete selected clip(s)
Insert Split clip at scrubber position
Ctrl+Delete Delete clip and… close Timeline gap
(video track); leave Timeline gap
(other tracks)
Page up Go to next page in Movie Window
Page down Go to previous page in Movie Window
Numeric pad + Zoom in the Timeline
Numeric pad - Zoom out the Timeline
C Set menu chapter
V Clear menu chapter
M Set return to menu
Ctrl+Page up Go to previous menu chapter
Ctrl+Page down Go to next menu chapter
Ctrl+E Copy all effects in Timeline clip
Ctrl+D Paste effects to Timeline clip
Ctrl+F Open effects tool