Keep alpha, Remove alpha, Generate alpha: These commands
apply to content with an alpha channel (specifying transparency
pixel by pixel). Such alpha information can conflict with Pinnacle
Studio effects. The command isn’t available for pure audio clips.
Active streams: This command is available for disabling individual
streams in clips containing both video and audio. It is typically used
as an easy way to discard unneeded camera audio.
Adjust duration: Enter a duration numerically in the pop-up
window. All selected clips will be trimmed to the duration requested
by adjusting their out points.
Detach audio: In clips with both video and audio, this command
detaches the audio stream into a separate clip on a separate track,
allowing advanced editing operations like L-cuts.
Find in Library: This command opens the Library Browser at the
folder containing the asset that is the source of the video, photo or
audio clip.
Cut, Copy, Paste: Move or copy a selection of clips using
Clipboard commands instead of drag-and-drop.
In Transition, Out Transition: These provide access to a set of
operations for managing transitions, including Add, Replace, Edit,
Copy, and Remove. See page 92 for more on transitions.
Delete: Delete the selected clip or clips.
Display information: Display properties of the clip and underlying
media files in textual form.