P Toggle Magnetic Snapping
; (semicolon) Split clip(s) at scrubber position
M Add/Delete marker
. (period) Jump to next marker
, (comma) Jump to previous marker
Ctrl+. (period) Open Marker list panel
Delete Delete selected clip(s) from timeline
Double-click on clip in
Open media editor for clip
B Send preview clip to the primary track on
the timeline (at scrubber position)
H Swap Preview between timeline and source
Ctrl+5 Open Title Editor
F5 Show/Hide Audio Mixer
F7 Create Song
Numeric pad + Zoom in the timeline
Numeric pad - Zoom out the timeline
[ (left bracket) Zoom out on the timeline
] (right bracket) Zoom in on the timeline
Ctrl+[ Fit timeline to window
Ctrl+] Show every frame (zoom in)
Alt Provides the alternate behavior when
editing on the timeline (insert/overwrite)
T Trim Mode On/Off
Right Trim 1 frame right (with trim open)
Left Trim 1 frame left (with trim open)
Shift+ Right Trim 10 frames right (with trim open)
Shift+ Left Trim 10 frames left (with trim open)
Ctrl+Click on trim Add second trim point to the same track
Shift+Click on trim Open similar trim point on all tracks
Tab Cycle focus on open trim points
Media editors
Choose a corrections or effects category