— This oven was designed for use by private
persons in their homes. It is intended solely for
cooking foodstuffs. This oven does not contain
any asbestos-based components.
— Please ensure that children do not play with
the appliance.
— When you receive the appliance, unpack it or
have it unpacked immediately. Check its overall
condition. Make a note of any concerns or
reservations on the delivery slip and make sure
that you keep a copy.
— Your appliance is intended for standard
household use. Do not use it for commercial or
industrial purposes or for any purpose other
than that for which it was designed.
— Do not modify or attempt to modify any of the
characteristics of this appliance. This would be
dangerous for your safety.
— WARNING: accessible parts may become hot
during use. Be careful not to touch the heating
elements inside the oven. It is advisable to keep
small children away from the appliance.
— Never pull your appliance by the door handle
— Before using your oven for the first time, heat
it while empty for approximately 15 minutes.
Make sure that the room is adequately
ventilated. You may notice an unusual odour, or
a small amount of smoke. This is quite normal.
—When putting dishes into or removing them
from the oven, do not put your hands close to the
upper heating elements. Use heat-protective
kitchen gloves.
— During pyrolysis, exposed surfaces become
hotter than during normal use. It is advisable to
keep small children away from the oven.
— At the end of cooking, do not pick up dishes
(shelf, rotisserie, etc.) with bare hands.
— Never place aluminium foil directly in contact
with the oven floor; the accumulated heat may
cause deterioration of the enamel.
— Do not place heavy weights on an open oven
door and make sure that children cannot climb
or sit on it.
— The oven must be turned off when cleaning
the inside.
— This appliance is not intended to be used by
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental abilities, or those
lacking experience or awareness, unless they
are supervised by someone responsible for their
safety or they have received suitable training in
its operation from said person.
— Apart from the accessories supplied with
your oven, only use dishes which are suitable for
use at high temperatures (follow the
manufacturer’s instructions).
— After using your oven, make sure that all the
controls are returned to the ‘off’ position.
— Do not use your oven as a larder or to store
any items after use.
— Never use steam or high-pressure devices to
clean the oven (electrical safety requirement).
- All types of cooking are done with the door
(Depending on the model)
For your safety,
your oven is equipped with an AUTOMATIC
STOP, in case you forget to turn it off. After
23 hours and 30 minutes of continuous use, the
AS (Automatic Stop) feature will be activated
and your oven will turn itself off. AS or Auto Stop
will be displayed instead of the time and a
succession of beeps will sound for a short time.
KKeeeepp tthhiiss uusseerr gguuiiddee wwiitthh yyoouurr aapppplliiaannccee.. IIff
tthhee aapppplliiaannccee iiss eevveerr ssoolldd oorr ttrraannssffeerrrreedd ttoo
annootthheerr ppeerrssoonn,, eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee nneeww oowwnneerr
rreecceeiivveess tthhiiss uusseerr gguuiiddee.. PPlleeaassee ffaammiilliiaarriissee
yyoouurrsseellff wwiitthh
tthheessee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss bbeeffoorree iinnssttaalllliinngg
aanndd uussiinngg yyoouurr oovveenn.. TThheeyy wweerree pprroodduucceedd ffoorr
yyoouurr ssaaffeettyy aanndd tthhe
e ssaaffeettyy ooff ootthheerrss..
SSaaffeettyy iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss